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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs

I don't normally bring beef to other threads here but Jesus Christ.
Just had an friend of mine actually leave and drive away when I made a comment offhand about King in Tekken 7 while we were playing.

All I said that if King were female, he'd probably just be Lucky Chloe.

Gave me a look, said he's done and walked away.
It annoys me that Capcom invests a miserable amount of money into SFV. They could be making a killing with some of these costumes. But they don't want to, I guess!
You'd think they'd be pumping out their pricy DLC all the time to justify the business model they went with, but we're still waiting on costumes announced almost a year ago, and great alts like this are on the cutting room floor for who knows what reason.


You'd think they'd be pumping out their pricy DLC all the time to justify the business model they went with, but we're still waiting on costumes announced almost a year ago, and great alts like this are on the cutting room floor for who knows what reason.

I look at all the cool shit you can unlock in IJ2 (for free), and SFV is just such a sad sack of shit. I get the feeling Capcom didn't want to spend a dime more than what Sony gave them.
You'd think they'd be pumping out their pricy DLC all the time to justify the business model they went with, but we're still waiting on costumes announced almost a year ago, and great alts like this are on the cutting room floor for who knows what reason.

Things get scrapped all the time, this is just some of the stuff they've showed, but you can bet there are dozens, if not hundreds of things that just get scrapped/rejected for whatever reason. Happens in every game.

Heck them showing these rejected designs could be a way of gauging response, potentially un-scrapping them at a future time.
Things get scrapped all the time, this is just some of the stuff they've showed, but you can bet there are dozens, if not hundreds of things that just get scrapped/rejected for whatever reason. Happens in every game.

Heck them showing these rejected designs could be a way of gauging response, potentially un-scrapping them at a future time.
Of course, but it's a bit dicey to show off scrapped costume designs when what they actually are offering is still so sparse and uneven.


Ucchedavāda;239246202 said:
Ya'll are making me miss the furry costumes from USFIV:

I liked those, I hope they do more like them. Except this time, they actually like transform the body like they did with gen, where he was actually a goat with a goat face


Thanks for all the help guys, don't have ps+ atm so I'm just doing some of the stuff you guys have said in training mode

Start easy, friend. Just try simple 2-hit combo. crouch medium kick into fireball and do that until your fingers just roll through the buttons without much thinking. After you get that, add in a jumping attack before and do that a few times. Now you have a 3-hit combo. Then try to do super after fireball. Slowly build from there.

Baby steps. Don't give up.

Tried this out and I've landed up to the 3 hit combo pretty consistently. Super after fireball a few times, thanks a lot. Linked with other moves like crouch medium kick into tatsu which I would assume would be good in getting out of the corner.

I'm a fellow Ryu main who's progressing through the lower ranks so I know what you're going through.

Here are some specific tips:
(1) Learn the range of your normal attacks. St.MP and St.MK are helpful to poke at opponents. St.MP is a combo starter so it's more useful yet has shorter range. Cr.MK is good for poking as well but right now St.LK has slightly more range and it's a faster move.

(2) Work on your execution by playing, playing, and playing some more. My execution has improved a lot just from playing the game and working on my inputs. Some time in training mode will do wonders. Practice and then turn on opponent AI or play Survival.

Also, there are some shortcuts that help with Shoryukens. I personally use forward->down forward->forward for Shoryukens when walking towards an opponent. When using cr.HP to combo into Shoryuken I use down-forward->forward->down-forward.

(3) Practice anti-airing! Anti-airing is a big part of the game. If you let opponents get easy jump-ins on you then you're doing it wrong! Start by practicing anti-airing with MP Shoryuken and St.HK.

But the best thing I can recommend are the Gief's Gym lessons that were put together by one of the r/Streetfighter mods. It teaches you all the basics and has helpful videos that demonstrate each lesson. Check out this link and try going through the first two sets of lessons (ignore the character links and try the general lessons).


thanks a lot I'll check out the link and shoryuken tips. It seems like I got it right and then all of a sudden I don't have it anymore and instead would be doing hadokens.
I liked those, I hope they do more like them. Except this time, they actually like transform the body like they did with gen, where he was actually a goat with a goat face

My playtime with both Honda and Makoto went up significantly after those costumes were released. It was a lot of fun to goof around in ranked and lobbies as Kappa Honda and angry chipmunk Makoto. And lets not forget literal Spinning Bird Kicks.


