STEAM | July 2014-2 In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

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heres a game a mabobby:
ModBot said:
Instructions for taco543:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (taco543, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Tower Wars -- MB-BCAF82BDC38C81B3 - Taken by pupo
Looks interesting. Are you playing with controller or kb?

Controller. DS4 during that session -- there's a spot where I just stop moving while something is attacking me and stand there -- DS4 battery died and I had to grab the USB cable to plug in. :lol:

Heh, that music is very Castlevania-ish. I like it.

It does remind me of something like SotN in spots.

For reference, I do not want anyone to gift me anything. There are others more deserving of your gifts. If you gift me something I'm never gifting anything to SteamGaf again, you hear me corrosivefrost!? :p

What in the holy hell is with me somehow causing events to occur on SteamGAF today?!
I make some comments to Sub Zero joking around about how I felt slighted he overlooked me for a giving related tag and state that I would now consider entering his giveaway for the two pieces of content I didn't own... he makes the same claim and then goes and does it. This leads to him winning his own giveaway, starting a new one with the same prize, and then someone else donating one anonymously and calling him a shifty fucker (amongst a whole bunch of laughs and debates over why he did it and the ethics of it and all that).

So fast forward. Something reminded me of you (probably the Heavy Bullets I need to play sitting in my Favorites category as I booted up AO for streaming). I make a random comment to you about the existence of your wishlist. You say you have one but it's in a text file on your desktop called something to the effect of "I keep my wishlist here so GAF can't gift me anything.txt". The following conversation ensues:

[12:40:41 AM] corrosivefrost: the fun part is you only own <200 games
[12:40:49 AM] corrosivefrost: so there's more than enough to take some bad guesses
[12:40:52 AM] corrosivefrost: :p
[12:43:26 AM] Fuzzi: That's it; switching my profile to private now. :p
corrosivefrost: Hahaha, you can run, but you can't hide, sir. :p
Fuzzi: We'll see...
Fuzzi: We'llll seeeee...
Fuzzi: Boom. Checkmate. :p

I finish streaming, wonder what exactly checkmate is -- your profile is the same, I haven't been gifted anything (don't you dare), and so I come to catch up on SteamGAF and see you have set the bar high for QUALITY giveaways. Furthermore, it's like you went through "games Frost owns or bought recently" just to make sure I can't even participate and then threaten to cut off SteamGAF if I get any bright ideas?

Well played, ser. Well played.

Is that threat for all of SteamGAF -- or is the "cut off" only going to occur if I gift you something??

So much quality, holy shit. :eek:

Yes. Yes it is.

I feel lied to, you're better than advertised.


I shall try for Assbreed.

Thanks. :)
I always feel inadequate at this game with Nito putting in mad hours and posting webms of impressive stuffs as well as combo videos and I'm lucky if I manage to get a chain of 4-5.

Astebreed is a quality game, good luck, hope you win!


My memory is kind of foggy but iirc wasn't there like a Nintendo Wii game which had just a crosshair on screen. And you had to use wiimote to shoot. Maybe that what you're talking about.

They were playing on 360 I believe. Maybe it was just the first person mode in advanced warfighter or whatever its called.


Man is Cook, Serve, Delicious! addictive. When I first watched the Quick Look for the game a while back, it looked completely overwhelming, to the point that I initially decided against buying it because I didn't think I could handle it. Luckily I won it in a giveaway.

So far it's a great balance of constantly trying to manage multiple things at once, without ever really feeling completely screwed. I'm sure that will change as I get further in, but for now I'm finding myself getting perfect days on the regular, and only occasionally screwing up. Though, a single mistake can easily snowball, as multiple orders or chores get missed while you try to figure out how to do a single order if you lose your bearings.

I still never seem to make enough money though. Cheap bastards hardly ever tip, even when I'm serving beer and steak.

Overall, I highly recommend the game so far. My feelings may or may not change when I finally get up to a 1 star restaurant.

Also, I just earned an achievement for serving a burger named after Ryan Davis. RIP, and good on Chubigans for that tribute.

Edit: I should also mention that the game supports 360, PS4, and XBO controllers. I'm using a PS3 controller, with the wrapper to emulate a 360 controller, but I selected the PS4 option, and I was able to play just fine with Dual Shock prompts and have had no issues. That's pretty awesome, and I hope more games will do this.
Browsing gaf on my LG L7 is so very painful. Got up from my cozy bed to get the ipad.

Catching up with SubZero's lucky punch. Wow, just wow. Against all odds. Some stories made here are really worthwhile.

For reference, I do not want anyone to gift me anything. There are others more deserving of your gifts. If you gift me something I'm never gifting anything to SteamGaf again, you hear me corrosivefrost!? :p
Woah, quite the selection of awesome quality titles you're offering. Very nice of you, thanks! Gonna try a low-key one.
Sometimes it pays off staying up till 8am o~O
Nice of you speevy, too.

