icarus-daedelus said:It's not the show, it's you. You just didn't notice all of the absurd fanservice integrated into the first two episodes because it was subliminally suggested, like in The Exorcist.

icarus-daedelus said:It's not the show, it's you. You just didn't notice all of the absurd fanservice integrated into the first two episodes because it was subliminally suggested, like in The Exorcist.
icarus-daedelus said:I'm serious though. I never thought it would be possible to maturely develop a believable relationship between a business dude and a cute wolf goddess in anime of all things, and I was proven dead wrong. And they manage to make economics talk more than mildly interesting too, which is a feat in itself.
I tend to think the novel gets the credit for that, but either way I agree that at least she isn't the typical magical animal girlfriend.icarus-daedelus said:I'm serious though. I never thought it would be possible to maturely develop a believable relationship between a business dude and a cute wolf goddess in anime of all things, and I was proven dead wrong. And they manage to make economics talk more than mildly interesting too, which is a feat in itself.
M_Night said:Spice & Wolf is great and one of my top shows in recent years. Hopefully the announcement for the 3rd season is around the corner. I've been waiting long enough.
icarus-daedelus said:Don't forget credit liquidity and state currency manipulation, dawg.
Extollere said:Yo my credit default swap got swiped homie cuz my girl left me last night and now she's tryna buy gold at a higher price than me!! shhiiiiiiiiieeeeee
I'd feel bad if my interests were so narrow with all the diverse quality shows this season.AppleSmack said:Outside of Gintama, I don't think I'm interested in a single one.
AppleSmack said:Outside of Gintama, I don't think I'm interested in a single one.
firehawk12 said:Oh, I forgot to mention Mai Mai Miracle, the other Madhouse film no one has seen. Worth watching however you have to get a hold of it.
And since we did nonsensical comparisons yesterday: Mai Mai Miracle > Redline.
At least, that's what I'm assuming anyway. :lol
Oh god, yeah. It has a really uplifting score... too bad there isn't an OST for it.flawfuls said:I just started watching this and it is fantastic. Every thing about it is just so incredibly charming, especially the music.
Dedication Through Light said:Finally had time in this lull of the releases to view TTGL, just up to ep 4. I saw it on peoples list as an anime "to watch," so I was like, its on netflix might as well. Fun! Though Viral's VA is underrated, cant believe he hasnt been a lead on any eng dub.
Of all the reasons to drop Deadman, you do it because of a VA?Proelite said:Why isn't there a denpa onna to seishun otoko thread? It is by far the best new show of the season.
In addition, dropped Deadman Wonderland because I can't stand Shiro's voice actor. She was alright in Fractale, but in this one it feels like she is just reading the script and relying on her "trained" abilities to get the salary money.
Main reason.Branduil said:Of all the reasons to drop Deadman, you do it because of a VA?
thetechkid said:Be ready for mainly moments, mainly tears, and mainly drills.
Proelite said:Main reason.
Didn't like the deliberately shocking expositions either.
Articalys said:Serial Experiments Lain 5-7
Alright, I give up trying to understand anything. I'll just sit back and watch the pretty colors for the next six episodes.
I'll bet Evangelion is a cakewalk next to this.
Nice music though.
qcf x2 said:Manly
Anyhow, ...
C ep 1 - better than I expected.
Proelite said:Why isn't there a denpa onna to seishun otoko thread? It is by far the best new show of the season.
Proelite said:Why isn't there a denpa onna to seishun otoko thread? It is by far the best new show of the season.
.jman2050 said:Nichijou was better when it was called Azumanga Daioh and it was adapting non-shitty source material.
Branduil said:.
Though I wouldn't object to an Azumanga remake with Nichijou's level of animation.
Cwarrior said:gun grave ep10
What a bro show every calls each other bro even enemies and they even to do a fist pump using there guns.
They can't get enough of showing off each other cool names, brandon...heat, bear walken, big daddy and cannon vulcan.
When man is named bear walken you not fuck about with him
In my dreams I see a Yotsuba& anime with that level of animation and music.jman2050 said:Can't argue with that.
Unfortunately the JC Staff of the past is no more.
Good news!Infernodash said:I wish they would release it on bluray. I would buy it again.
Officially, not that I know of. I first saw it in a theatre and that copy had a professional sub track (in so much they were allowed to credit themselves in the subs), but I presume that's a copy of the film that will never be released.flawfuls said:Mai Mai Miracle
Just finished it and wow that was absolutely amazing. Thanks for the recommendation firehawk12. The title makes it sound like some magical girl anime or something, but it's just about a girl from a small town in the 50's doing what little girls do. It is extremely well made, imaginative, touching and incredibly charming.
It is easily one of the best anime movies I have ever seen. It's sad and surprising that it is so niche because it's honestly Ghibli quality stuff. Everyone should go watch it if they haven't seen it.
The Hong Kong subs I saw for it are pretty awful though. Does anyone know if there are any better options?
Dedication Through Light said:Finally had time in this lull of the releases to view TTGL, just up to ep 4. I saw it on peoples list as an anime "to watch," so I was like, its on netflix might as well. Fun! Though Viral's VA is underrated, cant believe he hasnt been a lead on any eng dub.
jman2050 said:Can't argue with that.
Unfortunately the JC Staff of the past is no more.
cosmicblizzard said:Make it. I'll post in it along with Jman.
Aigis said:
flawfuls said:Huh? Azumanga wasn't exactly a particularly great adaptation and JC Staff has done some of their best work fairly recently. Aren't you a big Toradora fan?
flawfuls said:The Hong Kong subs I saw for it are pretty awful though. Does anyone know if there are any better options?
flawfuls said:The Hong Kong subs I saw for it are pretty awful though. Does anyone know if there are any better options?
I still want the loli sage dangit!tiff said:Astarotte no Omocha 3 - Oh my god it's so adorable I just can't take itttttttttttttttttttt
tiff said:Astarotte no Omocha 3 - Oh my god it's so adorable I just can't take itttttttttttttttttttt