Tamanon said:Just means you can short a call on that. You definitely don't want to do uncovered shorts at all if you're not financially stable and savvy.
But, longing calls and puts is possible, just might mean you fudge your options experience a little bit on the questionaire![]()
Tamanon said:Covered means you own the stock you're selling the option on. So you have 100 shares of that stock for each option you sell.
The reason is so that people don't just sell a crapload of stuff they don't have any way of paying for.
bill0527 said:You make money by buying stock 2 ways - an appreciation in your share value (price of your stock goes up), but you will only make money if you sell it (book value increases, but money in your pocket does not, unless you sell). The other way is through dividends. Both of these components - share appreciation and dividends make up your capitol gain on a stock (or capital loss).
A dividend is an amount of money set by management of a company that they decide to return to shareholders. Companies typically pay dividends on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. Some companies don't pay a dividend at all - doesn't mean they're a bad company or in trouble, they could be doing other things with their money like re-investment in the company instead of paying dividends.
You'll always want to check a company's history to see if they pay dividends and how often they pay dividends. You'll want a good understanding of their dividend policy up front. Dividend policies of company's typically don't change. Once they set a dividend amount to pay and its frequency, they seldom deviate from it, unless they need that money for reinvestment.
As an example, if a company pays a quarterly dividend of .38 cents per share and you own 100 shares, then you will get a check from them for 38 bucks every quarter. Some quarters they may decide not to pay a dividend, but again, it doesn't mean they are in trouble, it could mean that they have to make some major capital purchases in the short-term.
Unless you believe in unicorns, buying Apple right now won't make you an instant fortune.
(If you bought it just as recently as a year ago, you might have made a nice chunk of cash, though.)
koam said:Excellent, first post updated
That's not true. Apple fluctuates $2 to $4 a day. You can keep buying and selling and making money if you know how to do itInstant furtunes = fairy tales anyway.
sonarrat said:Right now:
300 JOB @ $1.6499
5 KLAC @ $57.60
Just to put my toes in the water and see how the market is really.
painey said:my stocks went up 6.25p today (3.83%) which is a bloody result
I really want to buy TakeTwo shares but I have no idea how to go about buying them online in the UK
Incognito said:Just purchased 20 shares of Brk.A. (Berkshire Hathaway).
Incognito said:Just purchased 20 shares of Brk.A. (Berkshire Hathaway).
sonarrat said:That was a harsh day, my mutual fund took a bit of a hammering so I took the opportunity to throw another $500 into it and balance out my position.
NTDOY - $56.86
AAPL - $124.59
TTWO - $13.59 (down 4.56%)
Not invested in any of those thankfully.![]()
koam said:diversify!
3 Tech stocks = not good.
I sold off a mining one today. Think i'll pick up a bank one but still undecided cause they're still dropping.
koam said:Meh, I buy my stocks on their way down. I love days like today when the market drops, everything is on sale. I'll buy the same stock 4-5 times during the day as it drops so that i can keep lowering my book value. At the end of the day, I only get charged once because it's still the same stock and my book value is averaged a lot lower.
Over the next few days, the stock rebounds and i'm happy and sell at a profit.![]()
sonarrat said:Really? I didn't know you could trade the same stock multiple times in a day and pay only one commission fee. I would've taken advantage of that.
koam said:Yup! I found out not to long ago and got confirmation. Make sure your broker supports this, I checked three canadian ones and they all said yes.
Beware, it has to be the same type of transaction. I.e 5 buys = 1 trade. Mixing and matching doesn't working (i.e buying + selling)
Flo_Evans said:Is there a good site that can track all that stuff for you? I'd like to play around without any actual risks.
sonarrat said:Yeah, standard E*Trade commissions are one-offs and collected instantly, not at the end of the day. So if you sell half of a stock at 2 pm and the other half at 3:59 pm on the same day, you pay two commissions. That's what I expected since the commission rates are so much lower than TD Waterhouse.
On the plus side, from reading the fine print I found out that I'll be getting a refund check for all trades I place in the first 30 days.. so I might go ahead and bail on this loser stock if it comes back to break-even point and restore my liquidity. I don't think I'll ever want to subject myself to the minute by minute stresses of serious trading unless I have massive amounts of cash to play with and can actually make a living day trading.
koam said:Wait Waterhouse? You're in Canada?
yayaba said:Damn this market! Damn it!!!
LaneMeyer said:With all the talk about Take-Two stocks, I just saw this article
yayaba said:Damn this market! Damn it!!!
koam said:diversify!
3 Tech stocks = not good.
I sold off a mining one today. Think i'll pick up a bank one but still undecided cause they're still dropping.
xsarien said:3 tech stocks is fine as long as you have other stocks surrounding them.
However, three tech stocks that represent flavor-of-the-month companies is never smart. Especially Take Two. Remember the last company that more or less tied their whole business to one franchise?
koam said:God damnit, i should have bought rim.to like i wanted to. After the split, they were at $68.. right now they're fetching at 88.18.
yayaba said:There's still a chance. They might go to 100.
I hopped onto Etrade when it fell like no other... it's up a nice 7% for me now.
mrWalrus said:Bought my RIMM puts today:
5 Sept 80 @ 3.75