More Dark Souls II downsampled from 4K
More Dark Souls II downsampled from 4K
Jase will be happy.
Seems the German version of Wolfenstein is a completely different app.
I list every single game from a Bundle I've bought that doesn't have a Steam key, no matter what.
And then I use Keys Added to alert me to keys being added, as well as just looking through Steam new releases. If a game shows up that Enhanced Steam says was in a bundle, I'll CTRL+F through the file.
Reposting for new page - still some left:
book of unwritten tales is finally on sale eh? guess i'll bite & throw it on the ol pnc backlog
You mean the last 10 years.Sort of like excessive bloom a couple of years ago.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
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FEZ --MB-1ECF542C0EFD19B1- Taken by TetraxShards
people other than apple make tablets?
give me an htc one ultra x thats the size of a 5s and i'm all about it.
looking down at someone as ignorant because of their phone choice is fedora as hell b
Reposting for new page - still some left:
Sam & Max is awesome, at least what I played of it (first 5 episodes from season 1 and a bit of the 6th). You can't go wrong with that one.
- Let's get cracking!
- Jokes or skulls?
loaded up Master Reboot for cards, decided to actually play it a bit instead of idling as usual.
Seems pretty cool, even if I have no idea whats going on (well, I have a suspition of what the theme is). I dig the look and vibe so far
just 5? just? *insert evil laugh here*
Master Reboot was pretty interesting, here was my Steam review on it:
Master Reboot is a bit of an odd game. In both an obvious way and a non-obvious way. Essentially, the idea behind Master Reboot is that you are in a future where people can upload their memories, personality, and other traits into a cloud service, and then family and friends can visit these memories or download and install these peoples personalities into robotic shells to continue living with them if they desire. However, there was a crash in the system that caused the whole cloud service to have a reboot, which lost and corrupted some data. And now you play someone delving into the memories of someone with said corrupted data looking for something.
It's basically a walking simulator experience game, except not in a typical sense. The game is split-up into memories, with each memory being a stage. They're called memories, but they're more like surreal dreams, with a lot of odd and abstract imagery and logic. Each memory also is different, and not just in themes, but with what you do. Some are literal walking simulators, but others have elements like puzzles, or things you have to avoid or sneak past or else you'll die.
The stages have some good variety. Some are more relaxing, like this beach stage where you look for items with a metal detector. Others are a bit obtuse with what you must do, like this one amusement park stage you attend too. Some take on a horror tone, with creepy atmosphere and things trying to kill you.
On that note, my favorite stage, and something that was legitimately scary, was the plane memory. With memories in the game like a hospital and school and graveyard, you'd think one of those would be the scariest stage (and they do have some creepy factor, to be sure), but the actual scariest stage was definitely the plane one. It scared me pretty bad a few times, and this is coming from someone who plays a lot of horror games.
That's the thing I think this game does best. Atmosphere. I think the people who will enjoy this game the most are those who like atmosphere and maybe some oddities in their games. It was a bit longer than I was anticipating, but I did like it. Not the best thing I've ever played, but I liked the variety of tasks and settings, even if the basic concept of the game's story was more interesting than the story that develops in the game. But I'd say worth checking out if you're into this kind of thing.
I don't usually feel compelled to write up my thoughts on a game but I just finished Master Reboot and feel like sharing my frustration with this game. I've had my eye on it since it was released but because of Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight Mnemonic prototype reminding me of it I thought I'd play through it to get myself even more hyped up for that prototype.
Interesting story.
Creepy atmosphere.
Graphically, the games looks unfinished most of the time. Sometimes it looks like its the style they were going for but there are a lot of objects and environment pieces that just look like the developers never completed.
Cheap, trial-and-error deaths throughout the game that feel out of place and add nothing other than a way to extend the length of the game.
Extremely easy and boring puzzles. There's one particular section towards the end of the game, at a train station, that was so dull I was falling asleep. It's bad enough that you have to do it once but you have to do it four times to progress.
Attempts at being scary go no further than jump scares.
Annoying checkpoint system. A lot of times when the player dies you have to watch a slow scene play out that you previously saw or go through a section that you previously already went through.
Bugs, glitches. I encountered a lot of graphical glitches and even got stuck in various parts of an environment.
What's most frustrating is that I think the story and world are interesting but dragged down by all of the "gamey" stuff. I think it should have been a exploration adventure game like Gone Home. It definitely needed more time in development because so much feels unfinished or not thought out long enough.
why is everything coming out at the same time
Dark Souls 2
Killer is Dead
Child of Light
what else am I missing
edit: watchdawgs
why is everything coming out at the same time
Dark Souls 2
Killer is Dead
Child of Light
what else am I missing
edit: watchdawgs
This is very likely the wrong place to ask, but I really need help with this. I'm a huge fan of Big Picture, but it seems that everyday when I start playing, within a few minutes, the game automatically alt-tabs back to Big Picture mode (without any menus/icons). Sometimes I can alt-tab back into game, but other games just crash. Afterwards the game will run fine and it won't occur again until the next day.
Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm on Windows 8.1.
Tropico 5 is out during that window too.
This is very likely the wrong place to ask, but I really need help with this. I'm a huge fan of Big Picture, but it seems that everyday when I start playing, within a few minutes, the game automatically alt-tabs back to Big Picture mode (without any menus/icons). Sometimes I can alt-tab back into game, but other games just crash. Afterwards the game will run fine and it won't occur again until the next day.
Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm on Windows 8.1.
Same page here. Time to get with the superior 100ppp club...
Phew, finally some free time and the weekend is almost here.
Any good links to check some Dark Souls II screenshots at 1080p 60 FPS? Or even a bit of gameplay without major Bosses spoilers, please? 4k is a reality that I do not belong, unfortunately so I wanted to keep my expectations realistic.
The full firaxis Civ Beyond Earth panel is available here
I'm starting to question my sanity with 100%ing Lego Hobbit. It's good and pretty addictive, but the levels take like 8-10 hours to finish and the remaining content is like 20 more hours. I would prefer if these games were balanced like the Batman games are.
Phew, finally some free time and the weekend is almost here.
Any good links to check some Dark Souls II screenshots at 1080p 60 FPS? Or even a bit of gameplay without major Bosses spoilers, please? 4k is a reality that I do not belong, unfortunately so I wanted to keep my expectations realistic.
They have made the free play runs of levels a lot smoother compared to the old days. Starting up levels in specific segments along with the collectibles being broken down by segment smooths that collecting out a lot.I'm kind of in the same boat - most of the levels can't be completed to 100% on a single playthrough. You have to unlock "free play mode" and play them again after you have the right combination of characters. So 8-10 of those other 20 hours are just replaying the same levels.
Still, it's a great game and this and LOTR are now my favorite Lego games.
Phew, finally some free time and the weekend is almost here.
Any good links to check some Dark Souls II screenshots at 1080p 60 FPS? Or even a bit of gameplay without major Bosses spoilers, please? 4k is a reality that I do not belong, unfortunately so I wanted to keep my expectations realistic.
I have the same problem in Windows 7. It's quite frustrating and I have yet to find a solution even after trying numerous fixes I've found online. All I can do to prevent it is to play games borderless fullscreen windowed. It seems to only happen when something is running full screen, so by playing a game windowed fullscreen I prevent that from happening. The worst was when it would happen in Dark Souls, since you can't pause. Happened to me once while fighting Havel The Rock. By the time I got back into the game I was dead.![]()
I posted some 1080p shots downsampled from a 4K source about a page back.