Enslaved is not a good character action game based on its playability. Ultra rudimentary fight system, bottom tier auto-platforming, and kinda input-laggy (at least on consoles).
That said, the world is gorgeous, the characters are fun and the cutscenes are kinda amusing. If you are looking for a decent romp and are extremely tolerant of bland gameplay, it's not totally terrible.
I believe the higher and more stable framerate helped out the input issues tremendously.
I haven't played it, but I have heard several people on GAF, who initially experienced the game on console, describe the experience as significantly better.
Just Beat Transistor just a little while ago and thought I'd share my impressions with SteamGAF. First off I want to say that as of right now it's easily my GOTY nominee. Granted I haven't played much that has come out this year, but I really enjoyed my time with the game a lot. The atmosphere of the game has been one of my favorite in recent memory. Thanks a lot to the very impressive artwork and designs throughout. The games entire world is such a spectacle that I stopped more than once just to admire it. My interest in the world was thanks a lot to the phenomenal music. It's just so relaxing and fits any mood the game goes for so elegantly.
Gameplay was a interesting mix of real time and planning your actions. I found all of the battles to be just the right amount of challenge as I played through. Using both the strategic menu and the moves in real time is the true path to success. Though this ends up being Transistor's biggest issue. The game gives you access to the library of moves far too slowly. Thus you end up getting far too comfortable with what you have been using for awhile, that you'll feel better off just enhancing them than truly changing up how you play. Kind of wish the game let you start out with more moves and levels mainly being unlocks for the enhancements.
Lastly the story I thought did the job it needed to. It kept you going forward and wanting to find out just exactly what was going on. Sure all the questions you have might not get answered. But you get enough to know the basics of what is going on. Which I liked since it lets the player imagine more about the world rather than being told directly everything in detail. Which can take away from the wonder.
All in all Transistor is definitely something everyone should play at some point.
Thanks again CorrosiveFrost for gifting me the game.
Glad you enjoyed the game, and found a similar criticism as myself. Now, play through the game on NG+ as a pure ARPG.