Etrian Oddity
Yipes and Chen are like the Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon of eSports
Why tho.street fighter 4 is back!
as street fighter 4 champion edition
Why tho.
Its the 30th anniversary year man. It'd be weird if they didn't give each game some kind of rerelease effort.
Its the 30th anniversary year man. It'd be weird if they didn't give each game some kind of rerelease effort.
lol Kenny Omega sighting
edit:: And look who it is, scumbag ChrisG on deck
I'd love a SF1 remake. Keep it as faithful as possible, white Birdie and all, while allowing every character to be used.I'd rather have Street Fighter 1: Championship Edition The Final Graphics
street fighter 4 is back!
as street fighter 4 champion edition
So I've heard that Chris G and Marn are despicable human beings.
Who else?
This entire episode of Excellent AdventuresWhat did Marn do/say?
street fighter 4 is back!
as street fighter 4 champion edition
Capcom has been making all the right decision this gen, especially this year's E3.
Its the 30th anniversary year man. It'd be weird if they didn't give each game some kind of rerelease effort.
If I don't see 3S or Alpha on PS4 this year I'm blaming you, lol
Just wanted to reply to this again because your post got me to try something I should have tried in the first place but didn't even think of. Switching my "broken" FC4 to PS3 mode suddenly made it work again as a d-input controller. Something is broken somewhere, but somehow it's specific to the PS4 mode (which had been working since I bought it over a year ago until recently).
So now I have a new FC that I don't need after all. But I guess at this rate I will need it eventually.
Well it helps to have a backup I guess lol
I think we both have it set the same. Basically the left shoulder buttons do nothing and the right two are for all punches and all kicks?
That's how I have mine since it makes EXs way easier. It just sucks because I'd like to be able to map V-Trigger and V-Skill to the left shoulder buttons.
Anybody want to play a game? I've been sitting in an empty lobby for a while now :/
This decision was made six years ago. They're just adding characters and updating the existing mobile port in response to 32-bit iOS apps getting phased out.
That trailer looked like dog shit. I have no idea why they are bothering with that nonsense when they could be using those resources elsewhere.
I'm sure one person will be happy instead of updating SSF4 3DS
Ok I get what you're saying. The physical L1 and L2 buttons can only be used as training shortcuts but can't be mapped as action buttons.
LMAO someone just took the Daigo book from inside of his TE2+ at Dreamhack Summer and changed from Karin to Ryu.
tbf vs a Birdie that's actually a good ideaLMAO someone just took the Daigo book from inside of his TE2+ at Dreamhack Summer and changed from Karin to Ryu.
LMAO someone just took the Daigo book from inside of his TE2+ at Dreamhack Summer and changed from Karin to Ryu.
tbf vs a Birdie that's actually a good idea
I'm guessing he still lost?
I doubt the budget required to make an existing game meet current iOS requirements would even make a dent in Capcom's extensive SFV to-do list.
Chopped up and wonky as it is, I'm fairly certain more people play Volt than 3D Edition. Current phones could probably run SFIV proper at lowered settings, but Capcom is clearly just trying to maintain that SFIV Volt revenue stream with the least amount of effort possible.
Did it sell over a million or even more than SFV?
Man Gachikun got some godlike reflexes i can never react or do half the things he can do even if i practice for the next ten yearsRashid and his low damage!
Whenever I fight Kolin I get trapped in 22 hit combos where I'm in hit stun after her first confirm. I'm just like wtf, lolIm getting super blown up by counters and it's fucking my head up.
fought a Kolin that spammed counters all day and I didn't know what to do at all. And then fought a ryu that spammed fireballs and parried everything the next match.
My head is fall fucked.
With VT and full super bar she can block stun into chip kill from a mile away, and it's a real block-stun, only thing you can do is v-reversal.Spotted SnakeEyez on twitch repping
Whenever I fight Kolin I get trapped in 22 hit combos where I'm in hit stun after her first confirm. I'm just like wtf, lol
I definitely need to gain proficiency with V-Reversals.With VT and full super bar she can block stun into chip kill from a mile away, and it's a real block-stun, only thing you can do is v-reversal.
With VT and full super bar she can block stun into chip kill from a mile away, and it's a real block-stun, only thing you can do is v-reversal.
Yo, Justin Wong just got bodied into losers by a random Fang named Eric C, lmao!
That's only for moves (like lights) that recover quickly enough for them to throw you.But they know that and my V reversal gets grabbed, I tried to reversal three times in a single round and got grabbed all the times.
You also need to know when to v-reversal, like, after you block a VT, Kolin usually dash in to for the mix up, if you v-reversal during her dash, she can recover in time to block it or even grab you out of it, don't v-reversal right after blocking the VT(unless she's in your face in the corner)! Best time to reversal is during her string normal preferably after the second normal(HP after the knee), you'd beat her VT if she cancel into it and she wont recover in time to block if she doesn't go for VT.But they know that and my V reversal gets grabbed, I tried to reversal three times in a single round and got grabbed all the times.
That's only for moves (like jabs) that recover quickly enough for them to throw you.
Or if you do a V-reversal pretty late in your blockstun.
In that chip out situation that Sayad mentioned, you have to look for the move where she doesn't recover fast enough. You can also V-Reversal her V-Trigger if you're already in the corner as the pushback will no longer be a factor in that situation.
We're biding our time until Evo then you'll see.That FANG play was sick.
Meanwhile I don't see one damn Alex again, much less in Winners.
Kolin has 3 counters.I understand that. It's her counters that really confuse me and what dominated me the entire match.
It would be nice to have at least a training mode that features some of the locked fighters so you can test out which characters you might like to purchase with FM or the season pass. Im getting fucked by Eds, and Kolins, but have played so many Akumas at this point I know what to expect.
I dont know how Kolins counters work and she's not to frequent that I come across online for me, so I dont know what Im getting into.