Can anyone tell me where this is from because holy shit the animation on it is gorgeous.
If you can't open it Looks like 80’s from the style. Opens on a desert then some baroque fighter planes and tanks zoom by following by a large white zeppelin like floating ship, very wide. Transition to a women in fancy rounded white scifi armor playing with some doodad. Zoom out to show her on top of some sort of desert city/ruins maybe shaped like a round pyramid with the top cut off. She puts the doodad in to a slot on her armor and a big guns grows out of the chest plate, she leans back and fires it. Cut to a low angle shot from a distance looking at where she was. A large blast of energy comes towards the viewer blowing the ground away. First the tanks, then the fighters are destroyed. Then the large ship is hit. It is charred brown and there are explosions all over it but it stlll flys. All of this is heavily greebled.