...most unexpected.
Did you add it to your library?
I was gifted Witcher 3 a while ago. What does this mean for me?
Yeah I added it as soon as I got it.
If I remember correctly, you got it before there even was a RU sub, so you should be ultra fine. Don't worry.
My impressions on Abyss Odyssey:
Great and consistent artstyle
Good combat with the minor annoyance of turning which isnt as bad as many said it was but it is present.
The Soundtrack is amazing
The AI is pretty good
Final Boss is satisfyingbut can be cheesed out if you know what move to spam on him and when.
Will it be free? Will it update itself without constantly nagging me with messages about Afterburner or Rivatuner OSD being out-of-date?
wow wtf why don't i have the soundtrack for abyss odyssey? i had the game sitting in my list for like 2 weeks. was it cause i got it as a gift?
On topic- it's 80 degrees out and I'm afraid to play games. I just sit and read new articles for hours on end.
I saw one of the devs posting in another topic about the OST saying the same thing happened with Zeno Clash 2. Dunno who or why, but at least they're fixing it.I would assume it's more the fault of Atlus than ACE. Usually it's the publisher that handles those sorts of things.
I would assume it's more the fault of Atlus than ACE. Usually it's the publisher that handles those sorts of things.
At 80 degrees I'd be more worried about not melting alive.On topic- it's 80 degrees out and I'm afraid to play games. I just sit and read new articles for hours on end.
yes you can activate Witcher, well, unless they completely lock it in the next 3 hours >_>
Well, that was fast! How long is the game?
Are the non-main XCOM games any fun? Are any worth checking out?
It's like 90 right now outside but a mild 76 in my house. Based AC.
Found an oldie lying around! Dunno if anyone doesn't have these though heh
At 80 degrees I'd be more worried about not melting alive.
Based superior Celsius.
Celsius FTW (as opposed to all those made-up fairytale units those Americans are using)
Cool beans! I am ashamed to admit I don't own 90% of the games in this bundle. Thank you!
Celsius FTW (as opposed to all those made-up fairytale units those Americans are using)
oh did I just waste 8 keys on a useless Witcher 3? great...
Gerald didn't want you on his adventure.
What a jerk.
Don't listen to themoh did I just waste 8 keys on a useless Witcher 3? great...
edit: the witcher 3 in my inventory is still fine btw so... /shrug?
Yep. Metric system > american nonsense.
Silly colonists!
you realise I have it, the person that would have won it is fucked theoretically, not me. And like I said, its still fine for now in my inv :/
Witcher 3 is not locked YET, i still have an RU copy in my inventory. Same thing happened with the RU SUB change yesterday, took an hour or so for steam to change it.
Picked up Volgarr and Luftrausers from the Humble recap sale. Volgarr is so good, it's the ultimate "one more time" video game. Me and my brother are playing it right now and switching off every 3 lives and we keep making it further each turn haha. It seems to be alot like the old arcade game Rastan.
Celsius is demonstrably worse than Fahrenheit and is therefore stupid. There's never going to be a book called Celsius 232, that's for damned sure...
Are you sure the delay isn't just related to the notice appearing? What happens when you try to add it to your account (I assume the region-lock error has priority over "You already have this game, stupid")?
No I've had this experience before with valiant hearts, the change is instant and you get that red flag on your gift. Mine is still fine (I don't have the game yet, don't wanna try it).
So yeah, if anyone wants it, probably last chance before region lock is implemented.
Yep. Metric system > american nonsense.
In defense of the non-Mericans, we did have this tripe
How is this game? I have always been intrigued.