STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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Wait so is mercenary kings actually bad or what? All I've heard is negative impressions since it came out. I may need to remove it from my wishlist if so...

it sounds pretty cool and all the customization is cool, but the game itself is really boring. super slow paced shooting and finding materials.


bish gets all the credit :)
Wait so is mercenary kings actually bad or what? All I've heard is negative impressions since it came out. I may need to remove it from my wishlist if so...

It's terribly repetitive and doesn't respect your time at all. It looks fantastic though.


Good morning other parts of the world that is not Europe, and where it's... morning...

Good evening Europe!

There is a slight chance that Litil Divil might not work, tried it on my account but I already owned the game. soooo...)

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Benedict, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible

Project Aftermath -- MB-DCC38AF114B68C19 - Taken by tylergregg
NPPD RUSH The milk of Ultraviolet -- MB-A833B6B4F52F64B7 - Taken by FauX
litil divil -- MB-89DFAC3B789C4694 - Taken by Demon Lizardman. 1 entrants total.
Mount & Blade With Fire And Sword -- MB-A3205467F25543C2 - Taken by AcademicSaucer


Wait so is mercenary kings actually bad or what? All I've heard is negative impressions since it came out. I may need to remove it from my wishlist if so...

I don't think I'd call it bad. It did have the potential to be really good but so far it doesn't seem like it's coming together the way everyone was hoping.
Wait so is mercenary kings actually bad or what? All I've heard is negative impressions since it came out. I may need to remove it from my wishlist if so...

I got it free on PS+ for PS4. I was actually already looking forward to the game, as I like Metal Slug, but it was kind of bad, to be honest, in my opinion.

The controls were a bit off-putting (you can't even shoot diagonally). I don't often give up on games that fast, but between that and the obvious impression that there is grinding involved, it lost my interest quick.
Wait so is mercenary kings actually bad or what? All I've heard is negative impressions since it came out. I may need to remove it from my wishlist if so...

It's pretty repetitive, the way it's structured is you have to play the same level a crapload of times just to progress to the next environment. It's not "bad" from a technical level, it has some nice 2d graphics and a nice chiptune soundtrack. It's just the pacing and the structure to progress levels make it extremely boring, I don't know why the devs made these design choices.

Humble Bundle Weekly
Edge of Space
Lifeless Planet
Signs of Life

- are these 3 games worth playing $10 for?

Just get Edge of Space if you're interested from the midweek madness. 2 keys via traders.

Shantae has a store page. It releases some time this month.

Is that the one that was kickstarted?


Evil Ryu and Oni have some mad stylish lookin combos. It almost makes me want to switch over to one of them.

Nice pic.



smash set with stocks and no items (and even 2 player if you must) is just as serious a competitive fighter as tekken or SF.

don't assume just because the default options in the game make for a fun party button smasher that the underlying engine isn't in reality an incredible fighting game system.

you can make tekken/street fighter just as much a party button masher as you can make smash a real fighting game. It's just all about the default options the games boot up under.

This might be one of the funniest things I've ever read here. Thanks for the laugh. :D

Smash isn't a real fighting game.

and did you just try and compare Smash to Tekken/Street Fighter? lol

Oh, I see you've got it covered. Excellent. Carry on then.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hey Zero, this is what I think of your weak ass giveaway I cant even enter!



ModBot said:
Instructions for Rhaknar:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Rhaknar, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- You must have given away a game through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Divinity: Original Sin -- MB-2A2E3048C42FA5DC - Taken by MikeDip
Divinity: Original Sin #2 -- MB-BA56733E5CEE5EA0 - Taken by Knurek
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- MB-83052C526830F112 - Taken by Divius



yes you can activate Witcher, well, unless they completely lock it in the next 3 hours >_>


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
The comparison you make to Arkham Horror and Lovecraft just makes me want to buy this game even more :(

well, like I said about a week ago - it's pretty much FTL meets Lovecraft ... with LOTS AND LOTS (no, really - a loooooot) of reading included :) awesome game

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Hey Zero, this is what I think of your weak ass giveaway I cant even enter!




yes you can activate Witcher, well, unless they completely lock it in the next 3 hours >_>

Your giveaway is weak-ass! Witcher 3 and Divinity are approaching bundle turd level at the rate they're being given away. Also I own them both, so you suck even more!

