Their "Uncensored in all regions" tweet got community noted

Who's turning down anything? No one's telling you not to buy the game, or not to play and enjoy it. No one's saying the other outfits aren't hot as fuck. No one's saying this game is completely irredeemable because they (probably) censored a couple outfits. Anyone can see the changes are very minor. Just pick another outfit if you don't like the altered ones. There's plenty to pick from.
But those are just the details people tend to get caught up in. Censorship has no place in any creative industry and if these changes were really ordered by some outside party for political reasons, that's wrong. Not only does it affect this game, but it sets a precedent for it to happen again. People are simply voicing their concerns to prevent that and this is the appropriate place for it.
Ah ok, well in EU, 18+ is the max, there's nothing above.Rated M is 17+. AO is Adults Only (18+). It's rated M. So it's not like games like this are at the end of the range and can start depicting rape or whatever you suggest without affecting the rating, it's not adults only. AO in the gaming world is usually a kiss of death.
Censorship is pretty disappointing after all.The post I replied to was sounding pretty dejected. All they had to do was not fuck it up. They were handed a "win"... Etc.
Uncensored in all regions means parity across all regions, nothing moreTheir "Uncensored in all regions" tweet got community noted
Censorship is pretty disappointing after all.
Let's look at it this way- Maybe it's someone else who was handed a win and fucked it up.
A lot of people were cheering on thIs game because of the controversy over the sex appeal. Continuing on it's path in a world that shuns this kind of thing. Understandable. I am one.
Eve made it through the door, she made it through the hoops, the bumps, the haters, the manipulators, the bean counters, the regulators, the twitter banshees, and through the final stretch... arrive almost unscathed. 95% unscathed.
Very nice.
Unless, you draw a hard line at your principles I guess. Then 95% isn't good enough. Or 99.99999%, for that matter. Maybe having principles means everything is all or nothing.
Well I have principles too, but I'm a practical type and I consider this final game mission accomplished. Anyone who was holding this game up as a flag for anti-uglification or anti-woke should be using it as a cudgel now that it made it over the line. Reviews are great. Awareness is sky high. And most importantly the game still has a cavernous, chrome ass crack in your face at all times.
My friend, there are hectares of artery-clogging cheesecake in this game. We got side boob, under boob, happy trails, anatomically correct sub-crotch structures, micro-breadloafing, glutes that seat four, and a degree of subcutaneous tissue animation the could be described as severe.
Seriously people should be championing this game more than ever. Laughing that those little scraps of fabric were all it took for the horniest aaa game since dead or alive volleyball to get through the censors and to the top page of the store.
Yet here we go, turning it into an L because the little game that could didn't come all the way up the mountain , through all the aligns and arrows, without a fucking scratch. It came all that way and delivered everything from subtle nipple puff to sunlight glinting off a spandex-constricted labia, but fuck all that - it's the principal of the thing and now we lost and here comes the whaaambulance.
I have to stress that the concept of principles or having them is a real thing and very important but in life there are countless instances where have to take wins where we can get them. And turning down a win this clean all considered is just crazy.
FTFY.I understand that for some, not getting what was promised is pretty disappointing.
Should tell the same thing to Sony, stop censoring the game because it triggers the activist journos and give their customers what they wanted.Currently playing the game and it’s really good, people should just enjoy the game instead of stressing over all this pointless controversy and culture war bullshit.
Should tell the same thing to Sony, stop censoring the game because it triggers the activist journos and give their customers what they wanted.
The inevitable PC release will fix the censorship issues and put control of such matters in modders hands. Soon enough PC gamers will have options not afforded to the console release.Doubt they'll revert back.
Their "Uncensored in all regions" tweet got community noted
It quite literally went into why the scenario you brought up is extremely unlikely. But I see that you have no intention of engaging in discussion. That's fine.
Idk if it's just me but my timeline's filled up with this shit now & people are barely talking about games anymore. All this political shit & the brain-dead convos around this game are all I ever hear about now, SONY PLS DROP A BANGER SHOWCASE ASAP, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE
Do folks such as yourself who say this realize that it clearly matters, since someone at the company decided to make the changes? If it didn't matter, we wouldn't have had the changes in the first place.Its a nothing-burger!
Look, if you didn't have an ideological horse in the race, you'd just shrug and change it too. Because it doesn't matter!
Mercante seems like post-hoc rationalization personified.OOOOOH, since it's an RPG full frontal nudity is OK.
Unannounced changes after-the-fact when people already paid for it, together with actual marketing of alleged no censorship, is what caused the issue. If they just told us the changes it would have been fine. But the actual twitter announcement of the patch just mentioned performance enhancements and parry changes, this is dishonest.What the hell people? You can use the skin suit almost immediately in the game, and that leaves nearly nothing to the imagination. Even the standard suit you get looks like it was painted on Eve’s skin. Most of the outfits show no censorship at all yet a few alterations of a couple of outfits and people go nuts.
