Why has JSR been ported to so many platforms yet nothings been done with JSRF anyways? Sega published it and I'm pretty sure there's nothing tied with MS to keep it from being released on other platforms. I've been really curious about this, but hey it's Sega![]()
Sega expressed interest in doing Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia I believe, with the assumption being they would eventually get to JSRF.
I believe the poor sales of JSR turned them off to future HD ports however. Hopefully the new consoles, with similar architectures, and hungry steadily growing install bases put them back on the right path.
So whats the best way to get a DS3 to work with Tits besides motionjoy?
Never, ever use motionjoy.
oh noez, I don't even have a headset. D: