Yandere doesn't just mean they are violent and (often) homicidal. They're obsessive and controlling over the person they love.
Hellsing321 said:Yandere doesn't just mean they are violent and (often) homicidal. They're obsessive and controlling over the person they love.
Infinite Justice said:The only Yandere that matters.
Yandere? I don't really think they're crazy enough to be yandere... who do you mean?firehawk12 said:Actually, I think IS is the first show that I've seen with yanderes who were funny. Although I guess they aren't "real" yanderes.
firehawk12 said:Who is the second person?
http://myanimelist.net/character/6215/Fina_S._Shinozakifirehawk12 said:Who is the second person?
Mostly China girl. She swaps between yandere and tsundere.A Black Falcon said:Yandere? I don't really think they're crazy enough to be yandere... who do you mean?
Blerp, okay then. :lolBranduil said:http://myanimelist.net/character/6215/Fina_S._Shinozaki
Note: Don't click on the link if you're planning on watching Infinite Ryvius because it contains MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Yep, it's all speculah.Articalys said:Wait, is all of the AnoHana stuff just speculation based on the first two episodes and short preview for the third, or is there some supplemental material I'm missing?
You have low standards.doomed1 said:
Dresden said:Yandere or tsundere, they're all lame... it's all about kuudere girls. Those cold, dead eyes. <3
Mariya is just a troll not yandere.mAcOdIn said:Best Yandere
InfiniteNine likes his women like he likes his whiskey...InfiniteNine said:You have low standards.
Nah, it's all for love man.InfiniteNine said:Mariya is just a troll not yandere.
Why does everyone assume I like three year olds?Branduil said:InfiniteNine likes his women like he likes his whiskey...three years old and locked in the cellar.
mAcOdIn said:Best Yandere
My bad, I didn't mean to imply you had a thing for older women.InfiniteNine said:Why does everyone assume I like three year olds?
Qui est-ce?Tsunderes have a sense of duty.
Go to hell.Branduil said:My bad, I didn't mean to imply you had a thing for older women.
Branduil said:The best women can't be described with simple _____dere adjectives.
?hosannainexcelsis said:The best people can't be summed up in a single word.
It's why they mashed two words into one.hosannainexcelsis said:The best people can't be summed up in a single word.
Now you're talking crazy. Obviously the way to perfection is further distillation of personalities.Branduil said:The best women can't be described with simple _____dere adjectives.
Halycon said:
Hayabusa from Black Lion.Halycon said:Qui est-ce?
But that's the beauty (or pointlessness) of the ____dere's, almost everyone falls into one or another of those categories...Branduil said:The best women can't be described with simple _____dere adjectives.
I never thought of her as being yandere crazy, though... isn't she more just generic harem member jealous? I don't know if that makes them yanderes, unless you mean that you think of that as a common trait in the genre.firehawk12 said:Mostly China girl. She swaps between yandere and tsundere.
Watch or no watch?Hitokage said:Hayabusa from Black Lion.
What's the point of a show with only the audience surrogate?InfiniteNine said:Sawako needs her own show. ;___; She doesn't need to be around all those other retards.
Watch. It's not even an hour long. Just watch it dubbed or you'll be wasting your time.Halycon said:Watch or no watch?
Articalys said:Unfortunately I will interrupt this discussion of how to not objectify anime women with ISML results.
Nothing interesting happened. Kanade had the highest vote total again. Well, that was easy.
Oh, right, the bonus old-school match was Botan (YYH) vs. Ren Nakora (DearS). Ren wins 2458-1923.
watch with dubHalycon said:Watch or no watch?
This is Saimoe, dude.zeroshiki said:Wow. Main female of a classic series from a popular mangaka vs forgettable harem show magical drop-in girlfriend. Guess who won?!
She basically tries to kill Ichika three or four times... and she gets the dead-eyes!A Black Falcon said:I never thought of her as being yandere crazy, though... isn't she more just generic harem member jealous? I don't know if that makes them yanderes, unless you mean that you think of that as a common trait in the genre.
Sawako is the retard in the context of her own peers though.Branduil said:What's the point of a show with only the audience surrogate?
I like how Evangelion tried to criticize female anime archetypes by taking them to their extremes, only for it to backfire and increase their popularity and cookie-cutter nature.Hitokage said:Now you're talking crazy. Obviously the way to perfection is further distillation of personalities.
If it makes you feel any better, here's a global vote breakdown, so don't blame the U.S.zeroshiki said:Wow. Main female of a classic series from a popular mangaka vs forgettable harem show magical drop-in girlfriend. Guess who won?!
Only towards her little sister.firehawk12 said:I dunno, there's a bit of tsundere there...