Am I overlooking something or can you only buy a game once on GMG? I want to buy a gift but I already have the game myself. And I don't see a buy option..
Last Light should not be 12.50 if you owned the season pass. If Ubi or EA tried to charge 12.50 for what amounts to new animations and a new difficulty mode, there'd be riots.
So busy planning for a wedding I only have time for, like, a scenario or two in Revengeance at a time. Anybody have any nice quick burst puzzle or such recommendations?
They even admit the offer is not as compelling for people with the DLC, and said they understand people voting with their wallet.
Also I would point out it's not just animations/difficulty modes, the engine has been improved and they've added tessellation along with global illumination. So while it might not be enough to justify the $12.50 price for some people it's not just a couple quick tweaks.
Yeah, I was hoping the trials would be ready in time for the physical and PC release, guess not.No challenges for any of the new characters in SFU4 is pretty weak. Was it just too much work or something to tell me some combos to do .
2033 wasn't very well-optimized at release, but I played around with the settings for a while and was able to find a mix of good visuals with consistent performance (I think I had a 460 1gb/i5 when it came out, but I could be wrong).
I am fine with the upgrade price they are charging. I paid 15$ and got both.
No challenges for any of the new characters in SFU4 is pretty weak. Was it just too much work or something to tell me some combos to do .
Classic JaseC: "My Steam account has grown to 111 games"
I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom barely has a Fighting Game team. Also, challenges usually come with pretty shitty combos anyway. It's better to check youtube for combos.
Something else to note is that Capcom still couldn't be arsed to add cutscenes for the AE or Ultra character's rival battles in arcade mode. :/
Something else to note is that Capcom still couldn't be arsed to add cutscenes for the AE or Ultra character's rival battles in arcade mode. :/
??? I can put Metro 2033 on the lowest settings/resolution, and it'll still have frequent pauses during regular gameplay, worse during action-oriented sequences. (Core i5 OC'd/GTX 670) And it overheated my PC at least once, shortly after booting up. Never happened with any other game that I can recall. I'm not the only one, google both games and you'll see these issues aren't so isolated. Must we always be so quick to blame the consumer?
There is unique voice acting during the fights like the Vanilla and Super characters have, so it's not like they didn't put any thought into the newbies. It's weird.Yeah was playing poison and got to my rival rolento. Was wondering if i had missed something since it just went straight to the fight.
Yeah, we were just lamenting that.or trials![]()
Also if your PC overheats something is wrong with its cooling as that should never happen, no matter what you throw at it.
Classic JaseC: "My Steam account has grown to 111 games"
He pimped his family out.JaseC, what's the story behind your tag? I must have missed it.
He gave away family sharing access to his account.JaseC, what's the story behind your tag? I must have missed it.
GPU overheat.
Then the airflow in the case isn't good enough or the GPU cooler is undersized. Overheating is never the software's fault, a solidly built PC has to be able to deal with everything. Exceptions are notebooks or people living in the desert.![]()
Then the airflow in the case isn't good enough or the GPU cooler is undersized. Overheating is never the software's fault, a solidly built PC has to be able to deal with everything. Exceptions are notebooks or people living in the desert.![]()
You dont know what you are talking about. Gonna quote someone else:Wow. People defending Metro 2033's poor performance problems. It's kind of infamous for them. This isn't a case of "lol get better specs" it's a case of the devs making a game that was poorly optimized.
Smoke was also downgraded a ton from 2033 to last light.Hate to hark on this again, but metro 2033 on PC ran quite well for what it was graphically doing (minus one option, the advanced depth of field).
So many of the lights were volumetric, so many of the lights cast shadows, the shadow resolution was huge, full screen effects were done at native resolution... etc...
While metro last light added lots of great graphical features (the bokeh, the tesselation on nearly everything (which will be improved in redux), the new particle lighting) and of course tightened up the code to make effects run better, it also removed and toned down some of the sample counts.
Shadows are not as high res, there are less volumetric lights, the volumetric lights do not appear to run at native res, etc...
Thank you for the link! That was easy.Now, will I actually play it though?
Gigabyte GTX 670 Windforce. The game suddenly ran hot. Hotter than any other game I've ever played on this rig, then. I'm tired. I'll just assume blame for everything in my life.
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty.
That's not true at all, software can cause overheating, remember furmark? That software that made nvidia and amd throttle GPUs whenever it was detected. Not all load is equal.
Then the airflow in the case isn't good enough or the GPU cooler is undersized. Overheating is never the software's fault, a solidly built PC has to be able to deal with everything. Exceptions are notebooks or people living in the desert.![]()
Played a bit of Rise of Incarnates.
Think i'll just stick with Anarchy Regins. The system in RoI is just really weird and feels off to me. The combat is far too floaty for my tastes.
I played a little bit too. Is there anything else similar on steam?
I'm not alone! I wonder how much of the 18.9% played less than 1 hour and 27.6% played 1-10 hours is just idling.
For me, the combination of roguelike random level generation, limited persistence and growth (you can store a small number of items in your vault and carry them over to the next playthrough, and expand that with earned hero points, or use those points to unlock additional classes and perks), and the constantly encroaching darkness to add tension and create interesting risk vs. reward scenarios (there's a temple with a powerful artifact that'll be useful in the fight against the demon lord - can I get in, grab it and get out before the darkness reaches me? Should I pass it up and take my chances?) makes it really addictive. And each playthrough's long enough to feel satisfying, but short enough that I'll find myself thinking, "Just one more game" and dive back in.
That's actually an interesing question given the relative recency of trading cards -- the system is not much more than a year old. I can say with confidence that if it weren't for trading cards, at least 95% if my library would be untouched, but I'm also acutelt aware that I'm an outlier.
I just took my little brother to go see Guardians of the Galaxy. It's amazing. It barely beat Captain America 2 and X-Men Days of Future Past as my Movie of the Year. What a great year for superhero film.
The blue hue on the new client looks really bad.
I'm not alone! I wonder how much of the 18.9% played less than 1 hour and 27.6% played 1-10 hours is just idling.
The blue hue on the new client looks really bad.