Kiritobread, what is this?
Just typical shit talking. Don't worry, when it comes to AOTY, I will protect everyone.
Kiritobread, what is this?
That also reminds me, I also think MHA also began airing on the right time: when we're fatigued/obsessing with super heroes. MHA showed that super heroes aren't some silver screen dream, you can be one too except that you can be a super hero in simply doing something good whether it is a step in self improvement or for the society. The second episode has All Might saying that the most important quality a top hero has is their selflessness/showing no hesitation for doing what is right. This was also the point at which I became really impressed with the show.
That also reminds me, I also think MHA also began airing on the right time: when we're fatigued/obsessing with super heroes. MHA showed that super heroes aren't some silver screen dream, you can be one too except that you can be a super hero in simply doing something good whether it is a step in self improvement or for the society. The second episode has All Might saying that the most important quality a top hero has is their selflessness/showing no hesitation for doing what is right. This was also the point at which I became really impressed with the show.
I'm usually not fond of manga but I dare say the Prison School manga is way better than this adaptation. It contains proper grossness, hilarity and eroticism, whereas the anime is fairly lacking in the latter, imo. The art is also god tier and the anime falls fairly flat in that regard. I mean, sure, there's some nice stills but stills don't really take advantage of all that animation aspect, you know. Animation feels really week in general.
Voice acting is good but that's pretty much all that speaks in the anime's favor for me.
This pretty much.I just felt MHA is just too slow and draggy. What they done in 1 cour can be actually done in half or 3/4. Not to mention they played on Deku's cowardice/hesitance too many times like he never learned at all despite showing bravery fighting spirit.
I generally like shows that try to tackle realistic problems (relationships, internal conflicts etc.) and try to provide a good perspective of them. MHA does a resounding job at tackling personal struggle and even motivates us. So far it has been consistent in delivering that.
I don't fault people for not being down with the pacing, but to be frank, if you want fast-paced shounen action manga, they exist all over the place. Part of why I like MHA is because they take the time to do things right, rather than rush through to the cool shit ASAP. It's immensely refreshing to see something different.
I can see that, and on that aspect, I'm OK with that. Good shit on addressing the struggle.
Just stop crying please.
Kiritobread, what is this?
Just typical shit talking. Don't worry, when it comes to AOTY, I will protect everyone.
I generally like shows that try to tackle realistic problems (relationships, internal conflicts etc.) and try to provide a good perspective of them. MHA does a resounding job at tackling personal struggle and even motivates us. So far it has been consistent in delivering that.
And now Clannad is my fav... uuggh
But the manga itself is fast. It's fast as fuck. It's actually a nice breeze compared to stuffy shounens out there.
'Good Pacing' is so damn loaded, reading the MHA debate and those that have flared up over Re:Zero it's clearly as utterly subjective as 'nice designs' or 'best waifu/husbando'. I mean I liked the pace of Re:Zero and felt that going any faster or cutting any of the arc at the mansion would have hurt the character development that is the key to that arc but for others it was like nails on a chalkboard. Perhaps MHA as a hero shounen is suffering from the same expectations that Re:Zero carries as an isekoi (that's the one that mean 'woke up in a game/fantasy setting' right?) i.e. that it should de facto be a faster paced kind of show?
Hmmm the basic outline didn't interest me w/MHA but the amount of debate is starting to make me curious, I'll wait until the end and binge which should alleviate some of the pacing issues.
quick! change Cornbread's tag to this
That wasn't a knock on Clannad at all, it was a knock on my newfound personal tastes, lol.
LOL, no $hit talking... Why would I $hit talk a show that not even in my top 3 for THAT season, never mind the entire year...
I actually appreciate the detailed responses given, which is much, MUCH better then the normal rhetoric seen about the show, without the straight $hit posting blasting the show.
For that AnimeGAF, Thank you!
Yeah, I have no idea why I have been drawn to those kinds of shows because I have spent 0% of my life up to this past year giving a fu(k about any of that.... And now Clannad is my fav... uuggh
I don't fault people for not being down with the pacing, but to be frank, if you want fast-paced shounen action manga, they exist all over the place. Part of why I like MHA is because they take the time to do things right, rather than rush through to the cool shit ASAP. It's immensely refreshing to see something different.
Well, you are a Pile of poo, just like your favorite team!!
I don't mind a slow pace, but there's a world of difference between a slow pace that's created through mere padding via flashbacks/recaps, repetition, endless inner monologue, reaction shots, and the like, and a slow pace that's created through the creation of a strong atmosphere. I can't comment specifically on the My Hero Academia anime since I haven't seen most of it, but it's the difference between how the Hunter X Hunter 1999 anime handled the Hunter Exam arc (good) and how its first OVA handled the end of the Yorkshin arc (bad).
At any rate, I don't know if it's accurate to call slow pacing in a battle shounen anime adaptation unique when the most popular example of one, One Piece, suffers from infamously slow pacing.
Other than the huge pacing issues, I'd actually, really like to read a full breakdown on why it is disliked so much by some so much in here. One of those big Firehawk/Jarmel breakdowns that outline all the underlying problems..
I always read those to gain perspective on why people dislike something, even though I might not share the same view.
All I hear on MHA is that "it's $hit" and the pacing is bad. Are there any posts been put up recently that breakdown the issues with the show in detail?
Wow, they got owned by Crunchy again...
I thought this new D.Gray-man was gonna start from the beginning, but the summary on Funi's page makes it sound like it's a sequel?
I was hoping it'd start from the beginning because the original anime sucks ass and I couldn't do it, so I wanted to give it another shot.
Got owned how?
I'm not sure I trust your brand of protection!Just typical shit talking. Don't worry, when it comes to AOTY, I will protect everyone.
Still waiting for word on (new stuff):
New Game
Qualidea Code
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
Onara Gorou (this one could REALLY change the balance of power)
Ange Vierge
Masou Gakuen HxH
Crunchy got a lot of the high profile stuff. Mob Psycho 100 being the big one.
I hope 91 Days turns out alright. The people behind it have some experience under their belt, but not much.
I'm not sure I trust your brand of protection!
Battery would be amzn due to the deal. The site even says amazon prime exclusive overseas.
It is picking up in the story from where the original anime left off.
America's #1 trusted brand for over 90 years:
Thanks, I didn't notice that previously.
Still waiting for word on (new stuff):
New Game
Qualidea Code
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
Onara Gorou (this one could REALLY change the balance of power)
Ange Vierge
Masou Gakuen HxH
Any of these get announced and I missed it from their lists? Is Amazon/Netflix/Hulu going to nab any of these again?
America's #1 trusted brand for over 90 years:
u w0t m8
as stupid as its content i guess
Qualidea Code is CR
Basically for now, expect anime that are on Noitamina to be on amazon.
Oh my....