If you change the outfits, just say so. The fact that they didn't tell players show they were ashamed of it.
I agree with this.I think companies should start treating USA the same way they treat Saudi Arabia and China - releasing special USA editions with less revealing outfits, custom labels and so on.
Shame that this cannot happen due to the size of american companies and a lot of companies being american in the first place and thus preventing other countries from dealing uniquely american issues (or invented spanish like in SM2). But maybe eventually as there is no point for other countries in the world to deal with american mess.
You think this is about things not being sexy. You are deliberately ignoring the actual outrage. All this wouldn't have happened if they didn't hide the changes in a patch and told no one, AND marketed the game as uncensored. You think this is about sex? If that is all you are boiling this down to then you don't understand this at all.I'm not sure if people are aware but unless you have something saying Sony told them to have one outfit censored (which doesn't make sense as there's worst outfits than this one in the game), then it's not censorship. Censorship requires a 3rd party to be involved of some sort telling them to knock it off.
If Sony told them to, it's censorship. If the studio making it didn't, it literally isn't censorship even if they changed something. That falls within creative choice.
Imagine thinking Bungie censored Master Chief by not having his schlong out the entire game.
Some of you need to just play games with both hands. You don't have to fap every minute of the day, especially when playing games.
Some of you need to just play games with both hands. You don't have to fap every minute of the day, especially when playing games.
This kind of vitriol isn't going to win you any argument. If anything, it shows your complete lack of understand as to why the drama started.
Because those games are "the right kind of sexual"... Blame the woke cult. They don't want me experiencing "the male gaze", lmao. Which is such a dumb phrase. The dudes that support censorship like over at resetera and ign all remind me of limp wristed Smithers and the pole dancers scene.Really hope they roll back the outfits to the unpatched physical version. And if not i hope ppl keep putting pressure on them.
Im playing the game unpatched but would be nice to play the NG+ and other future updates without the censored outfits. This is a +18 game. Why western games like Cyberpunk, BG3, and many others can have full uncensored nutity on playstation, and as soon a game from asia comes out the censoring team say, "hold my soy late, got work to do"?.
There is nothing more risky here than what can be seen on a normal beach and I don’t think fapping on a beach is all that common. Even in a standard gym you see more than in most modern games. It’s okay, most people are able to enjoy the sight of pretty people without touching themselves, there is no need to go into defence mode here.Some of you need to just play games with both hands. You don't have to fap every minute of the day, especially when playing games.
I think companies should start treating USA the same way they treat Saudi Arabia and China - releasing special USA editions with less revealing outfits, custom labels and so on.
Still not censorship. And there's worst outfits than the one above.There is nothing more risky here than what can be seen on a normal beach and I don’t think fapping on a beach is all that common. Even in a standard gym you see more than in most modern games. It’s okay, most people are able to enjoy the sight of pretty people without touching themselves, there is no need to go into defence mode here.
Alright, they were modified. It's still dumb as fuck. And this shouldn't be happening in a game rated M.Still not censorship. And there's worst outfits than the one above.
You're a moron if you think people didn't buy the game to touch themselves. The same ones are complaining censorship like they understand the word.
Ummm..I think companies should start treating USA the same way they treat Saudi Arabia and China - releasing special USA editions with less revealing outfits, custom labels and so on.
Shame that this cannot happen due to the size of american companies and a lot of companies being american in the first place and thus preventing other countries from dealing uniquely american issues (or invented spanish like in SM2). But maybe eventually as there is no point for other countries in the world to deal with american mess.
Unannounced changes after-the-fact when people already paid for it, together with actual marketing of alleged no censorship, is what caused the issue. If they just told us the changes it would have been fine. But the actual twitter announcement of the patch just mentioned performance enhancements and parry changes, this is dishonest.
The following was the announcement of the patch but with no mention of the outfit changes.
If you change the outfits, just say so. The fact that they didn't tell players show they were ashamed of it.
Well then I guess I’m a moron because I really don’t think anyone would pay $70 to get fapping material when internet exist.You're a moron if you think people didn't buy the game to touch themselves.
Yeah. You can look at Beelzebub instead.Good thing I bought Sand Land instead then.
At least the camel toe is still intact!
Why have to cover the cleavage though?
Nonsense. America does not force any gaming company to make changes to their games so your comparison to China or whatever is absurd. Anything done to a game is strictly voluntary so don't blame the US, blame the publisher.
To play unpatched and miss out on the gameplay tweaks that reduce latency?Oh yeah, and remember to go retail.![]()