I'm watching the PR Rog stream and yeah, netcode strikes again!
What? Where did I say remove Combos ? you are clearly misunderstanding.
If you increase the input window of a special move , then if someone buffers a Special like Spiral Arrow in a Normal like say St.HP. The St.HP would whiff and the special would come out regardless of Hit,Block or WHIFF. Previously it would only come out on Block or Hit.
So now they cant just blindly buffer specials in pokes. They would have to actually hit-confirm. Otherwise their Unsafe Special move will come out.And this wont really affect combos in anyway. The only thing gone would be the OS. Every combo would remain intact.
I dont know how you say I am grouping combos with OS. Other posters here seem to understand what i meant as well.
How does that change what the Cammy player is doing? It is still an option select.
An Option Select is just one series of inputs that can have multiple results depending on the situation, often because of the way cancel mechanics and hit-stop work. In the case of Cammy, you can input a special quickly after a cancelable normal; if the normal makes contacts with your opponent, the special comes out, otherwise it does not.
Are you using port forwarding mumbo jumbo or just normal settings on your network?
Edit: casual or ranked?
I'm curious because my matchmaking hasn't been very impressive lately and I want to try port forwarding but also don't know shit about it.
I'm watching the PR Rog stream and yeah, netcode strikes again!
Ranked and I was port forwarded since week 1. I do that for every fighting game I can if the info is available.
Can you do this on PS4?
Lmao, is that a Chie Asuka?!King Crimson strikes again.
I preferred his pocket Juri.Lmao, is that a Chie Asuka?!
..I'm legit shocked at how many people don't understand buffers. How are people seriously arguing that buffers are OSes like crouch teching or jump back OS?
Edit: Regarding OSes, I think one area of confusion for some people might be how they look at a buffer. If I have super with Chun and I do qcfx2 in anticipation of a fireball but don't hit a kick til i see it, that's a buffer. A buffer can also be an OS though, such as cr mk xx fireball. In that case you do the full input for the special and it OSes whether or not the cr mk makes some form of contact. I can get the confusion since both are buffers, but only one of those two is an OS.
Thanks, guess I better learn some shit.Ranked and I was port forwarded since week 1. I do that for every fighting game I can if the info is available.
I preferred his pocket Juri.
Yeah it should be common knowledge by now. Maybe a FGC person can type up and circulate an article or something?
Juri got Left Behind![]()
I recently started playing online again and Port forwarding helped me a lot after the recent update. It didnt really do much before that though. So i recommend everyone do the port forwarding post patch.
I opened up these ports mentioned by lord haunts.
If you want to know how , you need to access your routers login page. Usually its or something.
This site might help
Thanks. I've seen that site before, it kinda helps.
Just so I'm clear, if Capcom recommends I forward a range of ports, for example, UDP: 30840-30859, do I enter 30840, 30841, 30842, etc, separately line by line? Is there a way to designate a whole range in a single line?
Sorry if this question doesn't make sense unless you know my specific router.
Now TheSpoiler needs a picture of Dante from his MvC:I render as his avatar and we're set.just noticed your avatar, solid
most routers will let you specify a range
Yea its a router thing , not console or PC specific. You need a browser connected to ur router to do it though.
I'm watching the PR Rog stream and yeah, netcode strikes again!
I actually think he's getting delayed.
No hints and shit from the WSO people. Nothing on social media. I'm not expecting shit.
And I have no ass left to give.
Now TheSpoiler needs a picture of Dante from his MvC:I render as his avatar and we're set.
DIdn't they say at least one piece of information per month?
The new costumes got announced at E3, so I wouldn't expect anything else this month. They met the quota, so they pat themselves on their back and think about whatcostumes to show next month.Chun Li
For you boys, anything.
We haven't even gotten a damn blog post about it. I bet they are hiding that Abigail is delayed shit at the bottom of it too.
Dudes better gimme something besides costumes this month.
For you boys, anything.
stop bullying mvci
You're just mad because Chun got shafted in two games.
but i play british bison girl
DIdn't they say at least one piece of information per month?
The new costumes got announced at E3, so I wouldn't expect anything else this month. They met the quota, so they pat themselves on their back and think about whatcostumes to show next month.Chun Li
lol. The once a month quota. Jesus fucking...I mean, I look at Riot on the League sub reddit and those guys are always interacting with the community. It's crazy how easy it is. Doesn't take magic, just fucking talk to people.
"The Urgot champion update is coming but is a little down the pipeline right now"
Boom. Done. Shows you're listening, shows you're working on something. There doesn't need to be a "we'll talk to you at LEAST once a month, guys! Yay for us!"
Meanwhile at capcom..."CEO and E3 are coming! What do we show for SF5?! Drunk gootecks at E3 and nothing at CEO! Brilliant!"
I just sent you an invite.^^^ I'd be so mad if they did that
anyone wanna play? psn vulvaps4
I just sent you an invite.
I hope you don't mind ft10.
Meth Dante is an abomination.
Ok. Why does it keep disconnecting like that?on my way
edit I'll try hosting and invite you
I wish they retooled Chun into being a motion character instead of Vega. I'd like to use her, but I am just not about the charge life.
Ok. Why does it keep disconnecting like that?