Just finished the campaign, the last fight with Sadiq is really bad. Great game though.
I agree. finished yesterday, did'n like the ending, but really a great stealth game
Just finished the campaign, the last fight with Sadiq is really bad. Great game though.
the last fight with Sadiq is really bad.
The game just saves right before the last mission if one completes the game right?
Yet I think the best character in Blacklist and probably the whole Splinter Cell --since Sam Fisher is already dead-- is Majid Sadiq, that character was one of the biggest reason why I enjoyed Blacklist.
CHEEZMO;83362557 said:This is the first I've heard of Billionaire's Yacht.
Tell me about it, he is cunning, ruthless, intelligent and a real threat, I hope he is a reoccurring character, I want to see more of him in future SC titles.CHEEZMO™;83306777 said:Word. I loved Sadiq.
A shame they are not for free, these 2 maps feltcut from the game, seriously Charlie & Briggs got 4 missions each and you can listen to the finishing lines from both characters, but when it comes to Grim & Kobin they fuckin cut the final level for each of them and made them pre-order bonus which sucks big times.https://twitter.com/SplinterCell/status/382187707922788352/photo/1
"As of tomorrow, the beautiful Billionaire’s Yacht and Dead Coast maps will be available for all to enjoy"
They all so say
"Just to clarify, the 'available for everyone' means that the DLC will be coming out on all platforms. Pricing details to come tomorrow."
I hope that price is good, I would like to play Billionaires Yacht, I have Dead Coast already from preorder
A shame they are not for free, these 2 maps filled cut from the game, seriously Charlie & Briggs got 4 missions each and you can listen to the finishing lines from both characters, but when it comes to Grim & Kobin they fuckin cut the final level for each of them and made them pre-order bonus which sucks big times.
Heck if you check the dead drop sequence you will find you are missing 2, those 2 are in the DLC which should have been inside the game, but no Ubisoft cut it and now is selling it separately to make more money, Sigh.
So is this basically the pre order stuff or is there more to it?https://twitter.com/SplinterCell/status/382551292242968579
HOMELAND DLC is available now! 2 new maps, gear, goggles, & an exclusive crossbow.
its 6.99
They combined both together :/ I already have dead coast map, i'm not gonna pay for it again why not sell them apart?
So is this basically the pre order stuff or is there more to it?
Seriously. I'm not buying the pack for the single map I'm missing. No sale.As someone who pre-ordered from Amazon, I really only want the Billionaires Yacht map. But $7 is kind of steep for that..
Hello all,
I was wondering what the consensus is on Spies vs. Mercs. I loved it back in Chaos Theory, and hoping for some genuine deal-maker opinions from you guys.
The thing is, my SO has a recent thing for pretty unique online multiplayer (e.g. she has been loving Dark Souls and TLoU). I thought this would be a safe bet for the next one to pick up, obviously barring GTA Online which I thoroughly hope she's also able to get into.
Would you say it's easier/harder than TLoU? She's gotten used to 3rd person controls from the above two titles, but not sure if being forced to play a Merc would pose a problem...
Also, is there any local co-op this time around? If not I guess we could convince a friend to play with us online eventually, but anything where we can take our time and work through a mission together would be cool.
Cheers for any input!
Hello all,
I was wondering what the consensus is on Spies vs. Mercs. I loved it back in Chaos Theory, and hoping for some genuine deal-maker opinions from you guys.
The thing is, my SO has a recent thing for pretty unique online multiplayer (e.g. she has been loving Dark Souls and TLoU). I thought this would be a safe bet for the next one to pick up, obviously barring GTA Online which I thoroughly hope she's also able to get into.
Would you say it's easier/harder than TLoU? She's gotten used to 3rd person controls from the above two titles, but not sure if being forced to play a Merc would pose a problem...
Also, is there any local co-op this time around? If not I guess we could convince a friend to play with us online eventually, but anything where we can take our time and work through a mission together would be cool.
Cheers for any input!
So have any Wii U issues been fixed?
Hello all,
I was wondering what the consensus is on Spies vs. Mercs. I loved it back in Chaos Theory, and hoping for some genuine deal-maker opinions from you guys.
The thing is, my SO has a recent thing for pretty unique online multiplayer (e.g. she has been loving Dark Souls and TLoU). I thought this would be a safe bet for the next one to pick up, obviously barring GTA Online which I thoroughly hope she's also able to get into.
Would you say it's easier/harder than TLoU? She's gotten used to 3rd person controls from the above two titles, but not sure if being forced to play a Merc would pose a problem...
Also, is there any local co-op this time around? If not I guess we could convince a friend to play with us online eventually, but anything where we can take our time and work through a mission together would be cool.
Cheers for any input!
I'd say it's not nearly as tense as SvM in Chaos Theory, but a lot more fun (at least to me) The classic Game Mode is where it's at. SvM Blacklist is a bit too hectic and focused on fighting rather than stealth and clever setups.
Map design is usually clever and offers lots of tactics for both Mercs and Spies.
On 360 and PS3 there is local coop and there are some really great missions there.
Online coop is available on all platforms, although on WiiU Ubisoft is refusing to patch the invite feature so far.
Coop alone was worth the price of admission for me. Missions range from a pure Coop Campaign, to hacking 3 objectives while remaining undetected (mission failure), to Horde type missions and cleanup missions where you have to get rid of a set amount of enemies. When detected in those missions, backup will arrive and it's going to get harder.
This is great, thanks so much for your impressions. Looks like I'll definitely be picking this up at some point (local co-op is a huge selling point). I take it it's just 2-player?
Also, can you have 2 people playing SvM locally versus 2 more elsewhere (like Street Fighter X Tekken)? Thanks again!
Yesterday I discovered (the hard way) that Grim's missions don't have checkpoints, and the fact that they are insta-fail if you get spotted can get a little annoying. I managed to beat it after about 5 or so tries, but man... It got pretty frustrating getting so close to the final objective and then being spotted.
Absolutely hated this at first, but eventually I learned to enjoy having to take everyone out in one go. You still have to deal with stuff like enemies seeing you when they probably shouldn't be and ruining the mission, but later in particular, you get enough gear that it's less of an irritation. You'll likely become so proficient that you'll be able to finish some missions in a single try.
I picked this up two days ago and man, I haven't been able to put it down. It seems like a pretty good combination of the old SC games and the more modern additions from Conviction, but obviously leaning slightly more towards the Conviction side of things.
Ether way, usually I hate the trial-and-error approach that a lot of stealth games embrace, but I find myself not really minding it here. The feeling of accomplishment when you pull off a mission almost perfectly is really satisfying. Hell, I somehow managed to complete Grim's English Fort mission on my first try (it wasn't completely perfect, as I lost the bonus for not keeping the guards from getting suspicious) which was very gratifying. It usually takes me 3-6 tries before successfully completing a mission.
My only real gripe is Sam's voice acting. Fuck me if he isn't the most monotone, boring sounding human being I've heard in a long time in a video game. Ubi, I don't care how much money he wants, get Ironside back for the next SC![]()
More like Conviction imo.My mouse is hovering the order button on Amazon, I just need to know one thing.
I've heard that it's a lot like Chaos Theory in some respects, can anyone confirm if they've felt it's like CT or does it feel more simplified and closer to Conviction with regard to stealth and how each encounter is designed.