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Star Wars X reportedly called 'A New Beginning'


Does anyone want a Star Wars movie without Skywalkers/Yoda's/Obi-Wans/Vaders?

These movies are so tied to these characters they will never not have the above in them. They will never meet expectations.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Does anyone want a Star Wars movie without Skywalkers/Yoda's/Obi-Wans/Vaders?

These movies are so tied to these characters they will never not have the above in them. They will never meet expectations.

I think you can make a SW movie without those characters. I think you need to just change the timeline. The universe is a character, but I think the issue is the executives don't think anything else is marketable, so they want a name.


Gold Member
The Rise of Skywalker made over $1 billion.
Mainline Starwars should be treble that.

Every entry since TFA has taken less and less, because the bar started low and just keeps getting lower. Now they doubling down with a director that has no track record and a one dimensional main character that nobody cares about.

I'd be surprised if this doesn't completely bomb.
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I think you can make a SW movie without those characters. I think you need to just change the timeline. The universe is a character, but I think the issue is the executives don't think anything else is marketable, so they want a name.

The Madalorian movie seems to be the closest thing to not having the main characters in it, but it's still within the main movie timeline, has Luke and a baby Yoda.

I'm not so sure future Star Wars movies can not have these characters and references.
It would be neat if they started the movie with a character saying this



Gold Member
I think you can make a SW movie without those characters. I think you need to just change the timeline. The universe is a character, but I think the issue is the executives don't think anything else is marketable, so they want a name.
I think you can as well, but is REY enough of a hook for a whole new story?

There can't be any flashbacks to her jedi training since most of that was with Leia and they said they wouldn't CGI her. Luke never did much with her and he is dead. Mark is probably down for a paycheck so will he just be a force ghost the whole time or do flashbacks that somehow tie into the new film?

Otherwise Rey is just making stuff up on the fly, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't think the character has the cred for it nor the actress the chops to pull it off. And as we've seen, the more they try to delve into Force mythology, the worse it gets. And I bet we can guess that, yet AGAIN, one of the students goes bad and is seduced to the dark side, likely the spunky girl for whom we ALL could see it coming, which would make it like 4/4 for Jedi/padawans becoming evil, no wait, good again, nope, back to evil, and finally round to good again so long as its' Her way" not the Skywalker way.

So they either gotta come up with a convincing non-Sith "Dark side" option or this is gonna be yet another retread.


IDK man, Rogue One which is considered the most passable of all the big screen films, was saved by that Vader scene.
That scene made the movie for me. But they could make great movie with Plagius training Palpatine. I guess kind of related though. How about the big war between Jedi and sith leading up to rule of two? That would be great if done right.
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Gold Member
That scene made the movie for me. But they could make great movie with Plagius training Palpatine. I guess kind of related though. How about the big war between Jedi and sith leading up to rule of two? That would be great if done right.
With what they choose as Jedi now. Pass.
Can't care. They killed Star Wars for me, it's buried as far as I'm concerned and I was a pretty big fan of the franchise.

Nothing Disney has made is canon to me. It's only fanfiction which makes it easier to bear what they've done to the franchise.
This is how I look at it. I liked my extended universe, read a lot of Star Wars books and things when I was younger, very sad it was all discarded and for what?

I’ll probably just go back to pretending that no new Star Wars movies came out after Return of the Jedi.

It's crazy how I was so in love with this franchise years ago and now the name can't even bring my attention at all. Really the opposite.. I still love the old movies, though of course. I had my daughter watch Star Wars and after we watched the OT we did watch the prequel trilogy, but I never once mentioned there was anything beyond that. :messenger_grinning_squinting:
A New Beginning - They have realised that it is in their interest to actually use the expensive IP to make money from it's massive fanbase by getting authors, screenwriters and directors who care about Star Wars and are genuine fans to create interesting and new stories that respect and build upon the rich lore and beloved fictional universe. They have realised that you can create an entertaining story that is inclusive without making it feel like a forced political statement that distracts from it being a good piece of media. They see now that purposfully alienating your core audience and making modern politics a more important aspect of the IP than just being a good story is not a wise financial decision.

Just kidding, they will double down and it will be unwatchable trash.


Honestly star wars has been trash since after the original 3 movies.

I dunno why people that care so much about star wars still get there hopes up. Just watch it for what it is brain dead entertainment.
Honestly star wars has been trash since after the original 3 movies.

I dunno why people that care so much about star wars still get there hopes up. Just watch it for what it is brain dead entertainment.
So your advice is, continue to eat shit and learn to like it?


Star Wars is dead to me until it gets a new owner, which probably means it will forever be dead to me.

