I'm guessing that most of that comparison footage there is 2033 vs. 2033 Redux? I haven't heard much about what is new in LL Redux, so I might just grab 2033 Redux for now and see what exactly is up with the redux version of sequel. Last I heard it was just some small minor improvements and maybe the extra non-Ranger gameplay modes versus the huge engine changes for 2033.I am conflicted gaf
I want to buy Metro 2033 Redux as it is a major update over the original as this video shows .
Also the fact that it is only 10 right now is making it easier .
The thing is is that i am not sure if Metro last light redux is also worth a purchase .
Does anyone know if anything has changed in that game and if yes . are those changes enough to warrant a purchase ?
why would you use an analog stick for a 2d NES style action platformer..
this is why I don't get why he just took it out completely while working on a fix...
The GOG Games redundancy debate.
It has been a relatively exciting week as far as PC gaming goes.
- RErelease announced
- Sleeping Dogs Definitive
- Source 2
- Master Chief Collection retail entry
- Rise Son of Rome announced
Probably missed some, let me know and I will update.
We're set to bring as much additional JRPG goodness to PC as we can. We're humbled & will look to increase our DRM-free offerings too.
Wait, what?
Sierra might be back from the dead.
Merriam-Webster are word terrorists. I tell you hwat. English language is screwed when we start accepting this chicanery.
yes ... Activision will soon announce Sierra coming back ... as another CoD map-making studio![]()
CoD the point and click graphic adventurewith dog
I will fight against the change to the word "literally" to my last breath.
go on
Not sure if anyone here knows but Dota 2 downloads 0 bytes forever (queue/download infinite loop) in Steam last beta causing lag in steam. any fix?
Dog is dlc
Dog is dlc
i'm out
Not sure if anyone here knows but Dota 2 downloads 0 bytes forever (queue/download infinite loop) in Steam last beta causing lag in steam. any fix?
What's the story behind this? Seen multiple people complain about this before.
this thread is moving too slow
Most people are just thinking about getting 2033 Redux. Wait and see approach on Last Light Redux.I'm interested in getting 2033 Redux but is it really a huge improvement worth $12.50? I haven't played through the original version yet, but I do own it already.
What's the story behind this? Seen multiple people complain about this before.
There are mulltiple storylines and endings and shit.Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
A lot of people use literally to describe things that are in no way, shape, or form literal, because they don't understand the meaning of words. Dictionaries were updated to reflect the actual usage of the word, however incorrect it is, and somewhat recently this update made the news. Now people use this to justify "see, I told you literally didn't mean literally".
No! I understand that dictionaries cover a variety of slang terms and misused words, because they document the way language is used. And many words we use today are corruptions of their original usage. That doesn't mean we should throw up our hands and say "fuck it, I guess all words now mean the opposite of what they are supposed to mean." You can still use words the right way to preserve their meaning, even if there are people out there who do not do so.
Edit: I'll also fight anyone who says "I could care less." Word Crimes are serious business.
What's the story behind this? Seen multiple people complain about this before.
Not sure if there's a specific incident people are referencing, but I know I hate people using "literally" as an intensifier ("That game is literally the worst thing in the world!")
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
I just hope this turns out be real. Love FPS, never played Halo.It has been a relatively exciting week as far as PC gaming goes.
- Master Chief Collection retail entry
A lot of people use literally to describe things that are in no way, shape, or form literal, because they don't understand the meaning of words. Dictionaries were updated to reflect the actual usage of the word, however incorrect it is, and somewhat recently this update made the news. Now people use this to justify "see, I told you literally didn't mean literally".
Is there some sort of endgame to Paper Please? Or does it keep going forever?
there are many endings based on your choices and they're all awesome
Why do some games perform first time set up every time you start them?
It wasn't awesome when my neigbors ratted me out to the police after I took a bribe from that group (and then never let any of their members in... suckers) and I got arrested.
y u do dis
Why do some games perform first time set up every time you start them?
CSGO can use someone of like this.http://kotaku.com/ridiculous-argument-on-xbox-live-takes-a-suddenly-civil-1618191070. Especially in Casual.
GOG is a proper noun, but we've been shortening it from what is should be
the REAL term is "GOG.com game"
OK, but why are people saying GOG is redundant?
Wait, what? Are we living on Bizarro world now? I understand language is a fluid, living thing, but we really need to have some constants. Words not acquiring the opposite of their original meaning because people are too ignorant to use them properly is probably a good place to start. >_<
----1 : in a literal sense or manner : actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>
2 : in effect : virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice — Norman Cousins>