Gun Monkey give away from PC gamer gave me a guest/extra copy. Did it do that for anyone else?
its like that for every copy
kinda like the ship
Gun Monkey give away from PC gamer gave me a guest/extra copy. Did it do that for anyone else?
Chill bro.~7 Keys.
Ok morningbus i realize your doing it as a joke or whatever, but now it's getting annoying that you keep posting it. Take it to PMs please. Same reason we shifted modbot thanks and stuff to PMs. Nevermind the fact that your posts have nothing to do with steam whatsoever.
~7 Keys.
Ok morningbus i realize your doing it as a joke or whatever, but now it's getting annoying that you keep posting it. Take it to PMs please. Same reason we shifted modbot thanks and stuff to PMs. Nevermind the fact that your posts have nothing to do with steam whatsoever.
your posts have nothing to do with steam whatsoever.
BREAKING NEWS: FROM AP: KIEV, Ukraine - Adviser to Ukraine's Interior Minister says passenger plane carrying 295 shot down.
Gun Monkey give away from PC gamer gave me a guest/extra copy. Did it do that for anyone else?
There are no gods or kings... except for the people who are still contributing codes!
let's play a new game, if we can get the total to $500, you have to livestream Serious Sam 1-3
its like that for every copy
kinda like the ship
Hahaha that would be torture for him. Good one.let's play a new game, if we can get the total to $500, you have to livestream Serious Sam 1-3
I need that Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition![]()
There should be a crossover. The Ship: Monkeys with Guns.
~7 Keys.
Ok morningbus i realize your doing it as a joke or whatever, but now it's getting annoying that you keep posting it. Take it to PMs please. Same reason we shifted modbot thanks and stuff to PMs. Nevermind the fact that your posts have nothing to do with steam whatsoever.
let's play a new game, if we can get the total to $500, you have to livestream Serious Sam 1-3
let's play a new game, if we can get the total to $500, you have to livestream Serious Sam 1-3
No godmode hacks or anything either. He has to actually try.let's play a new game, if we can get the total to $500, you have to livestream Serious Sam 1-3
There should be a crossover. The Ship: Monkeys with Guns.
Same here, think I'm gonna wait til they have another sale though. Been waiting for a complete version of SRIV before I jumped into it. My brother is gave me all his steam trading cards and it pushed me over to having 25$ in my steam wallet, so I was just thinking about blowing it on keys to get Dead Rising 3 (it's not region locked correct?). But now Saints Row 4 complete being only 7 keys or so is kinda tempting lol. Shadow what game should I go for?!?
There are no gods or kings... except for the people who are still contributing codes!
Current Total: 312 (approximately 3 codes away from the 4-month negative bill goal)!
Again, a huge thank you for everyone who is joining in on this. I'm sure many of you are doing it for the pure absurdity of it, but please know that I am truly, trulyoutrageousgrateful.
You are NOT buying a game with a kickstarter. You are donating money.
It's a simple site with simple rules. If you're not good with that idea, then never participate.
BTW, they can't have a customer protection policy because there are no customers. There are only backers.
Have some sort of customer protection policy. I don't know nor should I, I'm not the one running the site.
or even a movie
they did make snakes on a plane
No, you aren't. You don't get a return on investment, you don't get shares or any kind of ownership or rights related to the product that is being kickstarted, and you don't get to see any of the money they make. Basically, you are assuming the risk of an investor without any of the potential benefits. Or, to say it in a more friendly way, you are paying for the promise of getting a product.I'm not trying to defend Yogscast as I find that this is abhorrent behavior in general.
The sad fact is, it was a third party making the game, not the Yogscast crew itself. How many licensed games have fallen through before, after having a lot of money pumped into them by a private source? Sadly in this case, the source is kickstarter but in all these kinds of failures people lose money.
Kickstarters fail all the time, even after funded. At least the Yogscast is attempting to do something (well they need the good publicity).
With this, you're not a consumer, you're an investor and investments go bad all the time. This is why I'll never put what I'm working on onto Kickstarter as I'd rather go at my own pace and release something actually finished.
Come on Liez. Don't be a party pooper. You might turn into what his name. The mod-wannabe.
Oh nice, I found Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its Season Pass for a total of 21.50 euro. Does people play that online still? I would rather play that online than Ghosts.
Oh nice, I found Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its Season Pass for a total of 21.50 euro. Does people play that online still? I would rather play that online than Ghosts.
Gun Monkeys is extremely disappointing. Not only is it incredibly buggy, but it's a game about monkeys that shoot guns, instead of the far superior idea of guns that shoot monkeys.
Or bananas that shoot monkeys?!Gun Monkeys is extremely disappointing. Not only is it incredibly buggy, but it's a game about monkeys that shoot guns, instead of the far superior idea of guns that shoot monkeys.
Same here, think I'm gonna wait til they have another sale though. Been waiting for a complete version of SRIV before I jumped into it. My brother is gave me all his steam trading cards and it pushed me over to having 25$ in my steam wallet, so I was just thinking about blowing it on keys to get Dead Rising 3 (it's not region locked correct?). But now Saints Row 4 complete being only 7 keys or so is kinda tempting lol. Help everyone, what game should I go for?!?
