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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Didn't expect to buy it but my friend and I are doing the gameshare thing and he offered. 5 hours later I'm having a blast... Get it?

Anyway yea this game is really damn fun to play and the sound is on point. Hearing all the glorious explosions on my Sony Golds is great. Seriously is there any cooler sound than the Thermal Implosion grenade?

About the lack of content, yea I agree. This is a game where you will probably have to buy the season pass to get the best out of it but damn is that expensive. I kind of wish there were more planets instead of the basics like maybe Naboo or something.

Overall a really fun game but I can see people wanting to wait until it's a bit cheaper so you can get more of your money's worth.

I can see myself playing this for a lonnnnggg time. The game just keeps getting better the more I unlock but as others have said the unlock system was unnecessary ... The gameplay alone would have kept me coming back.

Also I'm finding there is way more depth to the game than some reviews let on .... It's definitely a game that feels like chaos the first few days and then all of the sudden strategies start to click.


Did everyone receive their battle of Jakku codes yet? Mine wasn't in my box and I just wanted to know the situation about these codes. Sorry if this has been asked before. I got mine from gamecollection.net in the UK


And what about if I preordered it from PSN.I did not get any codes for Jakku.
My understanding is that it will be avaialble on 1st for preorders,no need of codes?
Does anyone know?


I can see myself playing this for a lonnnnggg time. The game just keeps getting better the more I unlock but as others have said the unlock system was unnecessary ... The gameplay alone would have kept me coming back.

Also I'm finding there is way more depth to the game than some reviews let on .... It's definitely a game that feels like chaos the first few days and then all of the sudden strategies start to click.

Yep. I love unlocking stuff and upgrading my cards and I don't want it to end. I never do this but I'm sorta tempted to buy the season pass so I can look forward to all the future content and more maps and unlocks. Damn this has its hooks in me.


The jetpack is seriously a game changer.

I see several people claiming this game is "shallow", lacks depth etc.

I do agree that the maps are nowhere enough for a multiplayer only game, but the comparisons with cs go to point that this game is shallow don't make much sense to me.

What makes a game shallow? Lack of recoil patterns? You still need good aim, especially for headshots. Also, following this logic, Quake 3 was shallow, and any fast twitch game with no recoil patterns to learn is shallow.

I spent years on Quake 3, no recoil, it required tons of skill.

I haven't spent so much time playing a mp game as much as Battlefront since years, its so damn fun.

I agree ... I suspect though the older crowd is really getting those feels as the entire gameplay harkens back to the good ol days of FPS's. Reminds me of stuff like Voyager Elite Force, Quake 3, UT99, Battlefield 1942, etc ... Basically any FPS between 1999 - 2006 or so ... Pre Modern Warfare days. Loving it, so nice to have a twitch shooter make a resurgence combined with an amazing franchise and epic war feeling.

It helps that the game is gorgeous to boot, the audio is orgasmic (both the score and the weaponry/vehicle sounds), and most of the modes are fun. The game overall harkens back to a time when even casuals could have fun and feel like they were doing well. With that said there is depth to be had despite the chaotic nature the title feels when first playing.

No way this will be a flash in the pan mp community. People going to be playing this for a long time.


Everyone mostly assumed the leveling from the beta would be how it is live? I don’t get it. I played for a good 12 hours and I'm only level 15. Xp needed to level at this point is really high. I'm mainly saying this because one of the complaints a lot of people said is there's not enough unlocks and upgrades. That and "oh play 2-3 nights and you'll be max level" seen a lot of that.

On another note. I tried messing around with 1st person a bit tonight. Its really fun to play around with, even knowing the disadvantage that comes with it. Stormtrooper rushing around a hallway corner seeing it right in my face as i blast him and his body flails over past my screen. Was a hilarious and moment.


Well I'm levelling up at a snail's pace so it will be a while before I unlock the Shadow Trooper. I guess that in of itself will extend the longetivity of the game.


And what about if I preordered it from PSN.I did not get any codes for Jakku.
My understanding is that it will be avaialble on 1st for preorders,no need of codes?
Does anyone know?

well I know the store i picked the game up from had 2 versions, standard one and one with the dlc.

They didnt price match the dlc version so I got the standard without jakku.. Ah well.


well I know the store i picked the game up from had 2 versions, standard one and one with the dlc.

