And actual exclusive fullscreen mode... what does that mean? No fullscreen can't be right, can it? 'Cause that's insane.
All WinStore apps run in borderless window with some form of vsync engaged.
And actual exclusive fullscreen mode... what does that mean? No fullscreen can't be right, can it? 'Cause that's insane.
here's the question you need to ask: is it dirt cheap in some other region so i can pay next to nothing for a legal copy of the game?
Because that's pretty much the only real reason to buy from the win10 store
It's a little disappointing to see indies supporting Microsoft's attempt at building a walled garden on the PC, quite frankly. I say "a little" as I realise that, by and large, the reality of a self-publishing indie developer is that every ounce of availability counts, so I certainly understand why the game is up on the Microsoft App Store for Windows PCs. But that doesn't mean I can't briefly utter "Tsk, tsk" towards what Microsoft is going to consider tacit approval.
171 ARS here, that's arround $11. Not so dirt cheap..
Salsa please.rocket league is good
171 ARS here, that's arround $11. Not so dirt cheap..
This is him now. Feel old?
Tomorrow, we will get for free:
On Saturday:
- Streets of Rage 2
- Binary Domain
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Gunstar Heroes
- Renegade Ops
- Viking: Battle for Asgard
Tomorrow, we will get for free:
On Saturday:
- Streets of Rage 2
- Binary Domain
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Gunstar Heroes
- Renegade Ops
- Viking: Battle for Asgard
Binary Domain is great for those who don't have it.Tomorrow, we will get for free:
On Saturday:
- Streets of Rage 2
- Binary Domain
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Gunstar Heroes
- Renegade Ops
- Viking: Battle for Asgard
As were heading into the launch timeframe for both the Vive and Rift VR systems, we ask that you update your storefront and Steamworks metadata to reflect support for various VR hardware and features. The following is an overview of the new tools on our partner site which allow you to do this.
Please plan to have this information, along with any other necessary Steamworks storefront information, prepared in time for the upcoming Vive pre-order and subsequent Vive and Rift hardware launches soon thereafter.
On the Basic Info tab in the Supported Features section, Select VR Support to indicate your title supports VR in the Steam Store. Once checked, a handy link to the following Steamworks settings will appear just below this.
Store Admin / Basic Info
Supported Features
_ VR Support
Under Steamworks / App Admin visit the Application / Virtual Reality section, provide the following information.
App Admin / Application / Virtual Reality
Target SDKs
_ OpenVR
_ Oculus PC SDK (must use Oculus PC SDK V0.8 or newer)
Controller Support
_ SteamVR Controllers
_ Oculus Touch Controllers
_ XInput Controller
_ Keyboard / Mouse
Play Area Support
_ Seated
_ Standing
_ Room-scale (2m x 1.5m) or larger [enter values if larger]
These settings allow your app to appear in the SteamVR category of the users library. This is important, as the library is filtered to display only these titles when running in VR. They also specify the appropriate behavior when launching your title using any of a variety of VR hardware, taking into account the SDKs youve used to author your app.
Installation / General / Launch Options
To further configure an app with VR support, just change at least one Launch Option to specify one of these three Launch Type settings under Installation / General:
Launch Type
Launch SteamVR App - Use this for VR apps that use SteamVR.
Launch SteamVR Overlay - Use this for apps that supply a SteamVR dashboard overlay.
Launch in Other VR - Use this for apps that provide a VR mode other than SteamVR, for example those implemented using the Oculus SDK.
Just picking one of these three options will cause the app to appear in the SteamVR group in the users Library. It will also cause that launch option to be presented to or chosen for the user at the appropriate times in the Steam client.
im weirdly interested in Viking. It's the only one i haven't played in that lot and I've passed on it in several bundles
edit: eh, it's 13 hours long. maybe i wont bother
I wonder if Binary Domain will include the game + DLC for free like Hell Yeah did
when you find a good teammate with randoms doe
Please invest in webms Salsa.
Please invest in webms Salsa.
No, you do this for yourself (And the guys who made rocket league :V)someday you'll realize I do this for you
Whenever I see him, I can't help but picture
54 days... man I pray the PC version is decent
Very fucking bad.
I didn't know we had our own Win Store region. That's probably the only thing it does better than Steam (and just barely, going from that price)
Yeah, and CDPR still won't discount the expansion pass. But I bet the combo probably dropped in price too, right? :\
It has some forced stealth sections that are incredibly awful. Other than that, it's not so bad.
Yeah, and CDPR still won't discount the expansion pass. But I bet the combo probably dropped in price too, right? :\
Can't unsee. Excellent.
Why wouldn't it be? DS2/SotFS were both fine.
You say that about everything, pretty much.
Price is half off, just about. That seems pretty decent to me.
Gaf doesn't embed Webms at all (unless a recent change). You probably have an addon (YoutubeMeAgain presumably).hey man
gaf embeds webms way too small for some reason
i've had enough of those for one lifetime. And 13 hours is a bit much for what i understand to be a character action game. I have my fill of those at the 6-8 hour mark.
As an aside, i would pay fight money for SFV background characters to run at 60 fps. I can't stand it when devs do this shit, i hated seeing it in the brief time i played Halo 5 for example. Shit looks fucking awful
I wish you could just disable the background characters to be honest. The stages look really bad.
I wish you could just disable the background characters to be honest. The stages look really bad.
Yeah actually, kinda like old SNK stages that looked good with no character models.
Appreciate you going for Webm finally. Much easier to ignore than your gifssomething.webm
bait 2stronk
Appreciate you going for Webm finally. Much easier to ignore than your gifs![]()
Appreciate you going for Webm finally. Much easier to ignore than your gifs![]()
Yup. But it's one cent cheaper to buy separately. (Well until sale hits).
Holy crap, Army card are apparently going for $2.
Appreciate you going for Webm finally. Much easier to ignore than your gifs![]()
how bout you guys start posting anime stuff on webm so I dont have to see it instead
how bout you guys start posting anime stuff on webm so I dont have to see it instead
how bout you guys start posting anime stuff on webm so I dont have to see it instead
Or... you could always use the ignore list.
now you see why I do it
im spreading the gospel
I'll not be bothering with The Witcher 3 until CDPR actually takes their head out of their ass and discounts the expansion pass during a sale, since they've discounted everything but during the last 2-3 major sales.