Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Eric Andre Work GIF by BuzzFeed

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's not THICC, that's fat.


Gold Member
is that .... a male? shoulder posture is male, running pose is male, ugh
My benefit of the doubt on alpha game design knowledge is this is all placeholder for testing purposes. Most final art, animations, textures, lighting, ai logic, etc., is not even close to being added.

But, current year and how they butchered MJ makes it hard not to lift a brow.
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My benefit of the doubt on alpha game design knowledge is this is all placeholder for testing purposes. Most final art, animations, textures, lighting, ai logic, etc., is not even close to being added.

But, current year and how they butchered MJ makes it hard not to lift a brow.
Two questions:

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the chances that JG looks hot?

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the chances that JG looks similar to these disgusting images leaked here/above?


Jesus tittyfucking christ in hell, what has my eyes laid forth unto?

I've noticed alot on Youtube that pretty women loves playing as other pretty game characters like Eve in Stellar Blade and the people that think that Eve (designed by a woman even lol) is "Sexualized" (god they love to throw that word around like candy around a van don't they) are non-binary/fat/transtrenders. And Sweet Baby Inc has exactly zero pretty women in their offices as evidenced by the erasure of good looking women in games.

It's like this image:



Gold Member
Jesus tittyfucking christ in hell, what has my eyes laid forth unto?

I've noticed alot on Youtube that pretty women loves playing as other pretty game characters like Eve in Stellar Blade and the people that think that Eve (designed by a woman even lol) is "Sexualized" (god they love to throw that word around like candy around a van don't they) are non-binary/fat/transtrenders. And Sweet Baby Inc has exactly zero pretty women in their offices as evidenced by the erasure of good looking women in games.

It's like this image:

It's what it really is. They hate women, especially pretty women.


I mean, its been obvious for a while that there is an agenda to make female characters more manly and less feminine. I don't mind having "normal" looking characters because the average person looks "normal". At the same time, I hate this idiotic Western dev mentality where they take established characters and must make them uglier for no reason other than ideology and pandering. The Jean Grey in the upcoming Wolverine game is a great example.


It's what it really is. They hate women, especially pretty women.
I'm also agree this. At the point i left western games years ago. Coming back for spiderman 2 and super dissappointed (not because ugly but bugs and woke and also peter is weakened as character) ugh, i will return to AAA western, if they are not pinned by DEI. Even my fave series such as Dragon Age is downed ugly since insquisition...
There's something off about her.

This one would make a decent Jean Grey, though.
Yeah, the"something off" thing is that the real life actress also has a massive man jaw. It's funny how Western devs are able to accurately face scan an actress when they have man-ish features, but when have a situation like the actress from Star Wars, you get this...

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How so? Control had a fairly good scan of the actual woman playing the part
You do know there was a face change during development and that stirred some online outcry? In the earlier promotional art her face was more feminine, with a smaller chin.


You do know there was a face change during development and that stirred some online outcry? In the earlier promotional art her face was more feminine, with a smaller chin.
Really? I didnt know about that. Either way, I think Jesse looks a lot like the real life actress not like the Outlaws protag, thats hideous


Yeah, the"something off" thing is that the real life actress also has a massive man jaw. It's funny how Western devs are able to accurately face scan an actress when they have man-ish features, but when have a situation like the actress from Star Wars, you get this...

She is basically only doing the voices right ? Because there is not one feature from her face that was translated to the character... not one. And I know what Im talking about.


Russia vs. Ukraine is small potatoes. There will eventually be a Great Jawbone War where K-Pop stars and Western game developers will battle for dominance for the female face profile.
Yeah, the"something off" thing is that the real life actress also has a massive man jaw. It's funny how Western devs are able to accurately face scan an actress when they have man-ish features, but when have a situation like the actress from Star Wars, you get this...

Western devs are made up of so many DEI hires and purple haired whack jobs. Their sole purpose is to make sure the messaging of theirs is put out thru this medium. Therefore, women need to be scaled back to look more manly to appease Trans people. That’s the whole point of them constantly applying the term Inclusive. They want to make sure no woman is sexy or pretty because it will make them objectified. These are crazy people with a warped sense of reality and their actions prove it. No normal rational thinking person sees things the way these nut jobs do.
I don't need videogame characters to look like the people I see on my Tuesday commute in the subway.

Videogames are not real they're escapism and that's fine.
Apparently, that's not true and you're some kind of horrible person or whatever for thinking that way. I want to some times play as characters with extraordinary ideal physiques and not always some ordinary looking joe from real life. That's not inspiring. That's no exciting. That's boring.

Trying to eradicate that from video games takes away what makes them special.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Good, someone with common sense and not afraid to ask questions about these people. Hopefully they terminate any involvement with SBI going forward. However, with Kiryu not elaborating much and then using the words SAFE and enjoyable for their content most likely means they will continue to allow SBI to infect their products. I thought Square Enix would be one of the companies that didnt bow to SBI and the racist garbage they peddle but it seems they too have been compromised in some form or another. This industry is only getting worse with this garbage and devs being to weak to say no to them and their racist agendas. Perhaps if more games fail and hemorage money for Square Enix the stockholders will start to put more pressure and actually make some changes replacing morons who go along with SBI and other racist companies peddling their garbage. In the end profit rules all and is more important along with the bottom line than any amount of diversity inclusion and safe content being pushed by these racist weirdos whose only goal is to ruin games in general with their woke ideology and racist narratives.
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Apparently, this entire spectacle has reached Square Enix's investors and they're starting to ask questions:

Square Enix President Takashi Kiryu responded, “I would like to refrain from making specific comments about individual clients. As we shift from quantity to quality, providing content that is enjoyable and safe for our customers is also part of what makes a product fun. We will do our best as creators.”

