Challenge accepted.
dude no
Also for sonic, Who am i waiting for again? i'd like to start before 11 EDT
Challenge accepted.
Contemplating Off the Record- this promise of later Steamworks has me hella excited!
That is an alarming shade of magenta you've got there!
That's too pink for purple!!
Or Flux is messing with me again, lol!
RE:R with contents for $15, should I get it or wait?
Do it. Personally I would rank the Dead Rising games (that I've played) as:
DR1 > DR2 OTR > DR2
Lol, what is happening?
Good luck to all racers!![]()
dude no
Also for sonic, Who am i waiting for again? i'd like to start before 11 EDT
Something something sexist joke about girls and colors.I understand nothing about colors. ( ._.)
That's too pink for purple!!
Or Flux is messing with me again, lol!
Sanic Racing is happening.
by the way, do you like my new avatar?![]()
So here's a message that was left on the Idle Master Steam group:
Sometimes I really feel for those fine Valve support folks.
Nice!Full Steam Workshop integration is being worked on for Fable Anniversary on PC, but it will not be ready for the launch of the game tomorrow, 12th September 2014.
what's "Are you the nega me" mean? sounds racist.Are you the nega me? The characters and story are all overhyped overemotional idgits straight out of a middle school drama class. The game world however is huge, beautiful, and crazy awesome to explore, finding new unique monsters, items, crystals to craft gems, collectibles which lead to uber loot, and just taking in the sights. And the position based combat and abilities system always keeps the encounters fresh IMO, planning out which attacks to use in which order to either incapacitate the monster through the daze chain or to focus more on straight defense lowering and raw DPS. I will say though the quest variety needs work, and, being a completionist, I tend to be a bit overleveled for most mobs and thus death mainly comes from accidentally wandering inside the wonky detection circle of some lvl90 unique (or it wandering into mine). There's also one too many subsystems like affinities and those damn heart to hearts which take stupid long to grind for, and it throws all of these things at you pretty early on with little explanation or acclimation. I'll admit though it scratches that particular open world collectathon itch I've had since the N64 days of SM64, Banjo Kazooie, and even DK64 (Mario Galaxy also wasn't that great and I liked Sunshine, come at me bros)
what's "Are you the nega me" mean? sounds racist.
That's just fantastic.
But, wait, does this mean I can't really make a living using Idle Master? I'm so disappointed.
Idle Master doesn't let me install Steam games on my Chrome Book. 1 star.
Negative. Opposite. Shadow Link.
I wonder who the nega someguyinahat is. Well, it's gotta be someone who loves multiplayer games, and is really good at them to b...oh crap. It's Dunder isn't it.
is resident evil revelaitons base game region locked?
I believe it's only RU tagged (and not locked).
I believe it's only RU tagged (and not locked).
Does this mean I can't get it from a russian trader since it wouldn't work on my steam?
man remember me looks so pretty, someone give the art director a medal
That used to be true but apparently it has the gifting/trading restriction now.
RU tagged by itselft alone would work on your steam.
That used to be true but apparently it has the gifting/trading restriction now.
RU tagged by itselft alone would work on your steam.
Caerith posted a comment just now, it's perfect
For those unaware one of the negative reviews for Enhanced Steam was a complaint about it not allowing to install Steam games on a Chromebook.
hey if somebody's Remember Me says it's "RU CIS", am I going to be able to play it?
Do it. Personally I would rank the Dead Rising games (that I've played) as:
DR1 > DR2 OTR > DR2
hey if somebody's Remember Me says it's "RU CIS", am I going to be able to play it?
The ROW copy doesn't have the tag -- can't some traders get the ROW version for the RU prices, as they were doing with the LoS2 digital collection pack a day or two ago?
I know LoS2 and collection are tagged (but the dlc isn't), and yet people were able to get that (you even, maybe?) for like 4 keys.
Since my guy is currently offline, I can't ask if/how he could get it.... so I'm dealing with limited knowledge here.
Depends on the sub, some publishers made Russian specific sub yet did nothing to stop people from other regions from running it. You might want to look it up on if somebody's Remember Me says it's "RU CIS", am I going to be able to play it?
Yeah, it's bizarre that they haven't thrown up the first one because jesus christ guys it's not like NTSC and PAL has meant anything in the last 10 years at least.
RE6 is OK so far, the shooting is punchy and, after reading some guides, it seems the game has some depth to its mechanics. I would have never guessed there was a counter system or a way to paint targets for the AI. It would have been nice if they slipped some more tutorial bits in the opening 45 minutes of scripted garbage.
hey if somebody's Remember Me says it's "RU CIS", am I going to be able to play it?
Nope, because the ROW version has "AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries" tag.
Never change, steam community!So here's a message that was left on the Idle Master Steam group:
Sometimes I really feel for those fine Valve support folks.
Base game has, bundle is free from that.
RE6 has the worst tutorial ever.
The game is best played with a mouse & keyboard. It's far easier to memorize keys than button-combinations.
Find a quiet area, grab a movelist, and just fool around until you get a good vibe going.
Base game has, bundle is free from that.
We're talking about Resident Evil Revelations, Lords of Shadow was just a example he gave of a game that could be aqquired region free despite the Russian version being locked.
It plays perfectly fine with a controller, as y'know, that's what the game was developed for.
Wouldn't know about the kb/m setup as if a game has controller support, I'm using it.
Well, since my guy has "RU tagged, not locked", I'm assuming he's using these:
You can only buy it if you're in the country list, but if the game has english and everything, it's not prevented from being traded... that would explain his note about it.