abstract alien
Damn, I actually made it to gold with FANG. That's kinda good, right? That has to mean I'm at least not terrible. Maybe average, but not terrible.
Damn, I actually made it to gold with FANG. That's kinda good, right? That has to mean I'm at least not terrible. Maybe average, but not terrible.
Should I get the CPT 2017 bundle or the Season 2 pass?
Or should I wait till we see the new CPT stage and or the Season 2 pass goes on sale?
What system are you on? Character pass 2 might go on sale during steam summer sales, but other than that it prolly won't until character pass 3.
Me? PS4. I know, that's my worry as the same happened last year with S1. I'm intrigued to see the new CPT stage though, hopefully they don't use any re-used NPC's in the background like the current one.
Wasn't it touching how Rog was sounding teary-eyed in his speech as Ed was leaving to go on his own in his character story? Maybe that's why he's so tier strong, because the real nerf was the one they gave to his heart. ;~;
.....Everyone below Super Master is terrible.
It's a great touch. I like how they both hold up their fist at the start of their supers, in particular.Final!!!!
On another note, I like howmany balrog-isms ed has in all of his everything
No lie, that character sorry legitimately endeared me to Balrog.
It's a great touch. I like how they both hold up their fist at the start of their supers, in particular.
I honestly thought Ed would get along better with Vega than Balrog, if Vega didn't hold hatred for everyone. Figured Balrog would have haymaker'ed him into oblivion because of his sarcastic attitude.
They need to add an option to mute the main menu BGM while waiting for a fight.
Akuma's true test is when you eat a single combo and you have to survive with a sliver of health for the rest of the round.
I fucking hope so. That'd be neat.
Is it because you hate the Main menu music or its distracting
If the former, I modded that shit out.
Though to be fair, I don't know why people hang out on the main menu when they are waiting. I just fuck around in the training room untill it finds me a match
Weird i never noticed the lag, is this after the new update?On PS4 it lags the training mode when fight request is on, so trying to practice while waiting is a lost cause for me. and Im on the PC or watching something else while Im waiting for a fight.
Weird i never noticed the lag, is this after the new update?
anyone playing? cfn 765production
west coast usa
No idea, to be fair I havent tried training and Fight request since before the patch before last.
I can try it now, to be sure though.
I noticed alot when I played cammy regularly during the first three months of launch.
Damn, I actually made it to gold with FANG. That's kinda good, right? That has to mean I'm at least not terrible. Maybe average, but not terrible.
Damn, I actually made it to gold with FANG. That's kinda good, right? That has to mean I'm at least not terrible. Maybe average, but not terrible.
Yup, PS4 definitely has small "bursts" of lag if you're in training mode while searching for a match.
In Tekken 7, It's not the fact that the loading screens are so long that's the problem, it's that they're so damn frequent.
Even if you rematch against somebody, you have to sit through another loading screen even though it's the same people that are still connected with the same stage and the same characters.
What? For real?
Yup. In online ranked/casual mode it has another loading screen if you revenge rematch.
In lobbies, it automatically falls back to the lobby after one match ends so you have to go through side, stage and character select all over again.
That's what gets annoying in long online sessions.
Ucchedavāda;239110524 said:Looks like Tekken 7 has worse load-times than even SFV, despite the overall quality being much higher:
Are there any UE4 fighting games that load fast?
Tekken's "overall quality" isn't much higher.
It's just different, just because one adopts a realistic style doesn't mean the actual quality of assets is higher by default.
Tekken's ca and film grain hides a lot of the basic textures and lower polycounts.
In the end the artstyle matters little to the engine, it just sees polys, textures and shaders, tekken just has more aggressive post processing.
Maybe the explosion of garish character textures and detailed backgrounds is the reason for longer loads.Ucchedavāda;239110524 said:Looks like Tekken 7 has worse load-times than even SFV, despite the overall quality being much higher:
I don't care if Zangief is not best for low-skill players, because goddang it's fun when you win with him.![]()
Are you sure it's not the game loading up the new stage? It changes every 5 matches I believe. Though I don't remember how long the loading takes when that happens. As a person trying to keep their sanity, I haven't bothered with Survival for a while.SFV sometimes has a problem in Survival after completing a stage and choosing a power up and the loading hangs for 30 seconds.
Even when played offline.