Bolded mine.

This is the exact kind of gaslighting that needs to be undone. The article itself is mostly about SBI's Belair's speech about threatening game companies to employ consultancy groups, DEI, etc. So, the term 'safe' can be read in more than one way - inoffensive, for "modern audiences" (DEI), meeting requirements for investment from BlackRock and companies like that, etc. Maybe it's all of them, but making a "safe" game while ignoring audience expectations is not going to translate into future success. Game companies need to stop being cowed by the likes of Belair and her cronies.
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This Sweet Baby/DEI stuff is extremely bigoted in that they tend to selectively discriminate against any group that they happen to perceive as being a majority. So if there’s more people of one skin color or gender in a game, in a work place, or in a movie they will then set up racist and sexist training and recruitment programs that unfairly block out new applicants who they perceive as being part of the supposedly over-represented majority. In other words they engage in racism and sexism.

They also advertise their bigotry toward the majority group by excluding them from the organisation’s promotional brochures and reception desks. Not only is this offensive to the majority group, but it’s also offensive to the minority group who they are parading publicly as tokens of their own false morality.
"Safe" is a huge red flag nowadays. You can feel the cowardice in SE's CEO. He needs to be replaced or else the company will keep dragging its feet even more.
Correct he is a coward and should be replaced. He proved he has bowed to these lunatics and allowed them to dictate his games going forward. I don’t understand why so many of these companies and their leadership dont just tell SBI and others like them to piss off. Gamers will buy their products and support them if they make good games. Letting these weirdos infect their games by caving to them only ruins their products and pisses off a majority of the fanbase. I guess they are all willing to sacrifice their brands and money for the sake of INCLUSIVITY…….what a bunch of morons and they deserve to fail for being so pathetically weak.
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Apparently, this entire spectacle has reached Square Enix's investors and they're starting to ask questions:

And SBI isn't the only consulting firm. SE has also "consulted " with Hit Detection (FFVII Remake) and Black Girl Gamers (Forspoken).
And SBI isn't the only consulting firm. SE has also "consulted " with Hit Detection (FFVII Remake) and Black Girl Gamers (Forspoken).
It appears they have been infected deeply and are all in on supporting this shite. Even though they are based in Tokyo it seems the western mind virus has reached across the ocean and still polluted their minds. Unreal.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
So SE has caved in to SJW terrorism.
A real shame that there are so few companies with leadership strong enough to say no to these extortionist.
They caved, and then they lost a shitload of money because of it (see the Forspoken flop + closure of Luminous Productions). So hopefully this means they will think twice before paying a DEI consultant to add negative value to their games.

I am still shocked at the shitshow around Forspoken. Kotaku wrote a hit piece about how they visited Luminous and they didn’t see any black women working there. Then Luminous talked about how they brought in “BIPOC consultants” to help portray Frey “authentically” whatever the fuck that means.

Then after release, Polygon wrote another hit piece complaining about how Forspoken portrayed a black character in a fictional world without racism, instead of making her victimhood part of her story. (I bet they have no problem with Bridgerton though… wonder why)

Lesson learned. Make a white character and you can make them whatever you want, from a detestable asshole to a selfless hero to anything in between. Make a minority character and you have to portray them in exactly the right positive + stereotype-defying manner. And even then, all the woke dipshits will find no end of stuff to get offended about.
Bolded mine.

This is the exact kind gaslighting that needs to be undone. The article itself is mostly about SBI's Belair's speech about threatening game companies to employ consultancy groups, DEI, etc. So, the term 'safe' can be read in more than one way - inoffensive, for "modern audiences" (DEI), meeting requirements for investment from BlackRock and companies like that, etc. Maybe it's all of them, but making a "safe" game while ignoring audience expectations is not going to translate into future success. Game companies need to stop being cowed by the likes of Belair and her cronies.
The core here is that its caught the attention of the people at the top. The further this escalates, the more pressure they (publishers) will face. There's already been an undeniable string of games with their involvement that have under-performed spectacularly and its causing some folks to think twice.

And the people in these consultancy bureaus know this.

They caved, and then they lost a shitload of money because of it (see the Forspoken flop + closure of Luminous Productions). So hopefully this means they will think twice before paying a DEI consultant to add negative value to their games.

I am still shocked at the shitshow around Forspoken. Kotaku wrote a hit piece about how they visited Luminous and they didn’t see any black women working there. Then Luminous talked about how they brought in “BIPOC consultants” to help portray Frey “authentically” whatever the fuck that means.

Then after release, Polygon wrote another hit piece complaining about how Forspoken portrayed a black character in a fictional world without racism, instead of making her victimhood part of her story.
(I bet they have no problem with Bridgerton though… wonder why)

Archived source(s)?
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World’s Biggest Weeb
The core here is that its caught the attention of the people at the top. The further this escalates, the more pressure they (publishers) will face. There's already been an undeniable string of games with their involvement that have under-performed spectacularly and its causing some folks to think twice.

And the people in these consultancy bureaus know this.

Archived source(s)?



safe from minor group like that could result in "not safe" from losing money. as far as i know, people are fighting back now, and it could lead to falling sales much nowadays.

Interesting. Thanks.

not sure if it will effect sales. spiderman 2 was woke and people bought it.
That was prior to people becoming aware of how much of an affect they had on the game. Not to mention Spiderman is a big IP. People and fandom would've bought it blindly by recognition alone. The review scores only boosted it.

The Wolverine leak isn't exactly gaining positive traction right now. The leaks indicate they intended to pull a raw deal on Wolverine as well as the rest of the character gallery. I dig Wolverine and have no interest in Insomniac's game despite being a PS gamer.
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