But muh EVO possible reveal
I've made more than $2k off of tournament winnings in SFV. [...]
They could just do something like.
Show a picture of the next character.
Tell us when the next character is coming
Give a description of the character
Just officially fucking announce who they are
I imagine that would help build hype.
Ucchedavāda;242569932 said:I'm not trying to belittle your accomplishments, but keep in mind that this is equivalent to you having worked a full-time job + overtime for more than a year, and then earning maybe $1 per hour (depending on the value of your paid trip).
If they release a character every other month. The last character would be at the end of November. No way they would release a character that late would they?? Wasnt Urien released in September.
Oh yeah, I've had a full-time job between college semesters, so I know $2k isn't much at all. I'm just saying that SFV has actually earned me money, in addition to not actually being a full-time job. If SFV felt that way, I would have stopped playing it a long time ago. For my time spent in this game (and with some others), I treat it as my overall experience gained for FGs as a whole, which will carry over into the future. There are some great players who barely spend time with the game but still perform super well, because they have that experience already. I need to gain it myself.
All this wait for new DLC characters just gives me time to build up enough FM to get them for free. So good going Capcom!
Exception of this week, in which they apparently forgot about adding our weekly missions. Again, good going Capcom!
My FM is starting to burn a hole in my pocket, though. I'm starting to seriously consider buying a couple of stages.
Maybe if we all spend ALL our FM, Capcom will immediately reveal and release the next character. They need that cash.
Are the missions there yet? Haven't bothered to check this week, too busy with Crash.
Nice to see confirmation of what we were suspecting.
If I recall correctly, ASW uses their own post-processing stack, so DBFZ may be able to mitigate some of the input delay. All the same, I hope Epic steps in to help out Capcom, Bandai Namco, & ASW minimize the input delay as much as possible.Nice to see confirmation of what we were suspecting.
The DBFZ beta is actually coming this August.We'll find out by the end of what July? Whenever the beta comes.
I bought colours, man! Fucking colours!
Since this character is delayed they better give us two at the same time like they did last year.
Maybe we'll get a trailer with the last three at evo.
Or maybe we'll get nothing.
Well, I'm glad you graduated from online warrior, that's good. If you aren't going to go into the actual tourney scene I think it's pointless but you clearly are more involved. My small time with the scene gave me the wrong impression and its not the crowd I care for, but more power to you, just alway remember to have fun.I've made more than $2k off of tournament winnings in SFV. I play a lot of ranked, but having gone to majors like Toryuken and invitationals like Red Bull Proving Grounds Finals recently, I'm not simply an "online warrior" anymore. Online is a far different world than local play, considering things like environment, lag, and motivation to win. I just grind it out there to improve in certain aspects and experiment, for what actually matters in tournament matches.
I would not have had the experience to be flown off to Los Angeles on an all-paid trip with shuttles, free food and everything if it wasn't for my time spent in the game. With SFV being my first competitive FG, I pretty much had to put in that time to catch up to people who have been playing SF for much longer.
Moments like this make it all worth it.
I just bought akuma with fight money, season 1 was worth it though..Seriously regretting buying the Season 2 pass.
Barely touched Akuma/Kolin/Ed and any excitement I had for the remaining characters is dissipating by the minute, the wait between reveals is far too long to maintain any amount of hype for someone semi-casual.
anyone playing in about 30 mins?
I've bought every single character (with FM), despite never touching anyone but Nash outside of story mode or the occasional local two player with my brother (where I just mash all the buttons).Seriously regretting buying the Season 2 pass.
Barely touched Akuma/Kolin/Ed and any excitement I had for the remaining characters is dissipating by the minute, the wait between reveals is far too long to maintain any amount of hype for someone semi-casual.
anyone playing in about 30 mins?
I almost missed this. Welcome back to the true path.The change button expirement lasted one day. I played for hours, I did all the trials, I practiced and practiced and practiced. I lost countless matches to scrubs. It all felt.. wrong.
And then I realized I can't change who I am. The buttons are the buttons. The lights belong on the shoulders, anybody that thinks otherwise is simply a fool. I apologized to my brethren for straying from the path.
The PS4 version of Tekken 7 is complete garbage so I wouldn't give Harada too much credit for tweeting.
He's sticking to that "only wired DS4" has high input lag story, but I'm not conviced at all...
How? Capcom already actually lowered the lag and harada is purely talking out of his ass with that "only wired ps4" bullshit.
SFV actually has a consistently working online mode and Tekken 7 is broken as fuck. Pretty ridiculous how people suck off Tekken for doing things they ridiculed Capcom for.
Put this move in street fighter
Put this move in street fighter
Im down, Im just a super silver though....I dont mind playing way above my league, I prefer learning about getting better.
CFN: ChefJoe
GGs, but there was just too much roll back on my end, one moment you're crouching and the other suddenly crHP is hitting me.
The worst one was were I punished one of your attacks with ex SRK, ex flash happens, and then it just rolls back into me standing and you do CA...
Ucchedavāda;242589741 said:Spinning Sub-Zeros Kick?
Put this move in street fighter
More animation than Cammy's new throw.
Yeah, and I never intended for the CA to come out either...I could barely get any command throws out. Showed only 4 bars on my end so the connection shouldnt have been that stuttery. GGs