Recommend me some hidden gems from the current Steam sale!![]()
get psychonauts
Recommend me some hidden gems from the current Steam sale!![]()
ArchiFarm actually works better for me.Why would you use ArchiFarm or whatever it's called instead of something made by our very own JShackles?
get psychonauts
Recommend me some hidden gems from the current Steam sale!![]()
Too lazy to idle. I still have over 100+ games to idle but that thing takes ages.
Bring back the russian bears.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Outland (pretty good co-op)
Would cost you $2.50 to buy both.
Escort missions are easy.
If you're on NG+, there shouldn't be any issues because you'll have up to 10 portcrystals active and can just warp everywhere with the escort.
If you're on your initial playthrough, you still get 5 portcrystals to place as you see fit:
1. Take one of your "extra" if you aren't adamantly attached to where you have them, so you have at least 1 in your inventory.
2. Accept the escort mission and mark the goal on your map with a custom waypoint.
3. Interact with the notice board again to ditch the quest.
4. High tail it over to where you want to be.
5. Drop a portcrystal, then warp back to the area the noticeboard is in (most escort quests come from Gran Soren/Cassardis which have dedicated port crystals).
6. Accept quest, warp to the newly placed portcrystal, then enjoy your money/reward/xp for the easy completion.
7. Bonus - Check the board first to see if more than one escort quest to an area is available. Do all those first, then move the port crystal the another escort target location as described above.
The above method takes just about all risk out of escort missions and still lets you explore and both the experience from the journey without worry of the escort getting killed AND then gives you the quest rewards anyway once you use the portcrystal to warp them there.
Why would you use ArchiFarm or whatever it's called instead of something made by our very own JShackles?
Why don't you just let idlemaster run when sleep?
Too lazy to idle. I still have over 100+ games to idle but that thing takes ages.
Bring back the russian bears.
I dont like keeping it on for long periods of time. The beast needs its deserved rest.Why don't you just let idlemaster run when sleep?
EG has a review up for Unravel
They sound disappointed
EG has a review up for Unravel
They sound disappointed
Brothers on the other hand, I would advise people to stay away from.
That saddest casualty of Steam refunds was card idlingI haven't idled since the 2 hour thing went into effect.
it's possible to use the steam screenshot feature on a non-steam game, no? i remember seeing some screenshots for battlefield 3. anyway, i added my gog version of witcher 3 to steam as a non-steam game, but the f12 screenshot feature doesn't work. am i doing something wrong, or was the bf3 tempered with?
Dayum, That was awesome.
It normally works, but it doesn't for some games for whatever reason...
it's possible to use the steam screenshot feature on a non-steam game, no? i remember seeing some screenshots for battlefield 3. anyway, i added my gog version of witcher 3 to steam as a non-steam game, but the f12 screenshot feature doesn't work. am i doing something wrong, or was the bf3 tempered with?
Why? Brothers was a great game with a great idea and a touching story.
Just have to play with a controller.
and i think the gog version of witcher 3 is one of those games, huh? bummer, thanks.
brothers was pretty boring when it comes to gameplay, just moving 2 dudes at the same time climbing and carrying stuff, so it boils down to whether you like the story or not
Now to go for the 5000th, the new Barbie game!
ArchiFarm actually works better for me.
I need the GIF of Cam Newton jumping away from the ball last night w/ the uplay logo on the ground.
The greatest casualty of gems were card idling more. Value hit the crapper ever since.That saddest casualty of Steam refunds was card idlingI haven't idled since the 2 hour thing went into effect.
Hm, I ran Windows Update but dxdiag is still showing DirectX 11.It is already available.
Spoilers, Dude fights stuff.
Pay $1.99 for the following:
Battlepillars Gold Edition
Vanguard Princess
Vanguard Princess - Hilda Rize (DLC)
Vanguard Princess - Lilith (DLC)
Zombie Wars: Invasion
Lord of the Dark Castle
I thought it was a nice relaxing game. Which I think there is room for. No need for every game to challenge you.
I don't think 60 FPS is that critical on a VN, but hey, I won't complain about it either that's for sure.
Good thing Origin Access is around
I want to play Unravel but no way in paying £15
relaxing and boring is not the same
just sayin
Why? Brothers was a great game with a great idea and a touching story.
Just have to play with a controller.
This game just didn't click for me. I found the controls to be more of an obstacle than an innovation and thought the gameplay wasn't engaging at all. Coupled with their minimalist approach to storytelling and a 2-3 hour length, I just can't recommend it.
The one bright side is that It has some wonderfully designed visuals, but that alone doesn't justify spending your money here.
brothers was pretty boring when it comes to gameplay, just moving 2 dudes at the same time climbing and carrying stuff, so it boils down to whether you like the story or not
it's just the matter of whether you're enjoying it or not though
you can do nothing but just holding forward and look at the pretty scenery and find it relaxing, but some would find that boring because they don't appreciate the scenery
Looking forward to playing it in the coming years. With the many games I played lately, I lost souls fatigue quite a bit.