Agh. Tough choice mate. I never play Dead Rising 3 before. I played Saints Row 3 on PS3 and platinum it. Enjoyed it a lot. Played a bit of SRIV too.
I think you should get SRIV though. Caged maybe Dead Rising 3 will be cheaper by the time it come out. (If it doesn't get lock)
But you could also make the case that you should get Dead Rising 3 before it get locked. SRIV doesn't look like it will be locked anytime soon.
I grabbed Wolfenstein, gonna return my sealed PS4 copy now. Now to download 44 gigs.![]()
Oh nice, I found Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its Season Pass for a total of 21.50 euro. Does people play that online still? I would rather play that online than Ghosts.
More then ghosts, 7-8k during peakOh nice, I found Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its Season Pass for a total of 21.50 euro. Does people play that online still? I would rather play that online than Ghosts.
You can always just look it up if all you care about is the story. Should save you a bunch of time so you can play something you're actually excited to play.As I understand it the dead space franchise is not worth playing after the 2nd so I'm kind of curious how it all shakes out with mysterious space monoliths and shit. I already had the build yourself up from nothing experience in the first one so I really don't care about that here. I just want to blast through it. Too much to play.
And then there is the fact that I'm going to get legitimate play time from Last of Us soon I think I will have my survival horror needs covered for the next little bit.
Oh nice, I found Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and its Season Pass for a total of 21.50 euro. Does people play that online still? I would rather play that online than Ghosts.
The ToS say the project creators must deliver a product, though. I seriously think something (don't ask me what, I don't know) should be done to prevent bad people from scamming their backers. They are backers, but they also get to receive some rewards according to the tier they are in, which I believe makes them customers too.You are NOT buying a game with a kickstarter. You are donating money.
It's a simple site with simple rules. If you're not good with that idea, then never participate.
BTW, they can't have a customer protection policy because there are no customers. There are only backers.
Happy birthday duderino!Happy birthday to me, early shift, hope I get back early for somr GAF Csgo
Agh. Tough choice mate. I never play Dead Rising 3 before. I played Saints Row 3 on PS3 and platinum it. Enjoyed it a lot. Played a bit of SRIV too.
I think you should get SRIV though. Caged maybe Dead Rising 3 will be cheaper by the time it come out. (If it doesn't get lock)
But you could also make the case that you should get Dead Rising 3 before it get locked. SRIV doesn't look like it will be locked anytime soon.
DR3, no contest.
Plus I have DR3, so you'll always have a potential co-op partner there.
SR4 is a big step away from SR3 from what I've heard. SR4 would be a better grab during the Winter sale when the SR4 franchise gets it's normal sale discount and that applies to the "complete" edition or whatever.
BO2 is a really good game. I don't know how populated the DLC maps are, but you can disable them via Steam if they cause any matchmaking issues.
Gun Monkeys is extremely disappointing. Not only is it incredibly buggy, but it's a game about monkeys that shoot guns, instead of the far superior idea of guns that shoot monkeys.
Well the monkeys are shooting those guns at other monkeys. So in a manner of speaking, the guns do shoot monkeys.
Don't give them any ideas.Or imagine some other kind of fraud. Imagine you have internet service through Comcast, and they just randomly decide to overcharge you $15 this month. So you call them, and they say "Oh yeah, you got overcharged. We'll refund you." and then they don't. So you call again, and they say "No, we issued the refund, tough shit."
I beat/100%'d SRIV during the free weekend, too, but will definitely pick up the complete edition when it's on sale.I beat SRIV during the time it was a free weekend. It was a fun game. Just messing around with super powers are nice, but I still feel like Saints Row controls are too clunky for a superhero game.
... and a really good port toodefinitely MUCH better than Ghosts
KS isn't just a donation to a cash pile. It is a purchase. You are entitled to something for your money, or you are entitled to a refund. Just like any other purchase. But like any other purchase, you are basically doing it on the basis of trust and confidence, and if those fail, only the legal system protects you, and it doesn't protect you very well, and it's not worth it for the smallest stuff.
Hoping theres a console command hack for some screenshotsAin't that the truth. Hopefully Advanced Warfare doesn't borrow from the Infinity Ward tech clusterfuck.
Kickstarter is just a match making service. Asking for customer protection here is like asking a stockbroker to guarantee a positive RoI on a stock you choose to purchase.
I know what you mean, and it makes sense. Still, it doesn't sound right at all, and I don't like it that there's a service which allows malicious people with no intentions of ever delivering the product to steal money from others. The problem is that I can't imagine any way those potential backers could be protected from this.It's very clearly laid out what the risks are though. Kickstarter aren't selling anything, they're providing a platform for companies or individuals to ask for money to fund development of a product, if that development goes badly then it's not Kickstarter's fault, and there's no feasible way for them to ensure that everyone comes out of the process happy. It's on the developers to either make good on their promises, or not and face the backlash of their investors. However, with no real sort of contract due to people essentially donating them money, there's really nothing anyone can do. Kickstarter isn't going to spend it's own money to put things right somehow, they're just a place for people to ask for donations.