The Alex buffs being useless have gotten me a bit depressed. Might be time to seriously take on a secondary, most likely Urien.


If you see a Chun do even half of that in an actual match consider them a total lord.

The initial combo in the corner is a pretty common DP punish response from Chun in S2 tbh. Hell, you can do something similar to the opener midscreen for a bit less damage but get a mid screen left/right mixup. I think it's Vtrigger, CC HK,fwd HK, cr hp xx lk or mk sbk. lk is front, mk is behind for a mixup.
The one that let's you unlock CHARACTERS for free is the sad sack?

That aspect is worth commending.
As is the fact that you can unlock most new stages with FM.

But overall the fight money system is poorly thought out. The vast majority of FM is locked away in single-player modes, or easiest to obtain by yourself (the 5k weekly quests), which means that it fails to motivate engagement with the main component of the game.

Compare SFV's fight money system with, for example, Heroes of the Storm. HoTS rewards you for playing the main modes, for playing with other people, encourages you to try different characters and modes via daily quests, and also allows you to purchase in-game characters with fight money.

And the range of items unlockable via fight money in SFV is rather lacklustre. Other than the stages and characters, there is one costume to unlock per characters (story mode), and after that you have colors, titles, and profile decorations. In that regard both IJ2 and T7 greatly outclass SFV.


Ucchedavāda;239258637 said:
My playtime with both Honda and Makoto went up significantly after those costumes were released. It was a lot of fun to goof around in ranked and lobbies as Kappa Honda and angry chipmunk Makoto. And lets not forget literal Spinning Bird Kicks.

I was also fond of Chun ( chicken ) Pheonix li

my favs

Cool costumes get me to play characters, it kind of upsets me that the costume packs are so limited in V with who they are for.

It will look like a gorilla but actually be a young girl in a robot suit

I would main that,

But if she's a girl in mecha gorilla she's going to NEED this outfit

Ucchedavāda;239264928 said:
That aspect is worth commending.
As is the fact that you can unlock most new stages with FM.

But overall the fight money system is poorly thought out. The vast majority of FM is locked away in single-player modes, or easiest to obtain by yourself (the 5k weekly quests), which means that it fails to motivate engagement with the main component of the game.

Compare SFV's fight money system with, for example, Heroes of the Storm. HoTS rewards you for playing the main modes, for playing with other people, encourages you to try different characters and modes via daily quests, and also allows you to purchase in-game characters with fight money.

And the range of items unlockable via fight money in SFV is rather lacklustre. Other than the stages and characters, there is one costume to unlock per characters (story mode), and after that you have colors, titles, and profile decorations. In that regard both IJ2 and T7 greatly outclass SFV.
In terms of acquisition FM is pretty unimaginative, but I do think in terms of the worth you get out of what you unlock out of FM handily beats what you get out of Tekken's unlockables. I have no interest in IJ2 so I'm not sure what that game has -- random costume loot with stats? I'unno. But with Tekken it's almost entirely gaudy (by intention?) customization stuff. I immediately don't care about it.


In terms of acquisition FM is pretty unimaginative, but I do think in terms of the worth you get out of what you unlock out of FM handily beats what you get out of Tekken's unlockables. I have no interest in IJ2 so I'm not sure what that game has -- random costume loot with stats? I'unno. But with Tekken it's almost entirely gaudy (by intention?) customization stuff. I immediately don't care about it.

I dissagree, you can create costumes in tekken, and make your character look unique. I saw a chie running around online. Its not just flamboyant stuff, but things to make costumes too. And I think that's interesting.

That isn't to say there isn't a value to an outfit, but if given the choice I will always choose character customization. Injustice also gives you peices to make costumes, they also have stats for other modes though.
I just realized something horrible.
Currently the most effective way to play in lobbies is to open a lobby, set the rules to something stupid so people won't find it (if you are being nice!), and then just leave it up for a while so that it gets ahead in the queue. And then change it back to standard rules when you actually want to play.

Needless to say this would also make the lobby system even less usable if enough people did it.

I am watching an empty lobby as I write this.
EDIT: Somebody joined!

In terms of acquisition FM is pretty unimaginative, but I do think in terms of the worth you get out of what you unlock out of FM handily beats what you get out of Tekken's unlockables. I have no interest in IJ2 so I'm not sure what that game has -- random costume loot with stats? I'unno. But with Tekken it's almost entirely gaudy (by intention?) customization stuff. I immediately don't care about it.

