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Full translation of the news article via DeepL:
ShiftUp discussed Stellar Blade sales at its IPO press conference today. Stellar Blade was released as a PS5 exclusive on 26 April, and ShiftUp estimates that it has sold over one million copies.
"Since launch, Stellar Blade has achieved and maintained a 9.2 user rating on Metacritic, the highest ever for a PS5 title," said Jaewoo Ahn, CFO of ShiftUp. Since launch, it has been the number one selling game in major console markets such as the US and UK, and we estimate that cumulative sales have exceeded one million copies. It's been a great first step for a major global IP."
Stellar Blade was released on 27 April this year, so it will be reflected in the company's results from the second quarter of this year. In fact, according to ShiftUp's securities filings, Stellar Blade revenue was KRW6.3 billion in April and KRW15.7 billion in May. This revenue only recognises the amount ShiftUp has received from publisher Sony. "Pre-launch pre-sales and post-launch sales are progressing smoothly," said CFO Jae-woo Ahn.
"The game is a PS5 exclusive, which hasn't seen the same level of penetration and activation as PS4, and the main consumer base for AAA games has recently shifted to PC. We're currently looking at a PC version of Stellar Blade, which we believe would be a great way to increase the value of the IP once again."
In fact, Shiftup has revealed in its securities filings that it is considering a PC version of Stellar Blade and a sequel. However, Shiftup CEO Kim Hyung-hyung said, "We are considering the PC version of Stellar Blade, but we cannot comment on the exact timing or whether or not it will be released because we have a contractual relationship."
Regarding Stellar Blade itself, Kim said, "Our goal was not to maximise profits, but to create an IP with high value to ensure branding in the process of gathering users around the world and building a fanbase. In this process, we minimised the parts that users might be uncomfortable with, such as microtransactions, for the sake of brand value, and we will reflect them in a way that users can understand. However, it won't be immediate." Specifically, he added that collaborations with other companies' IPs could result in paid DLC.
Finally, there's Shift-Up's flagship title, Stellar Blade and the Goddess of Victory: NIKE are scheduled to collaborate. "Stellar Blade and NIKE are looking at various opportunities to create positive synergies with each other, and I think we'll be able to show you some good results soon," Kim said.

시프트업 “스텔라 블레이드 100만 돌파 추산”
시프트업이 25일 열린 IPO 기자간담회에서 스텔라 블레이드 판매 현황에 대해 밝혔다. 스텔라 블레이드는 지난 4월 26일 PS5 독점작으로 출시됐고, 시프트업은 100만 장 판매를 돌파한 것으로 추산하고 있다. 시프트업 안재우 CFO는 “스텔라 블레이드는 출시 후 메타크리틱에서...
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