I was going through my list, looking for potential bargains.
So far I notice CELG (Biotechnology) could be a good return. The company looks very solid.
CM is nice too, but I think they'll suffer moreso in the coming months anyway. They're risky, being a bank and all.
BA (Boeing), they're dropping and have been for a few months now. Looking like a good bargain to me soon enough.
DCO is difficult to judge. It could be a good return if it bounces, but I'm wondering if we're really close to the bottom yet. I think it could go in the low 20s still, so I'll wait.
CRDN has been dropping big time recently. 52wk Range: 31.03 - 84.41
CY (Cypress Semiconductor) could be a good return but I'm not sure right now. I'll wait till the earnings.
INTC is really interesting at this price, but I don't trust management much when you look at the shares' price over the years.
WFR (EMC Electronic Materials) is more interesting than INTC to me, but I missed the previous dip.
ADBE is really interesting at this price.
ERTS, I don't like them, but it's getting interesting at this price. PS3 is set to pick up this year, so next-gen home consoles will be firmly implemented, the transition is complete. But that alone is not guarantee of success outside of their sports brands. Army of Two and Dead Space are unlikely to be successful, altho Army of Two might manage to sell tanks to hype and presentation (altho if the reviews are good it will sell well for sure, but nothing points to that). Everything else should be fine, Bioware, Dice, and Criterion are all good studios (at least, for now) and are working on high potential hits. I'm hoping it falls in the low 40s first. I'm really wondering how high it could get long-term.
ADSK (Autodesk, makers of 3D softwares and the likes) is trading at 31.09, 52-week average is 30.79 - 51.32, company seems to be in decent shape. They have been hit hard recently.
So in the end, this week I'll be looking at ERTS first, then ADSK, followed by ADBE. I'm not likely to take the risk with ADSK and ADBE because I don't have that much funds. But I'll paying close attention to ERTS. Hopefully the TTWO deal doesn't make it before I take a position.
EDIT: BTW, I would presume that car manufacturers are going to suffer because of increasing oil prices. It's just too expensive to own a car now.