oh cmon, there's half of an amazing game there and half of a poop because of production hiccups. At least give the good stuff its due!
The save corruption bug: yes
The crash for no reason every now and then... nope
The thousands of typos/mistakes... neither
The leftover Japanese strings that appear fucked unless you run the game through applocal... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
That is a lot of good games. I recently completed The Talos Principle and really enjoyed it![]()
I don't get it. KT charges retail for a game? Or is it about the port quality, which was their best effort to date at providing actual graphics options via the launcher?
That's 60 British pounds, which is like $90 USD. Normally a $60 game is 40 pounds. It's kind of insane to charge that much.
I think you're missing that there is a £ sign and not a $ sign.
I don't get it. KT charges retail for a game? Or is it about the port quality, which was their best effort to date at providing actual graphics options via the launcher?
What?What's insane is thinking the economy operates in a vacuum and that everything should just be converted to your local currency based on the current exchange rate; using the conversion to USD with regards to pricing is pretty much worthless as it doesn't factor in anything else regarding cost of living/average wages/etc. from the consumer's end (and totally neglects any potential costs the business has when bringing a game to other markets). If anyone wants to do that, then everything should follow the conversion ratio; so let's compare NYC and London for a minute. Quick googling and applying the same principle of "hey, it costs $60 there, it should cost £41.35 here", we can see that the average price of a single bedroom apartment in London should go from £435-£550/month to £2050/month. Have fun affording that with the new minimum wage of £6.20-£7.24/hour instead of the £9.15/hour it's set to now.
What's insane is thinking the economy operates in a vacuum and that everything should just be converted to your local currency based on the current exchange rate; using the conversion to USD with regards to pricing is pretty much worthless as it doesn't factor in anything else regarding cost of living/average wages/etc. from the consumer's end (and totally neglects any potential costs the business has when bringing a game to other markets). If anyone wants to do that, then everything should follow the conversion ratio; so let's compare NYC and London for a minute. Quick googling and applying the same principle of "hey, it costs $60 there, it should cost £41.35 here", we can see that the average price of a single bedroom apartment in London should go from £435-£550/month to £2050/month. Have fun affording that with the new minimum wage of £6.20-£7.24/hour instead of the £9.15/hour it's set to now.
I enjoy the Persona 4 anime. Come at me.
Oh hey, thanks for giving away Sacred Tears. I completely forgot about it, I think it's just been festering on my wishlist for a long time.In 24 hours, Valentine's will begin, so this is my gift to you, SteamGAF.
I'd be interested but I'm like, ultra-n00b/scrub tier. In other words, I launched it once and played one match against AI and that's about my experience with it. I still have it installed though. Hope I can still get matches when SF5 comes out ;-;Sure am. Though numbers are pretty low I feel.
Well, if this was accurate my country would get a price much lower than most of the rest of Europe, but this isn't the case.What's insane is thinking the economy operates in a vacuum and that everything should just be converted to your local currency based on the current exchange rate; using the conversion to USD with regards to pricing is pretty much worthless as it doesn't factor in anything else regarding cost of living/average wages/etc. from the consumer's end (and totally neglects any potential costs the business has when bringing a game to other markets). If anyone wants to do that, then everything should follow the conversion ratio; so let's compare NYC and London for a minute. Quick googling and applying the same principle of "hey, it costs $60 there, it should cost £41.35 here", we can see that the average price of a single bedroom apartment in London should go from £435-£550/month to £2050/month. Have fun affording that with the new minimum wage of £6.20-£7.24/hour instead of the £9.15/hour it's set to now.
Nah. I'm not missing anything.
I've been playing Talos on and off for over a year now. I'll get to the end eventually... and then take another year to finish the expansion.![]()
Well there is no AC game to distract you this year![]()
Maybe, to ease my despair, I'll finally finish Liberation HD.
Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiitttttt. That spoiler needs more content, Uzzy.
I'd say get good, usually, but maybe you just need to take a break from it - like a sleep or two, then go back to it. Usually works for me.
Retail games are £40 or £45. Not £60. It's a terrible price no matter which way you spin it.
Also lol our minimum wage is not fucking £9 an hour. It's already just over £7.
That's £, not $. It's literally the most expensive PC game I've ever seen.
Your first sentence is correct, but the UK is not so much richer than the US that games should be 50% more expensive here, and this is shown by the fact that I can find any $60 game you care to name for less than £40 in the UK, including KT's stuff on console.
As for your London to NYC comparison, perhaps you should learn to read the data you've been looking at. Those are weekly prices for London that you've quoted.
