Gaylord Sweetwood said:Yeah well, the axing of "minor" stuff like this can be beneficial. It all adds up.
On the other hand, keeping the limit at 100k would have led to bank runs. It all adds up the other way as well.
Gaylord Sweetwood said:Yeah well, the axing of "minor" stuff like this can be beneficial. It all adds up.
Jtyettis said:Market wants a coordinated rate cut I don't know if it's necessarily needed, it might be. I do however believe the ECB desperately needs to cut rates and cut them fast.
Krowley said:This idea of a global rate cut seems pretty crazy to me. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but even if it is, I think it might be very wishful thinking.
I don't think anything short of an alien invasion could get the whole world to act in concert. This might be one of the biggest problems with a global economy. We're all dealing with the same economy, but there are hundreds of different leaders and philosophies, so acting in an organized way to solve something is basically impossible. The shit hits the fan, and everybody jumps in a different direction.
Well I would hope so. The market has lost a third of its value in just one year. I would hope that's not a regular occurrence. I'm wondering, did all that money just disappear? PEACE.Ether_Snake said:U.S. Stocks Tumble; S&P, Dow Average Post Worst Annual Retreat Since 1937
yayaba said:Has anyone been shorting stocks during this whole ordeal? Seems like you could make a shit ton of money if you had.
yayaba said:Has anyone been shorting stocks during this whole ordeal? Seems like you could make a shit ton of money if you had.
dionysus said:The EU can't even act as one, and the market expects the world to. Haha. EU zone at 4% is absolutely absurd. They had there heads in the sand believing their economy was so much stronger than ours.
yayaba said:Has anyone been shorting stocks during this whole ordeal? Seems like you could make a shit ton of money if you had.
WingM@n said:I got a feeling something big is gonna happpen real soon. Don't know what, but this credit crycis is only the beginning.
gkrykewy said:You doomsday-ers never get old. Are you drunk?
Ether_Snake said:Nikkei dropping another 400 points.
Relix said:I sold all my shares before registering any losses. Gonna invest them back in bonds. Jesus this sucks >_<
Ether_Snake said:I wish I had done the same when I said I was pulling out a few weeks ago. Instead I threw more money in the market after selling my losers. Now I have only losers, except ABX and ATVI
But now I'm in savings mode, no more money spending in the markets, I need a larger safety net and I need more job security (will find out by the end of the week where I stand in that regard).
Relix said:Didn't you have a Stop Limit Order or something? I am paranoic about sharp drops, I prefer to pull out before any losses, even if minimal, and I don't care if I needed to pay god knows how much in commissions. Thinking of buying a few T Bills, but they are making my life impossible with an account authorization.
Relix said:Didn't you have a Stop Limit Order or something? I am paranoic about sharp drops, I prefer to pull out before any losses, even if minimal, and I don't care if I needed to pay god knows how much in commissions. Thinking of buying a few T Bills, but they are making my life impossible with an account authorization.
Relix said:I was an optimist. Now it's too fucked up. Better to go into a Depression, fix our mistakes and then rise again.
nextgeneration said:With Nikkei dropping nearly 1000 points, I wonder what's going to happen to the US markets in the morning.![]()
Soka said:Holy shit. Nikkei down 9.4% in one day. $250bln worth of equity, poof! Accordingly, the Topix dropped to 899.01, an almost 8% drop. Hold on to your hats boys and girls, the U.S. exchanges are about to see some hard times tomorrow!
nextgeneration said:Ummm, Nikkei just dropped 952.58 pts today. @_@
" The Web Bots see September 22-27, 2008 as precursor dates to the main turning point date of October 7, 2008. Closely watch events during September 22-27, 2008 for hints as to what to expect on October 7, 2008.
Cliff said whenever "it" happens, and whatever "it" turns out to be, "it" will be a date in history you remember like 9/11, we will remember 10/7.
The Web Bots foresee that October 7, 2008 to February 19, 2009 will be filled with emotional intensity, and the length of the release period will be extraordinary. The Web Bots have never picked up any event lasting this long. In comparison, 9/11 length lasted about 10 days. This event will be four months of high emotion......."
Stick Figures...FTWer said:How will this affect my anime & JRPGS?
Probably ignite a renaissance in both. Japanese pop culture trends toward greater creativity as their markets tank.FTWer said:How will this affect my anime & JRPGS?
speculawyer said:Jesus . . . listening to Roubini makes you want to slit your wrists. :lol
Cloudy said:Holy crap! Just saw the breaking news on CNN. Nikkei's biggest drop since 1987![]()
No I'm not drunk, but it's a good day to get drunk I guess. :lolgkrykewy said:You doomsday-ers never get old. Are you drunk?
syllogism said:Dow futures down 250-300
Xabora said:Looks like Web Bot had it right.
Frankfurter said:WTF... ECB, FED and Bank of England just reduced the interest rates by 0.5% each :O
xabre said:I was about to say. Epic bloodbath forthcoming.
xero273 said:Dow futures up 164 now. I hope this means we'll be okay today.