danganronpa OT is going up in a moment
those dang nab ronpas
danganronpa OT is going up in a moment
That's true, but they did only showcase like what? $30-something worth of individually priced content? I guess technically a Season Pass at $30 with the promise of more stuff than that would still be an enticing deal to some people. I guess...
Giveaway of despair will be up by the 18th~danganronpa OT is going up in a moment
A lot of effects look like they are straight out of minecraftThese background characters in sfv not only look like something out of the dreamcast but also animate at 30 fps. Gross.
Blocky madness. While the characters are more detailed no doubt overall sf4 looks better and ue4 performance is a sad joke considering output image quality.
I'm officially more excited for KOFXIV now. Never thought I'd see the day.
So Steam apparently re-downloads the entire update if you've paused the update and resume later?
When did this start happening? The client has restarted an MGSV update around 3 times after pausing then exiting Steam with the intent of resuming later.
GOG Galaxy doesn't have this issue.
Bad area as in bang your head against the table (for the town anyway, stupid doors). Even looking at the solution for one puzzle, I had to stare at it for five minutes. I still don't get what's going on in the room with the red/blue/green light.
i want jasec to play danganronpa
One of the characters is a black haired sersha ronan for crying out loud
Who, Toko Fukawa?
Probably Celeste as she's the only black haired girl
I got mine for free basicallyas I got Fallout 4 + the Season Pass + Socks for $48 from Best Buy in a pre-order deal. I'm looking forward to it but I wouldn't put any money on it after the shitshow that was Fallout 4.on PS4
claimed the danganronpa thh OT for pc
lemme know if you wanna contribute
i still haven't been genuinely wowed by it tho, hope there's anything to be amazed at later on
Swamp is no fun, but the town fucking sucks, like a lot.
Probably Celeste as she's the only black haired girl
So a friend's birthday is coming up, and I'm considering buying a PC game for him as a present.
He has a laptop with an i5-4210U and integrated graphics. He doesn't play video games much; his most played games are AdVenture Capitalist, Age of Empires II, and Telltale's Game of Thrones, and he's also enjoyed Bioshock Infinite on the 360. Outside of games, he enjoys pretty much everything history and philosophy.
Any recommendations?
It's a Bethesda game though. I don't think the words heavily, discounted, and DLC have ever been in the same sentence in reference to a Bethesda game.
Bethesda DLC heavily discounted. Good joke.
$30 is probably the cheapest you will ever get the DLC outside of a GOTY-Edition.
I was talking about the idol chick :vProbably Celeste as she's the only black haired girl
claimed the danganronpa thh OT for pc
lemme know if you wanna contribute
So the Zero no Kiseki (Trails of Zero) Fan translator ended up being a megalomaniac lunatic.
Now only XSEED can save us...
So a friend's birthday is coming up, and I'm considering buying a PC game for him as a present.
He has a laptop with an i5-4210U and integrated graphics. He doesn't play video games much; his most played games are AdVenture Capitalist, Age of Empires II, and Telltale's Game of Thrones, and he's also enjoyed Bioshock Infinite on the 360. Outside of games, he enjoys pretty much everything history and philosophy.
Any recommendations?
i want jasec to play danganronpa
One of the characters is a black haired sersha ronan for crying out loud
This sounds like there is an interesting and weirdly fun story behind it.
Xseed will NEVER get my permission to use our translation. I have made that very clear to all the people involved in the project. I don't agree with their policy of stealing the work of fan translations. They have made it clear they had no intentions of working on Zero or AO (since according to them, they really aren't that important to the overall story). Financially it doesn't make sense for them to even care after the horrible release of Cold Steel. Literally 1 store in a 100 mile radius got a shipment and I know at least 20 people who are like me when it comes to buying games in store (and not online). Needless to say, other companies got their money for new games that week and now they don't even care to try to find it. Yep. I have no love lost for Xseed and only started working on these games because I knew they would never get an english release. But since I started, they seem to have really taken an interest in games that are getting fan translations (Brandish PSP, Xanadu Next). They think they can give people a little bit of money and they will jump for joy. They can't afford my crew. If I put a monetary price on it, it would be close to $250,000 per person in the team and there is at least 8 people working on it currently not to mention numerous people who also would deserve compensation for their contribution. People may think that is an extreme price and it may be. But it is my way of telling them they can go screw themselves.
So a friend's birthday is coming up, and I'm considering buying a PC game for him as a present.
He has a laptop with an i5-4210U and integrated graphics. He doesn't play video games much; his most played games are AdVenture Capitalist, Age of Empires II, and Telltale's Game of Thrones, and he's also enjoyed Bioshock Infinite on the 360. Outside of games, he enjoys pretty much everything history and philosophy.
Any recommendations?
Oh there most certainly is!!
I can pick apart his quote easily too, but i've already done that elsewhere. Friend of mine who was trying to make it as close to XSEED's translation just left after seeing that, so it will be a crap translation now.
What the hell did I just read
It's mostly machine translated too, barely any quality work done in it.Post from person who thinks their work is priceless![]()
What the hell did I just read
I agree with this.What?
There are no bad areas in The Witness.
We have been working furiously on a rather radical plan. The key to this plan, though, is that you backers hold onto your pledges. The only way you will be charged any money here is if the campaign suddenly has a couple hundred thousand CDN dollars pumped into it, which, while technically not impossible, is rather unlikely.
So, all we can say is TRUST US - resist the urge to cancel your pledge, we have found a way to continue full steam ahead and you will learn of this plan approximately 12 hours before the end of this campaign (or earlier)....
If I had bought it myself, I'd have considered turning to the dark side on this one.
Post from person who thinks their work is priceless![]()
Hmm got a weird email bout the Kickstarter for Consortium 2, asking people to please not cancel their pledges.
Sounds like they're trying to make the difference with a single outside investment from somewhere :/
That's not the actual issue. Updates restart if another update is released while you're downloading one. Sounds like a bug in your case -- that resuming the update is causing Steam to think it's new.
Not sure if some one has posted this yet
Can get some classic games for free right now
Wait...I have to pick a side? I gotta play a game?Ty for the heads up.
Looked up the Make Love Not War 3 thing and found
Binary Domain for free? Hmm...
How long is this promotion going to last? That's a lot of free Sega games if there's 3 new games every day.
The update size is the same each time, and from what I've seen previously MGSV patches are released at specific intervals, so it seems something is buggy with the pause mechanic or else they're releasing patches regularly of the same size now.
Wait...I have to pick a side? I gotta play a game?
My favorite part of the Firewatch thread was someone saying they are in the movie industry when they clearly just meant working at a movie theater.
Wait...I have to pick a side? I gotta play a game?