Just for shits and giggles I punched my 401k funds into Morningstar's xray to see what kind of nuggets are tucked away inside the funds. There's not much I can do about their choices, good or bad, since we only have a handful of different funds to choose from. What aggrevates the crap out of me is that there are only 2 international funds and they both suck. (2 and 3 stars) What I would like to do is bust this money out into an IRA so I could invest it where I want but the only way to do that without incurring heavy taxes and penalties is to switch jobs or for the company to be bought out. That's not happening. Do you guys know of any other way to roll money out of a 401k into a standard IRA? Probably the only thing I can do in the mean time is to reduce my contributions to the minimum needed to keep the full company match (6%) and put the rest in an IRA, but it sucks starting from scratch. I'd like to have more control over the money I've already got in the system. I would REALLY like to get most of it into a ROTH while I'm still in a low tax bracket, but that's a whole other issue.
Anyways, here's a couple of the interesting funds.
FLIR-2.23%- $1,828
This is heavily weighed out of the tech fund since I don't recognize most of the companies held in the others. :lol