Well, better off to sleep.


Do you remember anything about the game other than "you couldn't see the gun"?

I do believe they were in a desert, or brown area. Of course that describes 99% of last gen games
ba dum, tiss

For real, no gun on screen, circle reticule, desert or desert-ish level with some ruins of buildings.
Fuzzification is just worried about his secret identity being revealed.

I do believe they were in a desert, or brown area. Of course that describes 99% of last gen games
ba dum, tiss

For real, no gun on screen, circle reticule, desert or desert-ish level with some ruins of buildings.

search for a list of rail shooters , i think there is one on wikipedia , you will probably find the game there


For reference, I do not want anyone to gift me anything. There are others more deserving of your gifts. If you gift me something I'm never gifting anything to SteamGaf again, you hear me corrosivefrost!? :p
What a sadistic choice. I want half of those. Very good giveaway, comrade

Went in for shovel knight to scratch that 8 bit itch


Are these Doom games that are on sale worth it? Now, I know the originals are great, I love them dearly. More interested if they're ok ports on steam here and playable and good and all that lovely lovin.


2 things .

1) Normally when buying something on Steam it usually takes me to my Paypal account to insert my password .

However now it buys it automatically as soon as i push the buy button .

While i do like that there is less screens i have to click on to buy something i still want to disable this if possible .

2) Has anyone have trouble installing games lately ? i am trying to install Wolvenstein TNO and it is going at a snails pace .

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
So no I'm an asshole, a scumbag, a poor shot and a shitty fucker. Nice, keep em coming


Unconfirmed Member
Which means we're 7 codes away from me having to play the Serious Sam games.


There's no way you won't be streaming those games at this rate :p

Read this people &#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;&#8593;

Wonder how many invite PMs MRORANGE has received since he posted that.

Also, I just earned an achievement for serving a burger named after Ryan Davis. RIP, and good on Chubigans for that tribute.

Yeah, seeing that achievement pop up was a really heartwarming moment.


2 things .

1) Normally when buying something on Steam it usually takes me to my Paypal account to insert my password .

However now it buys it automatically as soon as i push the buy button .

While i do like that there is less screens i have to click on to buy something i still want to disable this if possible .
I noticed this too, and I would like it to return to giving me the usual Paypal choices.

So no I'm an asshole, a scumbag, a poor shot and a shitty fucker. Nice, keep em coming
I thought you were just a shifty fucker.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
1) Normally when buying something on Steam it usually takes me to my Paypal account to insert my password .

However now it buys it automatically as soon as i push the buy button .

While i do like that there is less screens i have to click on to buy something i still want to disable this if possible . You'll see your PayPal address in the table to the right. The next time you check out using PayPal, ensure the "Remember my information" box isn't ticked.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Anyone know if Dynasty Warriors 8 is worth it for 25$?

The initial hub bub was that it wasn't a great port and that it was prone to crashing. I haven't heard anything about it since so I don't know if that means it was patched or if it's just not that crashy.

You can grab it for $16 here if you want to take a chance.


Wow, i step out for a bit to help on destiny clan stuff and this tread goes completly bananas, also Shadownet now go to ps4 and accept my friend request darn it. :p

Also thank you all for the awsome giveaways you all did while gone, you are truly a generous bunch in here and i love you all for it, gives me some hope for the human race.


Been having a blast with Shadow Warrior. Perfect "break" game for me in between long sessions of huge games like Divinity. Takes a bit to get going but really enjoyable overall.
The initial hub bub was that it wasn't a great port and that it was prone to crashing. I haven't heard anything about it since so I don't know if that means it was patched or if it's just not that crashy.

You can grab it for $16 here if you want to take a chance.

I had problems getting it to accept my controller, but I think it wanted me to use controller 2 for some reason... so I don't have time with it yet.

And how did I know that was going to link to the post I made for russian bear in the B/S/T.

If you decide you want it, definitely go through liezryou.


Also 40GB for W: TNO !

Even living in a country that is in 11th place for fastest internet connection in the world , this is gonna take a while .

Thank god for no bandwidth cap.
The initial hub bub was that it wasn't a great port and that it was prone to crashing. I haven't heard anything about it since so I don't know if that means it was patched or if it's just not that crashy.

You can grab it for $16 here if you want to take a chance.

I've put 23 hours into DW8 XL.

Zero crashes.

It's a fine port, though the lack of online play is frustrating.
Also this isn't exactly related to the quality of the port but DW8 XL has very um...mixed visual quality.

[Plinkett] Oh my gaaaaaaaadddd! What's wrong with your boouuuuullldeeeeerr.[/Plinkett]
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