Eh I can empathize with their frustrations and understand what they're looking for. They're obviously not taking a totally anti-LP stance since they released the content claim despite the slight irony in that tweet. Asking an LPer to at least link back to a place to buy the game or mention that they can donate a dollar or two to the dev team if they enjoyed the stream seems like a pretty reasonable request.
LTTP but that $5 spend to add friends to Steam for new accounts is bullshit. This is in relation to an account with 30 games purchased not on Steam i set up for a sibling.
The Division told me to wait in line and then gave me a black screen. The simple pleasures of life.
Eurogamer's article title is at odds with the content. That the game hasn't seen "a single dollar" implies that it hasn't sold a single copy.
LTTP but that $5 spend to add friends to Steam for new accounts is bullshit. This is in relation to an account with 30 games purchased not on Steam i set up for a sibling.
I opened YouTube and searched That Dragon, Cancer Let's Play. I sorted by views. The number one stream by far (2.5 million views) was jacksepticeye, who links the game above the YouTube description fold. The next most popular stream is 250k views, which also links the game in the YouTube description. The next most popular stream has 25k views and does not--but again, the streams that have 110 times the views of this stream do. I went down through the 10 or 12 other Let's Plays (mostly <10k views) and about 2/3rds of them had links to the game. I stopped when I got to videos with <500 views. I would estimate that well over 95% of the streaming views were on streams that directed viewers to buy the game.
Given that this is demonstably not an actual problem, do you think the dev's plea might be misplaced anger?
asking for a refund of a dark souls game feels dirty ;_;
Conisdering Dark Souls is a dirty port i think you are justified (we are talking DS1 right?)
I guess I got a different tone from the article. It didn't seem so much anger as just a way to address what can certainly be an issue for a smaller developer while asking creators to be thoughtful about how they use their content. Having a link is good, I'm glad that's there, but to me it seems right and just for the streamer to be thoughtful about pointing it out and encouraging people to think about supporting the developers, whether through a donation or a purchase of the game or seemingly just sharing their stories somewhere out there. Hopefully that's what the popular YouTube and Twitch personalities did.
Man the lack of Rock Band 4 on Steam is bumming me out. I wish Harmonix took a different approach with the campaign similar to Psychonauts 2 or Bloodstained.
To be honest, $5 is a small price to way for what it's meant to avoid. Whether or not it succeeds in doing it, I don't know, but I didn't particularly mind.
did the kickstarter fail then?
did the kickstarter fail then?
I was going to use Contradiction as an example of a game where video LP coverage helped, but then learned that it's only sold 17k copies. Huh.
Honestly I'd wait for the first patches to fix the issues on PC since it's a Namco game meaning it'll be $40 in 3 weeksDark Souls 3 + season pass 68 on GMG with the SPRING20 voucher.
I'm down to idling for my very last card after a backlog of 100+, what do I do with my life now?
Many of those copies were also bundled. But it's also worth noting that Contradiction was supported by Kickstarter, and that it was a VERY low budget project.
I'm down to idling for my very last card after a backlog of 100+, what do I do with my life now?
so is dks3 confirmed bad port or whaat?
so is dks3 confirmed bad port or whaat?
Confirmed it has no day one patch yet, should be fine after.
Streamers shouldn't be showing the entire playthrough. Why is that an acceptable thing?
Ubi yanked the Prime Pack a little while ago, which was half off. Can't have people getting too good a deal.
It's nice that Dead Space and Darksiders both died so that Dark Souls could have its acronym back.
But DS3 had a day 1 patch for reviewers, just not a presumed "launch day patch." Giant Bomb mentioned this in their video.
Keep that refund window open is my suggestion.
HEY so ummm about that 100% disk usage problem...I just started hearing a loud rattling + beep sound from my ummm is my hard drive dying? im kinda scared
also, if a game is coming out on all platforms at the same time, its not a port, its just... a version. Pet peeve but still.
Wasnt there some news of Shadow Complex coming to steam? when was that happening again?
May along with PS4 version.
but the game ran great on the giantbomb stream, it just crashed (a lot apparently), Its not a port problem
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Conisdering Dark Souls is a dirty port i think you are justified (we are talking DS1 right?)