Valve would never agree to lessen the experience of their users just for monetary gain! Now, if Nvidia offered to make hats for them, that'd be something else.
I can see that.
Valve would never agree to lessen the experience of their users just for monetary gain! Now, if Nvidia offered to make hats for them, that'd be something else.
RIP Steam performance on anything that isn't Maxwell architecture.
Humble Ubisoft Bundle
Get it before it's dra-gone!
Worry not, AMD will counter this with a secret sauce. (¬‿¬)
They are bringing their stream stuff to Steam. That's OK.
Well my haul for the lunar steam sale ends with Grim Fandango, Mark of the Ninja and Sonic Adventures 1 & 2. Figured it's best not to buy any super long game until I start getting into that backlog. Man I've only started PC gaming for a little over 2 months and I already have over 50 games on there. Yikes.
Think of it like a Netflix account that you increase the catalog of during sales. Years later, you'll be like me and firing up great 7 year old games because you have them in your library.Well my haul for the lunar steam sale ends with Grim Fandango, Mark of the Ninja and Sonic Adventures 1 & 2. Figured it's best not to buy any super long game until I start getting into that backlog. Man I've only started PC gaming for a little over 2 months and I already have over 50 games on there. Yikes.
How much is Unravel via Mexican origin?
I'd like to kindly bring your attention to
remember the fighting games on neo geo pocket color?
Sure you do.
This game is in early access but it deserves your attention. I realize I'm being a shill right now but I promise you I am in no way affiliated with the developers of this game.
Would you guys recommend the Van Helsing games for someone who looooves Diablo? And, if so, which one should I go with?
Baldurs Gate dark alliance 1&2 are still the best dungeon crawling loot quests for me.
So will they make a better game for Deadpool this time? Wait and see.![]()
The art & the writing could some work on, but I enjoyed the first chapter quite a bit regardless. It's an episodic cyberpunk/noir light adventure game with PLOT TWISTS.
Check it out:
And here are some screens from my Act 1 playthrough and the store page:
Baldurs Gate dark alliance 1&2 are still the best dungeon crawling loot quests for me.
Looked good and played well. It didn't do anything special for the genre but it was pretty polished and fun. The later stages were pretty nice too.Really? I tried getting into the game like three times, twice with other (admittedly rather reluctant) people and once solo. I liked it, the graphics were pretty damn sweet, but I dunno, something always ultimately distracted me from it. I do have a copy AND a working PS2 (two of them, even) right here with me and I do mean to give the game another whirl at some point.
Baldurs Gate dark alliance 1&2 are still the best dungeon crawling loot quests for me.
Baldurs Gate dark alliance 1&2 are still the best dungeon crawling loot quests for me.
Never played 2 (because I forgot to buy it!) but 1 was tons of fun. Always made me feel bad how people on certain forums badmouthed it as a piece of trash that wasn't worth of the holy Baldurs Gate name.
They were great dungeon crawlers. Maybe not worthy of the name, but still.
Did you have a magic ps1 that could play ps2 games?
I do believe I played Dark Alliance 1 on the PS1.
Absolutely hated it. An insult to the main series.
^ Hi Lain.
This brand new 980ti is like a dream brehs.
Just murdering everything in sight.
Yeah, I couldn't reach it too :/
After giving up I saw someone going there and killing on the first try and got so maaad.
Maybe as a dungeon crawler, it was passable. As a game bearing the name of an RPG series that is still highly-regarded and (in many ways) superior to a lot of what came after, it's crap. I remember virtually nothing about it. Unremarkable in all the worst ways.
It's the Alien 3 of the series.
One or the other. I had both back in the day. It was a long time ago.
Those are manageable (took me, I dunno, 10-20 tries). Especially when compared to True Final Boss, which I simply couldn't reach most of my tries - that secret level is truly the Dark Souls of indie platformers.
Now that I have a 980ti I've got a lot of room to work with.
I've never downsampled anything before and I don't really know how to do it or get the most out of it?
What do Gaf?
I don't think it's fair to call something crap just because of the name it uses even if it's different from its predecessors. Always bothers me how people associate names so heavily to what a game should be.
Alien 3 is the one where Ripley? Because that's the one I like the a half Alien
No wait, that's Resurrection. Resurrection best Alien.
Alien 3 is the one where Ripley? Because that's the one I like the a half Alien
No wait, that's Resurrection. Resurrection best Alien.
Resurrection is just hot garbage all around. Alien 3 is just really forgettable but not that bad.
Alien 3 is the one where Ripley? Because that's the one I like the a half Alien
No wait, that's Resurrection. Resurrection best Alien.
Well, as someone who played the first game religiously (and still owns the physical "Complete" edition that had TotSC with it), I found DA1 to be unremarkable. The only things I remember is that I was getting extremely bored while fighting through some kind of swampy area, and not caring about the story at all, so I stopped and returned it (had a rental copy).
If a sequel isn't up to par with what preceded it, I'll call it out as such. I want to see some of these long-running series (especially with what Beamdog's doing with BG now) get better and keep going.
So, uh when I visit store pages in the client I'm getting a message that my account is VAC banned on every store page. Is anyone else seeing this?
Yeah, I'm getting it too, temporary bug during maintenance, I imagine.So, uh when I visit store pages in the client I'm getting a message that my account is VAC banned on every store page. Is anyone else seeing this?
It was a bit over 3 hours. That's like half of what the dev said. But well, i'm okay with that.
Game itself was cool, altho nothing truly special imho.
The wildness and the atmosphere was top notch, especially at the very beginning when the place is completely new to you, the banter was also very entertaining but the rest, mhm, the exploring isn't really there simply because the forest just isn't very big.
You've seen pretty much all of it in the first 1 - 1.5 hours and from there on out you're mostly just going to the same places again.
The story,while thrilling for the most part also ended a bit meh.
I don't regret buying or playing it, but i wouldn't wholeheartedly recommend it either.
how long did it take you?
Alien 3 is the one where Ripley? Because that's the one I like the a half Alien
No wait, that's Resurrection. Resurrection best Alien.
Same here, said I was vac banned. Was wondering wtf is going on.
This brand new 980ti is like a dream brehs.
Just murdering everything in sight.
Been playing alot of Xcom 2 (only 2 'employees' died-luck has been with the team-so far) with bursts of Fallout 4 and TW3 w/mods (really changing both games tones)
Really needing a first person shooter-and lasts weeks Doom campaign trailer really pumped me up.