I will continue to enjoy the OG and Prequels trilogies though.
Pretty much...

I'm Done with most franchises actually (most happen to be owned by Disney as well)

Star Wars stagnated sci-fi for a long time anyway, even though it's more fantasy than sci-fi anyway. Bring on the Dunes/Foundations/expanse etc. Type sci-fi... less campfires in space please


I think you can make a SW movie without those characters. I think you need to just change the timeline. The universe is a character, but I think the issue is the executives don't think anything else is marketable, so they want a name.

Is it though? Star Wars is a sci-fi version of the hero's journey. Lucas also borrowed extensively from Japanese cinema. These are stories concentrated around character, not setting.

If you remove the characters everybody knows and loves from Star Wars, the setting itself is not really strong enough to sustain ongoing narratives. It's a fairly run of the mill fantasy setting, pushed through the prism of sci-fi, with a pretty basic morality system, and only concentrates on a very few planets and systems that all have connections to the Skywalker saga.

It can sustain some video games, sure. But an entire new original movie saga? I don't think so.

I'm not surprised they cannot move away from the Skywalkers... because they are what makes the Star Wars story.
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Gold Member
I'm not surprised they cannot move away from the Skywalkers... because they are what makes the Star Wars story.
See, I would strongly disagree there.

Star Wars, as a setting, allows almost ANYTHING since it has some if the most recognizatjon and beloved icons in film history.

You could make an ENTIRE FILM about a boy who just finds a lightsaber and through mastering it essentially discovers the force and the core jedi principles and folks will flock to it.

What makes Star Wars great is the action adventure and swashbuckling flair. It can be big stories or small ones. But it allows almost every theme and can be set amidst grand displays or focused in a single place. Between droids, aliens, and the Force you can do everything under the twin suns and adapt anything.

What kills Star Wars is pushing narratives that suck, trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't exist, actively shitting on the long times fans, being unimaginative with ships, aliens, places, and just NOT BEING FUN.


May I have a cookie?
I predict a Death Quasar - a weapon the size of a galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its center that emits gamma radiation bursts a thousand light years long, destroying stars and devouring them.

But the weapon will have a fatal flaw - a weak point no wider than a wamp rat.
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I'm not surprised they cannot move away from the Skywalkers... because they are what makes the Star Wars story.
EU has approximately 1484736 books that disagree with this statement. It’s that Disney is salty AF anyone can have better ideas then they do, so instead of just adapting some books (Yuuzan Wong?), they continue to produce mediocre content in-house. It’s pure symptom of “not made here”.


When Disney originally bought the Star Wars franchise, I was so happy. I figured movies that I only dreamed about could now be made especially considering most of the original cast still alive. Never in my wildest dreams could I have envisioned them do so much damage in the course of 11 years some of it irreversible. They have devalued this franchise to an unspeakable level and have made some of the worst decisions ever.

Disney has become masters of watering their franchises down to nothing with increasingly poor quality in the name of what I have no idea.
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Reseterror Resettler
This is the element of nu-Star Wars that makes me almost as angry as the Stonehenge vandalism. They had the fucking keys to the Kingdom and the entire old guard, hell, I think James Earl Jones was still recording new lines for Vader back then. Along comes JJ Mystery Box and Rian Ozymandias Johnson and collectively decide that they're going to take the three cornerstones of the franchise - in advancing age, no less - and completely fuck up any nostalgic catharsis the fans could get by immediately mercing Solo, then Luke, and OH YOU WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT CARRIE FISHER DIES. It's almost like fucking fate stepped in and was like "The first two movies sucked absolute ass, you clearly don't know what to do with these characters so I'm taking Leia, Frankenstein it together with b-roll from TFA,"

TFA should have been a Riff on ANH, not a cellular Clone. Imagine the story going mostly the same, except Solo lives and TLJ could have been the grand on screen reunion of the hero, the princess and the rogue. But nah, the new media strategy is claiming and dismantling the things you disagree with, rather then create something new to compete. The kicker is good storytellers, actors, set designers, directors, producers etc. are getting older, retiring, dying or getting canceled and it evokes an image of a herd of chimpanzees unleashed in a computer lab and told to program.

Whether they figure out how to make it work or not, they're still comparative retards who throw their shit at anyone who passes by.



Gold Member
I checked out of SW after the shity boba feet TV series. It's astounding this franchise somehow manages to continue lowering the bar every time I hear about it.
I never even watch it based on the laughable fight choreography clips.

Andor was the best they've done for live action TV, mainly because it wasn't hamfisted, and you can literally remove the Star Wars IP element and it would still be decent sci-fic espionage we all liked in the first decade of the 2000s.
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