You don't have the balls to give away something not cheap in Russia like Watch dogs or Call of Doody AW


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Will this be the Divinity giveaway I finally win?

speaking of, one of the Divinity giveaways has no link so when whoever wins it wins it, just PM me on steam and ill send it, aparently you cant email the same gift twice to the same email :/


Hey Zero, this is what I think of your weak ass giveaway I cant even enter![IMG]


[SPOILER]yes you can activate Witcher, well, unless they completely lock it in the next 3 hours >_>[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]
You're a cool guy


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

So this was released today, a Portal 2 mod being sold as DLC. I've never heard of this before.

It's not DLC but a separate game that has the MustOwnAppToPurchase dependency flag because it is indeed technically a mod. But, yeah, I wasn't expecting it to have a price tag attached, although it does make sense to allow indies to sell mods (upon approval) so there are no engine licensing fees.
ModBot said:
Anyone have a Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition code to give away?

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 8 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Grampa Simpson, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

BioShock 2 -- MB-9252CD67040389E9 - Taken by PossumMeat. 12 entrants total.
X-COM: Apocalypse -- MB-4C0FEA849F233AB5
X-COM: Enforcer -- MB-B05AAE11C845F1A9 - Taken by 28 Posts Later. 1 entrants total.
X-COM: Terror from the Deep -- MB-BB6B41DBE82BE2DB - Taken by Ezalc
BioShock -- MB-5EAD0376EC93D076 - Taken by TheLight. 1 entrants total.
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified -- MB-910BD8E6FFC7B089 - Taken by xptoxyz. 8 entrants total.
X-COM: UFO Defense -- MB-9A58BFF697808D7D - Taken by Natty1. 1 entrants total.
X-COM: Interceptor -- MB-6DED0B27BA2F4D50 - Taken by HalfwayOrb. 1 entrants total.


See quoted text.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Your giveaway is weak-ass! Witcher 3 and Divinity are approaching bundle turd level at the rate they're being given away. Also I own them both, so you suck even more!

You don't have the balls to give away something not cheap in Russia like Watch dogs or Call of Doody AW

hey man at least im not the John Cena of steamgaf. you wanted to win, fine you win, you know, since CenaWinsLOL anyway


edit: oh shit Shantae got stealth released? o_O


Good morning other parts of the world that is not Europe, and where it's... morning...

Good evening Europe!

There is a slight chance that Litil Divil might not work, tried it on my account but I already owned the game. soooo...)

From the previous page.
These games are still available.

Project Aftermath -- MB-DCC38AF114B68C19 - Taken by tylergregg
NPPD RUSH The milk of Ultraviolet -- MB-A833B6B4F52F64B7
litil divil -- MB-89DFAC3B789C4694 - Taken by Demon Lizardman. 1 entrants total.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
You know I'm always about that rhymin robbin' and stealin'.

I can probably play a heist or two.

I don't want to play with you. You kill civilians, rig alarms and generally you ruin everything

Jokes aside, I can play in about 30 mins if anyone interested doesn't have me as a friend on Steam, send me your id via PM


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Stealth release indeed: the most recent sub change SteamDB detected was 22 hours ago.

Haha, I don't know what "You're stupid" is in Spanish but I assume it doesn't look like that. ;)

tu eres estupido/a, stupid actually is pretty similar in spanish (and portuguese)


well what i pictured her saying was a little less kind :p

also argie spanish doesn't use "tu" or "eres"

we just go right for the curse word
one of my favorite moments so far in the witcher 2 was to give some assholes up to a vengeful ghost, who tore them up real damn good. I played those fools, gentlemen...

but then the witcher 2 played me, friends, it played me real well and the next time I encountered a ghost it was IIIIIIIIIIII who was played like a fiddle.

This game doesn't mess around with the baby stuff and really makes you sit there and think about the ramifications of your choices.

Damn this game is so good.


Just thought I'd mention that this guy is selling Edge of Space for 1 key 5 ref (9 ref = 1 key). He actually sold it to me for 1 key since I unpacked a 4-pack for him.
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