_Rafa_ said:
noob question:
Why do we see a big up in the stock price of a company that is about to be owned?
What will happen with the shares you own from that first company?
Between, Vonage has almost double up today.
It depends. When I had OLED, I bought my shares at $5.35. The company went up to about $7 and then, some other company decided to buy them at $12 a share. This was announced in July I think and the buyout at $12 would happen in september. Basically, I had a choice, I could either sell my shares at $11.65 (which is what the price went up to after they announced the buy) or I could have waited until the deal went through in september and my shares would automatically be sold at $12. If the deal failed though, the stock would have plummeted. I decided to sell and buy something else instead of waiting 3 months for a 35 cent increase.
Sometimes though, a company will buy out another one and you'll get shares in the buying company. This would have happened if MSFT bought YHOO like it was rumored.
You have to see what the deal is.
Also, Vonage is a disaster. The company had their IPO (Initial Public Offering) last year at $17 a share. Since then, they've been a ski slope, doing worse and worse. In March, they got sued by Verizon for patent infridgment, and then again by Sprint which dropped their shares down to $3 and then $2 and eventually it dropped to 99 cents after they lost both cases. Today, Vonage announced that they would settle with Sprint. The only reason this was seen as a good thing is cause they might not go bankrupt, depends on Verizon. Their situation hasn't changed, they're still losing loads and loads of money, they're having problems getting new customers and they keep getting sued. I think they'll belly up within the year.
BTW sorry for the noobie question but anyone knows how to view ongoing buys/sells?
Your broker should show you the best Bid and best Ask prices. To see all of the bids and asks that are in effect, you'll need an active trader platform which you can only get if you're an active trader or have good connections.