Well, you can ride a Reliant Robin. Isn't that a great reason?
Anyone want in on a Rocket League 4-pack? I'm Canadian so it's only around 8 bucks south of the border.
Well yes, it's a PM on GAF, otherwise I wouldn't have posted about it.
I got quite a few funny emails since achieving some minor degree of popularity on the internet.
That's disappointing. I thought - what with all the errors - that it was lovingly handcrafted.
Version? Interesting. It says they managed to keep the rooms, too.
I just got this charming PM:
Frozen Synapse 2 got announced, which I am hyped for beyond belief. I was contemplating celebrating that announcement with a GAF tournament (its also currently 75% off). I would probably chip in 30$ worth of Steam gifts for the winner.
(Old screenshot, too lazy to find a new one atm)
Anyone interested? Still trying to figure out if there is any interest for a contest in one of my favourite games ever.
Buying the season pass for Battlefield Hardline was probably a bad investment.
The reveal of Battlefield Hardline wasnt met with the enthusiasm expected for a Battlefield title. And although the games image has changed dramatically since then between two betas, and a release date delay the PC community seemed to always be interested in Hardline the least.
As I was writing this story detailing Betrayal, the games upcoming DLC drop, I decided to check BFHStats to see just how active the games community is. I knew I wouldnt like the numbers since theyve always managed to drop every time I remember to check, but what I saw was truly amazing.
As of this writing there are less than 1,000 online players on PC, peaking at 2,594 in the last 24 hours. The PlayStation 3 has 1,696 active players now, with a peak of 3,262 during the last 24 hours. PS4 and Xbox One numbers are better, but nowhere near Battlefield 4.
To put these numbers into perspective, the PC has more players than PS3 in both Battlefield 3, and Bad Company 2, two much older games.
One one hand its unsurprising the games luster dissipated quickly, especially among PC players. On the other, not even its most ardent critics couldve predicted such a quick downfall.
I bought the PC version on launch and didnt play it that much, and almost wrote it off as money down the drain. But I cant imagine how I wouldve felt if I had invested in the season pass. Come March when Betrayal is out judging by player activity with previous DLCs how many players do you think will be coming back, even with the draw of free content?
More than likely you wont find populated servers for the majority of game modes, and will instead only see two or three servers rotating the four new maps. And theyre probably going to be running Conquest 64, the worst mode you could play in Hardline.
Visceral tried some interesting mechanics with Hardline, and some will no doubt find their way into future Battlefield games. Unfortunately, Hardline remains an off-shoot most didnt ask for, and those who were willing to give it a try, left in a hurry,
Frozen Synapse 2 got announced, which I am hyped for beyond belief. I was contemplating celebrating that announcement with a GAF tournament (its also currently 75% off). I would probably chip in 30$ worth of Steam gifts for the winner.
(Old screenshot, too lazy to find a new one atm)
Anyone interested? Still trying to figure out if there is any interest for a contest in one of my favourite games ever.
Nooo, don't take away what makes me unique!!Speaking of Kick, I just talked to him about a couple of things:
1) Valve has no desire to publish Gunman Chronicles on Steam, but Kick will talk to some employees about it come GDC
2) Night Dive hasn't been in talks with Disney yet regarding Turok 2008, but that is on the cards and should it happen, Stubbs the Zombie will be brought up
In short: next to no hope for Gunman but a sliver of hope for Stubbs.
Is there still an active multiplayer community for this game? I was always interested but never got around to getting it. This sale may fix that..
Ys 8 has dinosaurs
Falcom will skip PC again? =(
Falcom will skip PC again? =(
Alright, if they indeed have crossbuy on xbox one and windows store on more than microsoft games then damn, that would be huge.
Super blatant rip-off of Windjammers.Steam key by email for pre-alpha of Disc Jam for those interested. http://www.highhorseentertainment.com/disc-jam/
Crossbuy is pretty sick for xbone owners. It means they will be able to enjoy the definitive versions of their xbox games when they buy a new rig.
No, the other way around.
If I had to guess, MS doesn't mind taking a hit on their pc numbers so long as their xbox numbers aren't affected, which would explain why crossbuy only goes one way. That, and they're trying to get the win10 store to be a thing.
Yet another Dead Island game? Is there anybody that actually gives a shit about that IP?
I just got this charming PM:
Clearly, I'm doing something right.
What new Dead Island game?
Super blatant rip-off of Windjammers.
I'm in.
Only if they lose items in the trade.Do both parties in a steam trade need to have the mobile authenticator activated to circumvent the 72 hr trade hold? I might have a coupon to gift, but it expires in 3 days.
Only if they lose items in the trade.
Dead Island: Retro Revenge
Seriously? XD
DI probably is the most forced IP in games
17 hours left to grab Elliot Quest for a dollar: https://indiegamestand.com/deal/#details
... I have one person on my list that has actually played this. One. It's so crazy to me.
Yeah, only your account needs to have the authenticator.Me gifting a coupon would fall into that category, no?
I've been following BeamNG since the early tech demo days. Its a lot of fun crashing cars in the sandbox mode and playing around with the physics. There are also a fair few mods to try out but vary in quality fairly drastically.
There isn't much "Game" to it though, there are a few challenges and you can set races but that isn't half as fun as just smashing cars togetherIf you liked Destruction Derby or just enjoying messing around with physics engines then its well worth grabbing. If you are looking for more of a game though I would wait for the full release.
It's the appeal to play as the fat guy from the Hangover movies right?Anyhoo what with all the whiz bang, slow mo action of Quantum Break previews I've got the compulsion to go revisit Max Payne. Probably heresy that I'm probably going to skip 1 and 2 and go straight to 3.
Only PM's I get these days are moaning like 'why aren't you on Steam?'. Even ModBot has spurned my advances.
Anyhoo what with all the whiz bang, slow mo action of Quantum Break previews I've got the compulsion to go revisit Max Payne. Probably heresy that I'm probably going to skip 1 and 2 and go straight to 3.
Anyhoo what with all the whiz bang, slow mo action of Quantum Break previews I've got the compulsion to go revisit Max Payne. Probably heresy that I'm probably going to skip 1 and 2 and go straight to 3.
I still haven't played even Max Payne 3, not sure why I bought it, I don't see myself getting to it in my lifetime
Frozen Synapse 2 got announced, which I am hyped for beyond belief. I was contemplating celebrating that announcement with a GAF tournament (its also currently 75% off). I would probably chip in 30$ worth of Steam gifts for the winner.
(Old screenshot, too lazy to find a new one atm)
Anyone interested? Still trying to figure out if there is any interest for a contest in one of my favourite games ever.
I think Five Night's at Freddy's wants a word.
17 hours left to grab Elliot Quest for a dollar: https://indiegamestand.com/deal/#details
... I have one person on my list that has actually played this. One. It's so crazy to me.
If any of you get a threatening or inappropriate PM, please just notify a staff member so we can remove these spam accounts nice and quietly.