Starfield 2 will be “one hell of a game” claims designer as Bethesda learns from its mistakes


Gold Member
Yes, absolutely breathtaking.

Could be worse….



Newd Member
The game itself is an outdated nothing burger game that is the same old game. I don't think the next one and neither Elder Scroll will be any different.


Starfield 2 is something that I would certainly play however it's not something I care to think about right now since it's probably a decade away from being a reality.


Gold Member
My teeth will have fallen out and I’ll have forgotten what starfield is, as I’ll be an old man with dementia by the time starfield 2 releases 🤣


I drank milk yesterday and I'm highly lactose intolerant. After some heavy cramp I went to the bathroom. It sounded exactly like Todd Howard talking about his next game.


I feel like the backlash against Starfield was the inevitable result of the watering down of their core gameplay loop thst's been going on since Oblivion. Each game got prettier but just a little more streamlined in a (ultimately successful) bid to reach a wider audience. Starfield was just too much water to whiskey, and it got all the hate that Fallout 4 should have, IMO.


As someone who acknowledges Starfield’s numerous faults, I still think the game is an monumental achievement so count me in.


Not interested in the slightest unless you can actually explore space and planets as opposed to the current quick travel setup.
Space game without being able to fly the ship through space and planets to reach destination is a huge turn off


4-Time GIF/Meme God
People just wanted seamless transition between planets and space

Also, tone down some of the Bethesda feel of the game, like the talking. It is way too weird for today's standards
I feel like the backlash against Starfield was the inevitable result of the watering down of their core gameplay loop thst's been going on since Oblivion. Each game got prettier but just a little more streamlined in a (ultimately successful) bid to reach a wider audience. Starfield was just too much water to whiskey, and it got all the hate that Fallout 4 should have, IMO.

Fallout 4 is infinitely better than Starfield though. Better exploration, betted story, better writing, a more cohesive game with an identity and you didn't spend 1/4 the time on loading screens. Starfield is a disaster


It takes, sadly, sometimes a second or third to version of the game in order to really enrich everything.

That's quite an attitude to have. They'll keep trying to make a good game while charging people for the attempts until they get there.

I remember people really talking up Bethesda back in the PS3 era. I didn't get the hype because the technical issues in their games impact my enjoyment too much, but so many were completely willing to overlook Bethesda's faults. What a fall from grace.


Gold Member
That's quite an attitude to have. They'll keep trying to make a good game while charging people for the attempts until they get there.

I remember people really talking up Bethesda back in the PS3 era. I didn't get the hype because the technical issues in their games impact my enjoyment too much, but so many were completely willing to overlook Bethesda's faults. What a fall from grace.
During PS3/360 era they produced Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Plus Obsidian did New Vegas on that engine.

While PS3 versions sucked, these games (despite their own issues) were great on PC and 360.

The problem is Bethesda didn’t learn jack shit and didn’t improve from that era.

Fallout 4 was a terrible RPG and and ok action survival game (after DLCs and a few mods). Fallout 76 was terrible, especially at release and for first few years. And now we got Starfield.

Bethesda is getting worse with every game basically.
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Starfield is absolutely the biggest AAA disappointment this generation. A regression in every way imaginable with almost no redeeming qualities to it - awful story, awful characters, awful world building, boring quest design, terrible level design.

They aren't even close to besting their own efforts more than a decade ago, let alone getting anywhere close to truly great modern AAA games.

Just a complete and utter waste of years, which makes me believe the talent at Bethesda is completely gone.


During PS3/360 era they produced Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Plus Obsidian did New Vegas on that engine.

While PS3 versions sucked, these games (despite their own issues) were great on PC and 360.

The problem is Bethesda didn’t learn jack shit and didn’t improve from that era.

Fallout 4 was a terrible RPG and and ok action survival game (after DLCs and a few mods). Fallout 76 was terrible, especially at release and for first few years. And now we got Starfield.

Bethesda is getting worse with every game basically.

PC and Xbox also have a massive amount of known bugs for those games. You can look up the extensive lists of them or just look at the sheer number of issues that the unofficial patches fix. The PS3 does have its own unique ones, though. I still remember when New Vegas released how many people, across all platforms, reported not being able to launch or play the game without constant crashes. I'm playing Skyrim on PS4 every so often and it still crashes, freezes if my internet connection gets interrupted, has frame rate dips that make it look like the game is in slow motion, etc. It's not the PS3 that was the problem, it's always been Bethesda's own decisions and incompetence that create the technical and performance problems in their games.
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I played 30 mins of the first game and I called it a day. what a horrible game. zero interest in the second game. Also knowing them. it will take 10 years for them to make a game. I am out.
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