It's not just that it is unimaginative. It is that the main sources of FM forces you to spend time away from the core aspects of the game. It is directly counter-productive to Capcom's goal of making SFV "eSport". And I for one love tacky shit to slap on my characters. You don't have to care about that shit, but I don't think it would not be to your detriment either, if you got your fight money by actually playing the game.


Ucchedavāda;239264928 said:
That aspect is worth commending.
As is the fact that you can unlock most new stages with FM.

But overall the fight money system is poorly thought out. The vast majority of FM is locked away in single-player modes, or easiest to obtain by yourself (the 5k weekly quests), which means that it fails to motivate engagement with the main component of the game.

Compare SFV's fight money system with, for example, Heroes of the Storm. HoTS rewards you for playing the main modes, for playing with other people, encourages you to try different characters and modes via daily quests, and also allows you to purchase in-game characters with fight money.

And the range of items unlockable via fight money in SFV is rather lacklustre. Other than the stages and characters, there is one costume to unlock per characters (story mode), and after that you have colors, titles, and profile decorations. In that regard both IJ2 and T7 greatly outclass SFV.

Doesnt SFV do the same thing? It rewards you for playing various modes and encourages you to try different characters. Because you can get more Fight money by levelling up 10 characters to Level 20 than taking 1 character to level 100.

Agreed on the unlockables though , Really nothing else to unlock for characters. As most of the costumes are hidden behind paywall.
I wish regular costumes were with Fight money and actual "premium" costumes costed real money. Shit that actually does something to the character like new effects,Voice or something.


Ucchedavāda;239226117 said:
Capcom has put up Superhero themed [URL=" Costume Ideas[/URL] on CFN.
This one is so terrible that it is great:

Fucking lost it at Rear End Rainbow. Such a fitting name


I'll be honest, I'm enjoying GGRev2 and Tekken 7 a lot, but what they've absolutely proven to me without a doubt is that the FGC has a personal vendetta against Capcom/SF. T7 is just about as barebones as SFV was from a single player perspective, and is missing a TON of QOL features that should have been there from the start. Lobbies are terrible and matchmaking/online is also apparently broken on PS4, yet we don't see nearly as much vitriol as we did with SFV. Overall, these games have kinda made me appreciate SFV more, as weird as that sounds.

Now if only we could get the balancing right...
I dissagree, you can create costumes in tekken, and make your character look unique. I saw a chie running around online. Its not just flamboyant stuff, but things to make costumes too. And I think that's interesting.

That isn't to say there isn't a value to an outfit, but if given the choice I will always choose character customization. Injustice also gives you peices to make costumes, they also have stats for other modes though.
The thing is, you CAN make reasonable costumes in Tekken, it's just the actual majority of it is there to make it look garish and goofy. There are entire categories dedicated to wacky crap. I tried to make a costume for Leo and all the hair options looked like chintzy create-a-character stuff and all the individual pieces of clothing generally looked poorly fitting.

I'll be honest, I'm enjoying GGRev2 and Tekken 7 a lot, but what they've absolutely proven to me without a doubt is that the FGC has a personal vendetta against Capcom/SF. T7 is just about as barebones as SFV was from a single player perspective, and is missing a TON of QOL features that should have been there from the start. Lobbies are terrible and matchmaking/online is also apparently broken on PS4, yet we don't see nearly as much vitriol as we did with SFV. Overall, these games have kinda made me appreciate SFV more, as weird as that sounds.

Now if only we could get the balancing right...
I know what you mean. However, I think what it all kind of comes down to is the snowball effect from SFV not having a generic meat and potatoes arcade mode. That made so much of the discussion towards SFV toxic from the start that it turned into a groundswell that has reached the mindset of every facet of the game, where even minor gripes end up being overblown and overlooked in other games.


I'll be honest, I'm enjoying GGRev2 and Tekken 7 a lot, but what they've absolutely proven to me without a doubt is that the FGC has a personal vendetta against Capcom/SF. T7 is just about as barebones as SFV was from a single player perspective, and is missing a TON of QOL features that should have been there from the start. Lobbies are terrible and matchmaking/online is also apparently broken on PS4, yet we don't see nearly as much vitriol as we did with SFV. Overall, these games have kinda made me appreciate SFV more, as weird as that sounds.

Now if only we could get the balancing right...
Honestly I shit on capcom for those things to but they didn't bother me as much until I actively stopped enjoying the game itself.

Before that I was the "But the game is good guys" dude

Also online was worse back then
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