Milked who dry? Microsoft or Square-EnixI really don't see any need for Sony to pay them even for timed deals now with Xbox likely exiting. That means, even less need to acquire them. Sony milked them dry and played it perfectly. Maximized any potential system seller element until there's really no other rivals left, but isn't stuck paying their salaries by acquiring them. SQEX games aren't breaking records currently and are slowly trending downward. We're down to about 3 million potential Playstations sold because of these deals.

Overall though, yeah to a large extent I don't necessarily know what timed exclusivity for FF games going forward would do for either party anymore. The only potential reasons would be in seeing PC and Nintendo as competing platforms. Which IMO, they are, but not in the direct way Xbox consoles have been the past two decades. But, I wouldn't see those two being good reasons to make timed exclusivity work.
With PC, a lot in that audience are very patient and are spoiled for games to play in the meantime while waiting for a port, so it's possible that timed exclusivity of just a year or whatever is nothing for them. With Nintendo, the timed exclusivity strat would have less effect because it would mainly be stacking onto the exclusivity strat with 1P games which, so far this gen for Sony, has been timed at best even for those 1P games before eventual PC ports (unless internally they've reverted on this policy, hopefully).
So timed exclusivity of 3P games has less of an overall pull on PlayStation than it would for a Nintendo platform, where 1P games are long-term/permanent genuine exclusives.
As far as I remember nobody at Square mentioned to be working on FF9. Just one or two annonymous random internet users.
FFVIII sold considerably more than FFIX (12M vs 8.9M units), so I don't see why they'd jump from VII to IX skipping VIII.
Mainly because a IX Remake would be much cheaper and simpler to make than an VIII Remake. Remember, VIII has the somewhat-controversial Junction System, and you know SE would redesign that for a Remake. Much more challenging an undertaking than IX, whose systems are more universally well-received.
A remake of VIII would likely involve a budget at least equal to Rebirth's, even if they weren't breaking it up into multiple parts.
How to save Square Enix:
Step 1: Keep pumping content into FF Online.
Step 2: Start developing gameplay oriented Final Fantasy for release 5 - 7 years from now. Take inspiration from Nintendos recent Zelda titles
Step 3: Figure out what new Live Service game you can succeed at and go all in.
Step 4: Cancel everything else. Devote everything to the above 3 pillars.
Step 5: Profit.
Wait, haven't you been worried about SIE going all-in on GAAS titles in other threads? Why would it benefit SE to cancel everything outside of GAAS and mainline FF games?
Is it because they'd still have the mainline FF games there?