Serious question; why is the A-Wing superior to all other base ships?
I imagined it's just as good as the X-wing briefly looking at the abilities.
Smaller hitbox
I'm either over being a graphics whore or my setup is just too small to tell what's what. I had been playing the 900p MGSV after 1080p RotTR and it looked fine, and now I've watched youtube videos of 720p Battlefront and it also looks fine. I'm sitting like 6 feet away from a 24" monitor so I guess that's it?
Maybe you're just a cool person who's easier to please and is all-around neat because you care more about how a game plays, feels, what kind of story it tells.
Well there is that.
I think PC did it to me. Jumping around between state of the art stuff, 20 year old adventure games, indie games, etc. I guess something sank in about what I'm really in it for. New games like this look RIDICULOUSLY NICE to me, anyway. Dozens/hundreds of artists investing into one thing generally comes out pretty awesome.
Combined with shields, which are far more useful than the boost. I feel so safe in an A-Wing, it's silly.
Keep bombarding DICE twitter accounts about rolling Jakku into the base game. It's a bit ridiculous that they are separated. It's screwing over matchmaking for other modes besides Turning Point.
Why don't they give us Rebels vs. Imperial WA win/loss stats? And that A-Wing effect in Fighter Squadron, lol.
At least the Hero ships appear more balanced.
Man its too bad you can't just hide behind cover or run perpendicular to the shot to dodge it....
Sometimes there is no cover. Or even kills you while you ARE behind cover. Do you have a video of it being dodged on foot without the use of jet pack?
Smaller hitbox
Anyone having this issue where team mates don't have names or any indicator at all above their heads? It makes playing the game on hoth maps especially difficult.
Keep bombarding DICE twitter accounts about rolling Jakku into the base game. It's a bit ridiculous that they are separated. It's screwing over matchmaking for other modes besides Turning Point.
Anyone have any guesses as to who the four heroes/villains released in the season pass content will be? My Guess is Finn & Rey as heroes, and Kylo Rey & Captain Phasma. Aside from Lando as another possible choice as a OT hero, I can't think of anyone else as a possibility, especially for the empire. Except Tarkin maybe? but that would be a stretch.
Anyone have any guesses as to who the four heroes/villains released in the season pass content will be? My Guess is Finn & Rey as heroes, and Kylo Rey & Captain Phasma. Aside from Lando as another possible choice as a OT hero, I can't think of anyone else as a possibility, especially for the empire. Except Tarkin maybe? but that would be a stretch.
i really hope they stay in the OT.
i dont know who kylo and rylo and all these guys you people are talking about are
That's because the new movie isn't out yet...!
Anyone have any guesses as to who the four heroes/villains released in the season pass content will be? My Guess is Finn & Rey as heroes, and Kylo Rey & Captain Phasma. Aside from Lando as another possible choice as a OT hero, I can't think of anyone else as a possibility, especially for the empire. Except Tarkin maybe? but that would be a stretch.
I've yet to think of anything that really cracks the OT Imperial hero problem. You have cameo bounty hunters, officers that don't fight, and...
Keep bombarding DICE twitter accounts about rolling Jakku into the base game. It's a bit ridiculous that they are separated. It's screwing over matchmaking for other modes besides Turning Point.
yep. also i'm still open to the possibility that the new movie might not be that good.
i dont know why anyone would beg for stuff from the new movie when nobody has even seen it..
Man im rewatching the OT movies and god damn, DICE really nailed it. I know this was said enough before. Its really awesome.
I hope this quality will continue into all the DLC and future Star Wars games.
(Still praying for EP7 characters)
I managed to play a few rounds of Turning Point. It might be my favourite mode!
Lots of fun... but man, players need to really remember that these modes are not TDM. My group managed to win every round simply because we followed the objectives and attacked/defended as appropriate. Our opponents seemed content to hang back and snipe with the pulse cannon, regardless of whether they were playing as the Rebels or Empire.
game is $39.99 on amazon today for standard edition XB1 and PS4 copies for any interested
Keep bombarding DICE twitter accounts about rolling Jakku into the base game. It's a bit ridiculous that they are separated. It's screwing over matchmaking for other modes besides Turning Point.
They really need to add it to the regular rotation. No reason why they shouldn't have done this once it was free to all
They made it separate downloadable dlc, which is why it had to be made not part of normal rotation. Jakku should have been included as a mandatory game patch, not DLC.
They can't make it part of the rotation without changing how its distributed.
I managed to play a few rounds of Turning Point. It might be my favourite mode!
Lots of fun... but man, players need to really remember that these modes are not TDM. My group managed to win every round simply because we followed the objectives and attacked/defended as appropriate. Our opponents seemed content to hang back and snipe with the pulse cannon, regardless of whether they were playing as the Rebels or Empire.
So I guess the Jakku DLC confirms we won't have any extra's for the single player Missions / Surival Modes...
What the hell is going on?!
Jakku not being rolled into the main playlist + a single map for Turning Point makes me feel like this first DLC was pretty rushed. No excuse for not having a unified playlist for a map that all players have.
Next patch![]()
I would not be surprised if they did this just to be able to track and say X millions of people have enjoyed our "free dlc". Can't do that when it just automatically patches into the game whether the person plays it or not.
Is the season pass 4 new heroes and 4 new villians? Or 4 total?
Jakku not being rolled into the main playlist + a single map for Turning Point makes me feel like this first DLC was pretty rushed. No excuse for not having a unified playlist for a map that all players have.
Next patch![]()
Can you find that quote?The consensus is 4 new ones total. However there are a few that think it may be 4 Heroes and 4 Villains with how it was worded (I am leaning towards this camp), and the fact that there is 4 expansions and would create an imbalance if it was 1 per expansion.
There was also quotes from DICE saying they made a quite a lot of models that we have not seen. So I guess we have to wait, and continue to speculate.
I think it was done because it is how they were able to handle the 1 week early preorder incentive, otherwise players would be booted in map rotations.
So hopefully it is unified as mandatory next patch and moving forward on the free updates. Otherwise it just becomes a slight annoyance/confusion.
Yeah I don't really get how this was planned out over there. It's not like they came up with this completely last minute, right? But it totally feels that way. Jakku should've been integrated immediately after the week was up, and they should've had turning point versions of the other planets ready to go too. All this dev time and they only managed one map for it? /boggle
Really tired of this shit now, there is no issues with my connection yet I have to put up with shit like this at times.
This is my current connection, other games work perfectly with no issues online yet Battlefront randomly has these issues where it just becomes unplayable.
What the hell is going on?!
Really tired of this shit now, there is no issues with my connection yet I have to put up with shit like this at times.
This is my current connection, other games work perfectly with no issues online yet Battlefront randomly has these issues where it just becomes unplayable.
What the hell is going on?!
Don't want to rain on your parade but the download speed aint that good man.
this shit happened to me but only today. Game is really laggy for me today.