I don't think he was saying that a $60 should be £40 because that's the conversion. He was saying that normally a game that is $60 in the US would be £40 here. Which is correct.My mistake on the minimum wage -- I saw "living wage" and thought it was the UK term for the minimum. That just means the drop off isn't quite as drastic, but it doesn't change that other aspects of the cost of living seem to be significantly lower in London vs. NY.
And I'll agree that it sucks to get a £15 or so price hike on a game out of nowhere, that's definitely going against the trend if your games normally cost £45. But using the USD as a base price is still not the greatest of ideas as conversions don't really account for the actual cost of living in a given country (and thus aren't necessarily proportionate to the disposable income an individual has and can afford to spend on a hobby/entertainment such as a video game).
What's insane is thinking the economy operates in a vacuum and that everything should just be converted to your local currency based on the current exchange rate; using the conversion to USD with regards to pricing is pretty much worthless as it doesn't factor in anything else regarding cost of living/average wages/etc. from the consumer's end (and totally neglects any potential costs the business has when bringing a game to other markets). If anyone wants to do that, then everything should follow the conversion ratio; so let's compare NYC and London for a minute. Quick googling and applying the same principle of "hey, it costs $60 there, it should cost £41.35 here", we can see that the average price of a single bedroom apartment in London should go from £435-£550/month to £2050/month. Have fun affording that with the new minimum wage of £6.20-£7.24/hour instead of the £9.15/hour it's set to now.
I mean you could but you would lose 8 hours playing what is easily the worst AC game that isn't AC1
Guess I'm gonna be waiting a while.
I don't understand how JAST USA made such a massive fuckup.Though, I think School Days had similar issues when it launched.
haha what's that from?
I loathe the time I've spent with LibHD, but the original AssCreed is actually my favourite for the simple fact that it succeeds the most at making the player feel like an assassin -- you need to gather information on your target (as overly simplified and repetitive as these elements are) and it's left up you how best to use it.
Your London to NYC comparison was incorrect anyway, plus I never even mentioned $ pricing, I was laughing at KT hiking their already high prices (they share the £50 pricepoint with only 2 or 3 other games on Steam) to something higher than any other PC game.My mistake on the minimum wage -- I saw "living wage" and thought it was the UK term for the minimum. That just means the drop off isn't quite as drastic, but it doesn't change that other aspects of the cost of living seem to be significantly lower in London vs. NY.
And I'll agree that it sucks to get a £15 or so price hike on a game out of nowhere, that's definitely going against the trend if your games normally cost £45. But using the USD as a base price is still not the greatest of ideas as conversions don't really account for the actual cost of living in a given country (and thus aren't necessarily proportionate to the disposable income an individual has and can afford to spend on a hobby/entertainment such as a video game).
Sure but you have to admit, the games that came after it were much better.
I played AC1 when it launched, I did about 4 assassinations before my attention just went elsewhere
Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer will air on sunday/night to monday.
KT give zero fucksand get zero sales.
Simplygames have Street Fighter 5 for £25 boxed, and are selling keys for that price too, which I assume are just ripped out of their physical copies.
Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer will air on sunday/night to monday.
One thing I really really miss from AC1 is how counters worked. You could get a insta-kill if you countered with the hidden blade equipped, but it required some damn good timing to do so.
I played no part in this.
Made a Win10 Install USB, wiped clean my SSD and just finished installing Win10.
Phew, now the arduous task of setting all programs, bookmarks, passwords etc.
haha what's that from?
Force of habit. During Windows Installation I delete the partition/drive beforehand.Why would you do that?
Made a Win10 Install USB, wiped clean my SSD and just finished installing Win10.
Phew, now the arduous task of setting all programs, bookmarks, passwords etc.
At least installation was butter smooth and fast. Things I noticed so far coming from Win8.1.
- dxdiag shows DirectX 12
- no metro pop-ups at borders/corners
- start-menu exists but sucks a bit
- there is still a duology going on with settings, metro-themed & oldschool (usable)
- logging in takes longer
- got oldschool windows games working
Gotta look up classicshell for Win10 and get the superior old Start Menu.
Force of habit. During Windows Installation I delete the partition/drive beforehand.
I heard of it but forgot totally. Thanks, gonna be very useful.Just in case you don't know, you can use ninite to download and install a bunch of commonly used programms and install them. It selects the latest version compatible with your pc(64bit versions and all that), unticks all toolbars and such. All you have to do is select the programms. Useful for clean installs such as your case.
I did upgrade once from 98 to ME and it was a clusterf*. Never again. I believe you that it's good now.Since Win10 = Win8 = Win7 (basically), you don't really need to that anymore, saving you time with hunting for bookmarks, reinstalling programs, etc
Seriously, it's not like win98->xp upgrade which worked, like, 10% of the time.