been saying this for years
The game's been out for 1 lol
been saying this for years
Successfully landing a CC st.hp with Urien in a neutral situation leads to:
Successfully landing a st.hp that isn't a CC with Urien in a neutral situation leads to:
- V-meter gain
- Considerable damage.
- Regular meter gain
- Corner carry
Having a st.hp blocked in a neutral situation as Urien leads to:
- Damage for the st.hp
- Meter gain for the st.hp
- ???
EX Headbutt
Somewhat similar situation applies to Necalli's st.hk, Ken's st.hk, and a few others.
Yeah because I have nothing to fear if I don't quickrise after a throw loop in the corner vs Ken.
Priority system + crush counters = stupid
take one of them away and maybe the other would be fine tbh
Being in the corner sucks, it's supposed to suck, but throw loops aren't as big of a deal as they're made out to be. Just SF4 it, wake up slow.
If we're keeping everything the same, CC should only give you a setup, imo. Then you choose to go for damage on whiffed specials, or setup and more stun. When in neutral, it gives you a reason to use your amazing CC buttons, but it doesn't lead to tons of damage, just potential.
CC buttons should be in counter-hit state on recovery. NOW lets see how many morons blindly spam it.
Of course they can, but people also complain about wakeup jabs and small windows of active frames so if you're not just perfectly setting them up for another throw it at least changes the situation.What? Delayed wakeup does nothing. The gap is so big so they can just setup another Meaty/Throw situation.
Of course they can, but people also complain about wakeup jabs and small windows of active frames so if you're not just perfectly setting them up for another throw it at least changes the situation.
CC's should be command normals only that you have to have a read on the opponent to utilize.
CC buttons should be in counter-hit state on recovery. NOW lets see how many morons blindly spam it.
Just make more CC's blow back instead of crumple on hit.
The way it works right now is ass backwards
Maybe we can call it " COUNTER BREAKER "I was thinking of a crush counter counter. Like what if you could spend ex meter to stop a CC? If you timed it right the CC is negated and you deal some damage and go back into neutral; if you miss you eat the cc combo.
Maybe we can call it " COUNTER BREAKER "
Maybe we can call it " COUNTER BREAKER "
Also, it legit looks like Ken face is underneath.
Darkstalkers Resurrection is one of the PS+ games this month.
I don't play on consoles anymore but I'll see if I can find a way to get a trial for PS+ real quick and nab that for the backlog.
fwiw you can only access those games while you have an active ps+ account, so if you wanted to play it down the line you'd need to activate ps+
Tried to take my Balrog scrubbery offline at my locals.
Weird how people can just block my dumb shit now.
there is definitely an online and offline teir list
even when there is minimal lag, like aris said, you don't know the vibe on the otherside. It could be anything. It could be a talented dog playing karin, you have no idea.
Maybe we can call it " COUNTER BREAKER "
Whatever the case with that, Balrog is still at the toppest of tiers both online and off.
Skies of Honor thoring of destiny flythrough
spooky arena flythrough
it's neat seeing all the assets that compose the stages
Not sure about that. Why make already linear offense even more linear? You don't make rps more interesting by nerfing scissors. Rather see more defense
Agreed. SFV Gief >>>>>>>>>>>> SF4 Gief. He has way more tools and is more than literally SPD->Greenhand.I dont want to go back to SFIV Gief.
I like SFV Gief. He has good anti-airs, and better SPDs.
i actually do wish he was more like his SF4 incarnation where he was equally good at offense and defense depending on how you wanted to play your game, but he didn't feel OP. This Rog feels more like Dudley, it feels weird to have a 100% offensive Balrog instead of a 50/50.Would people be fine with Rog as he is if defensive options got buffed?
I don't mean online Rog sorry that monster will always be broken.
That might be the case but the goal is to weaken the pressure game. More time will be spent in neutral and blows ups will be harder to earn. I honestly think that will make the game more fun to play and watch. I do want throws to be buffed to compensate for this change so it'll definitely hurt a little. Even with a change like this people will still not want to take the throw even with full health so blow ups will still happen quite often.
I think you can slightly weaken the pressure game by making the neutral tools stronger. Faster startup, longer active frames, faster walk speed, and more range on the normals discourages dashing in. Reducing input lag helps with that too and also makes it easier to prevent jumpins. It won't be a huge difference, but it does help.
I'm going to keep preaching this until SF6.
Sure they could do all that, but that would requires a retooling of a lot of normals and walk speeds. Changes like that could really affect how good or bad some characters are and would need a lot of testing. Plus it goes against how the game was designed in the first place and I don't see them changing that.
Again after this server maintenance i can't find any casual or ranked games, also getting errors when trying to join batte lounges, so basically can't play it online for days until capcom releases a patch. Already tried port forwarding without success.
This is the second time this is happening, every other online game is fine.
Anyone know whats going on? It must be on capcoms end, because a patch fixed it the first time this happened, also strange that it seems to just affect a small group of people, because i couldn't find anyone on other forums with the same problem.
Edit: On ps4 and im from germany.
Do you know you did the port forwarding correctly? Assigned static ip first etc etc. Trst the ports are open?
Damn and people say SFV was done on a tight budget. The detail in these are insane.
Yeah they put a lot of work into stuff you barely even see. Shame its banned for tournament streams too because fewer people get to see that hard work
Skies of honor stage needs to be at different time of the day instead of twilight + be more colorful, if so it would have been the best stage in SFV.
I personally wouldn't mind Cruise Ship Stern and Snowy Rail Yard making a comeback.They need to bring back Overpass and the Africa stage from IV tbh
They need to bring back Overpass and the Africa stage from IV tbh
airstrip or savannah? there's more than one!