They didnt price match the dlc version so I got the standard without jakku.. Ah well.

Kinda the same for me. The store I pre-order from had two versions the "Day One"-version that only was available to purchase until yesterday and the same version but without the code, but they costed the same. If you pre-orderd you got the "Day One"-edition with the DLC-code. But if you buy it today you get the same version without the code.


Gold Member
This is out?! I knew the US got it early but I thought it was coming out tomorrow here in the UK.

I really enjoyed the beta and want to play but £50 is a bit too much for me right now.


Beene playing for about five hours throughout early access.

For however shallow it may be, for as much as we would love a SP campaign....it's genuinely enjoyable. I've had so much fun, and that's been with a friend or two. Can't wait to party up with a group of friends.


Man DICE games since BF3 and onwards (and Hardline, which is a non DICE game) has had ridiculous XP requirement for leveling up and unlocking gear. It takes so much time to unlock stuff now that you don't even want it anymore.

I think it was similar in pre BFBC battlefield games too, too a lot of time. BFBC and BFBC2 sped it up and I think that was the appropriate speed. You shouldn't be spending too many days unlocking shit imo. For people who are into that sort of stuff and need a carrot on a stick, there's the option of implementing a prestige mode.


I absolutely rip fucking face with Han and Boba. Easily my two favorite pickups. They all feel pretty even but I like the long range game and Han and Boba excel at it.

Gameplay as Han

Gameplay as Boba starting around 1:20

Also Han Shot First

Yea I think ranged Heroes are so much better than the force users.
Especially Palpatine, close range and slow as fuck, even one of his special abilities needs charging up.

Out of all three force users maybe only Luke is worth using due to his speed and jump.


Great time last night with game. I played mostly Assault Walker.
Endor is absolutely amazing visually, but gameplay wise it's hard to find your opponent when you play as imperials.
I guess it's fine since the empire is advantaged on the 3 other maps.
The speeded bikes are a lot of fun to control, that mission was really cool. Can we play speeders race or something like that online ? I'd love this.
I said damn

I really like the latest Halo and COD, but there's something nice about a game not being as overwhelming as those can be. Halo I usually am in the middle ranking and COD at the bottom but I often do well in Battlefront and it keeps me wanting to play it.

Heck, I'm usually first in Fighter Squadron. All those years playing Ace Combat and Rogue Squadron must've payed off!


Endor's moon is so heavily weighted in favour of the Rebels it's hilarious. I don't even know how they're supposed to balance it, because it's the map design itself. One walker, two starter uplink stations quite far from the Empire and easily dependable. Same three stages. It's nigh impossible for the Walker to make it past the second stage, and playing as Rebel's it's effortless to clean sweep the Empire.

Yup. Rebels don't even have to try to win that one.

I still enjoy it so far but I do keep running into spawn campers more and more often. Yesterday on Endor a group of Rebels had our first spawn pretty much on lockdown, was pretty annoying.

I also miss a bit of charm, I like seeing an ewok run away from me as an imperial but why didn't they make droid run 2 teams of Jawa's fighting over the droids with their shotgun blaster for example.


So which maps do you like the most? I thought I would love Endor and while it looks amazing I am so lost on this map I dont know where to go so I have to say Hoth is my fav.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I got my code from G2A, and had the game prelaoded a few days ago. I assume because I bought it beforehand that I'll get early access to Jakku?


I feel like this game doesn't get enough praise for how well it runs on PC.

Graphics out of this world, silky smooth with 40 players and huge maps.

A lot of games that look WAY worse than this one and are single player run extremely poorly on high-end rigs.
It really irks me that kills grant so many points. I just won a game where I had the highest objective score, but because I only had 11 kills I was in the middle of the pack scorewise.
I have to literally force myself to stop playing this every night and it has ruined my sleep schedule. It's the least frustration and most fun I've had with a MP game since Max Payne 3.


Fucking Boba Fett... Had a HvsV on Endor and that guy was always the last one alive jumping around like a maniac, running away and jumping on that ship which is hard to reach. I think there were like 4 draws. That really took the fun out of it.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Lmao this game

I started playing about an hour ago (played the beta too) and just got 27 kills less than a minute and a half with an AT-ST walker.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFmZN6xT5Gg (Sorry about the quality. Youtube is slow about encoding that)

Didn't get another walker in that game, but I finished with 41 kills and 8 deaths.
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