I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
Literal Nazi.
I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
We can't afford to wait this long.
That's too far away.
I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
I'm from the UK so I don't have much knowledge on this dude.
Can someone give me a brief explanation of why he's so dangerous sounding?
Again, they're not members. They never were. They are statutory advisors.
Here's Obama's: https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/ppd/ppd-1.pdf.
Yes, the "shall attend where issues pertaining to their responsibilities expertise are to be discussed," meaning the CJCS and DNI, differs from Obama's -- but to be honest, if it's a NSC meeting, I can't imagine a scenario where military and intelligence matters aren't discussed.
And if Trump wanted to hold a more limited meeting, he could've done that anyway.
How long until swastikas hang from the White House and Capitol building....?
Fuck me....
The only way to defeat Steve Bannon is with the dankest of memes. #CalamityBannon needs to become a thing.
Yes who needs the input of the fucking Joint Chiefs when you have the wisdom of Bannon available to you? Jesus fucking Christ
Bannon is writing his exec orders thoughLet's not mince words: Trump isn't listening to anyone anyway.
Jesus Christ. Please, House/Senate Republicans, don't stand for this.
He invented the alt-right. That is his thing.
Bannon is basically Wormtongue.
We need to remove the tumor.
They also removed Secretary of Energy from list of invited people. I wonder what this means considering SoE basically handles nukes.
Trump's National Security Memorandum (Jan 28, 2017); https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3436428/NSC-Order.pdf
Obama's National Security Memorandum (Feb 13, 2009); https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/ppd/ppd-1.pdf
Handy chart from tweet source. Red is out, green is in.
Added analysis; https://lawfareblog.com/national-security-presidential-memorandum-2president-trumps-nsc-and-hsc
That's Richard Spencer, the guy that got punched. Steve Bannon was the Executive Chair of Brietbart News, an extreme right online publication that is well beloved by alt-right types. He was also a major advisor to Trump for his presidential run after supporting him wholeheartedly with his news site. And now he's in Trumps presidential inner circle.
He does deserve to get punched.
.This is how dictators are born.
Rise through a wave of populism and then completely stripping away the liberties while in power.
They also removed Secretary of Energy from list of invited people. I wonder what this means considering SoE basically handles nukes.
They also removed Secretary of Energy from list of invited people. I wonder what this means considering SoE basically handles nukes.
Trump's National Security Memorandum (Jan 28, 2017); https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3436428/NSC-Order.pdf
Obama's National Security Memorandum (Feb 13, 2009); https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/ppd/ppd-1.pdf
Handy chart from tweet source. Red is out, green is in.
Added analysis; https://lawfareblog.com/national-se...morandum-2—president-trumps-nsc-and-hsc
Damn, Perry got played.They also removed Secretary of Energy from list of invited people. I wonder what this means considering SoE basically handles nukes.
Trump's National Security Memorandum (Jan 28, 2017); https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3436428/NSC-Order.pdf
Obama's National Security Memorandum (Feb 13, 2009); https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/ppd/ppd-1.pdf
Handy chart from tweet source. Red is out, green is in.
Added analysis; https://lawfareblog.com/national-security-presidential-memorandum-2president-trumps-nsc-and-hsc
Washington (CNN)Steve Bannon has no regrets.
The ex-Breitbart executive, who serves as Trump's chief strategist for the new administration, told The Hollywood Reporter that "darkness is good."
"Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they (liberals) get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing," he said in an interview published Friday, his first outside of Breitbart since the election.
Another reminder.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...rump-s-top-guy-told-me-he-was-a-leninist.htmlIm a Leninist, Bannon proudly proclaimed.
Shocked, I asked him what he meant.
Lenin, he answered, wanted to destroy the state, and thats my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of todays establishment.
Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.[61] He has criticized Barack Obama for his view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[61] He has cited the importance of the United Arab Emirates and Jordan as countries that wanted to help, for example, in filling in the gaps in Afghanistan.[62] He has criticized current defense strategy as giving "the perception we're pulling back" from US allies.[62] He stresses the need for the US to bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.[63] In 2012, Mattis argued for providing weapons to Syrian rebels, as a way to fight back against Iranian proxies in Syria.
Speaking at a conference sponsored by The Heritage Foundation in Washington in 2015 Mattis stated that he believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin's intent is "to break NATO apart."[65] Mattis has also spoken out against what he perceives as Russia's expansionist or bellicose policies in Syria, Ukraine and the Baltic states.
I am 100% sure Bannon wants Mattis out. And I'm curious about why he is in Trump's administration at all. I think it just comes down to Trump thinking he looks like Patton, just likes his image and background, but I'm certain Bannon is hoping he could get rid of him. I can't believe Mattis like Bannon at all either.
Wild guess here would be that there will be a tug of war between Mattis and Bannon, and I'm curious how it would end.
Some choice quotes from Mattis:
Does that sound like someone who would see eye to eye with Trump? And we know Trump is following Bannon's advice.
With their voter id laws they implement we are going to start getting Kim Jong Un level numbers for Trump
And don't forget this gem:
I wish for a lot worse, Bannon is a literal monsterI want nothing more to see this disgusting human being be thrown in jail
This doesn't seem to be getting much attention and if there are behind the scenes power grabs going down at the moment, it is obviously benefiting that all attention is on the Muslim ban.
Not to sound too conspiratorial.
Obviously you can'tAt this rate there will be no elections on November 2018. I say this without any intended hyperbole.
Only if Paul Ryan gets sick of having so much power and everything going his way.
Another reminder.