Cardcaptor Sakura 07-09 - Syaoran is a jerk...
Also, more disturbing relationships! Why did they have to make the worst thing about the show so central, in every other way it's quite good... in these episodes, we see the 9/10 year old in love with her teacher. Alright, as long as nothing comes of it it's okay, right? But he blushes when he looks at her, not a good sign...
Also, it's in the next couple of episodes after these, but I was reminded that Sakura and Tomoyo are cousins. That makes Tomoyo's love for her somewhat incestuous, just great.
It was kind of funny, though, to see Syaroran blushing and also giving a gift to the guy Sakura likes (who, as was pointed out, is more interested in her brother than her, it seems); kind of an odd set of relationships there.
Geneijin said:
So you're agreeing with the article then?
IS was extremely 'eye-pleasing', supported by unnecessarily brilliant staffs involved, uselessly superb animation and meaninglessly excellent voice actress.
That cloak of shininess masqueraded how terribly generic Infinite Stratos was, and it was pleasant to watch because of it.
No, I was saying that I was thinking that because it has that shiny cloak on it, it does in fact have something not 100% generic about it. Everything underneath that cover is the most generic thing ever, certainly, but it does have that on top of it.
Yes, it's an amalgamation of generic cliches, but it's exactly why IS is so bad. The writing wasn't merely bad. It was nonexistent at times, and IS genuinely felt like puzzle pieces were being forced together, which has been apparent since Episode 2. It's why I eventually went on an offhand rant about some of the IS fans who read too deeply into the dialogue/script and created their own characterization from the lack of it if you remember it. Considering the standards and the proclivity of harem animes, where was the allusion Cecilia had fallen in love with Ichika? There was simply a skipped step in her development. Remember the shower scene at the end of Episode 2 when Cecilia develops love for Ichika? What was the dialogue? Something along the lines of what's this feeling in my heart. Boom. In Episode 3, it's automatically true love, and she's already assimilated into the harem. Is it worse than other harem animes? No. The problem with Cecilia's quick metamorphosis was the expectation we as the audience accepted this because we expected this as a cliche to happen, but there was no reason given in IS to assume this. IS literally ran on cliches, our bag of cliches, to fulfill what it lacked, and it was so easy to watch IS and criticize it later because we already knew it would be bad, which is another point in the article. IS goes beyond bad writing.
All entirely true, and so much more... I commented many times during the series about how often from one episode to the next things would change so much off screen between the episodes that it almost felt like an entirely different series every time... "continuity that makes sense" was a dirty word in writing that script or something.

That kind of became part of the charm though, seeing how horribly, nonsensically badly things would go...
And yes, you're absolutely right that it relies heavily on outside knowledge to make any sense whatsoever. If you don't know the tropes and don't know what to expect, because the show fails to explain or justify so many things, you'd be lost... why does Cecilia love him? Why does he end up with Houki? Etc, etc. None of it is explained at all in the series, only the viewer's knowledge of harem-show cliches give the answers. Even by harem show standards, that's uncommonly bad writing, definitely.
firehawk12 said:
Is it actually good science fiction? I remember talk about how one of the episodes was an homage to an old American SF series but the harem hijinks seem kind of bleah.
And she represents the entire dog race!
No. Asobi no Iku Yo was horrible, atrociously generic harem junk. I stopped watching after one episode.
I may like cats and dislike dogs, but between Dog Days an Asobi no Iku Yo, Dog Days is probably better (based on one episode of each).
Extollere said:
Planetes 6
I thought this was supposed to be a realistic show about space or something... why then, am I watching a show about lonely space ninjas, grown men surviving violent encounters with wrecking balls, and vigilante parachute rescue squads
Honestly, do I
have to be reminded that I'm watching an anime? I'm gonna pretend this episode never happened....
Yeah, through the first twelve episodes or so that is by far the worst one. It was just painfully bad...
icarus-daedelus said:
It doesn't have to be an anime avatar, just anything that's distinct enough to make you recognizable for those (unlike moi) who can't tell you apart by the tenor and length of your posts.
Certainly true, an avatar can be almost anything.
Jexhius said:
The otaku would mount a revolt on the headquarters of KyotoAnimation. There would be pitchforks, burning torches and siege weaponry on a scale not scene since the Punic war.
By which I mean they'd crash the internet.
Yes, and because the otaku are pretty much the entire reason why the series exists as it does, they'll never, ever be so bold as to do anything to anger them. Expect no males in sight while they're in college, just like in high school.