He really should just pick Necalli as a secondary.
Watching the OHN15 top 8. Is Rashid the new Chun/Charlie?
I love the Alex/Bison matchup vs screen because it looks like they want you to pick who has the best palm.
I kinda hate that the season pass doesnt have all the stages with it. Kinda sucks when I dip back in now and then to be stuck with all the old stuff still.
I kinda hate that the season pass doesnt have all the stages with it. Kinda sucks when I dip back in now and then to be stuck with all the old stuff still.
Invincible from frame 1.Ok, a little question... This is a bit of a problem for me to the point of making me want to rage quit the game..
Is Karin's Ex qcb+P invincible on wake up or can it be beaten out first few frames?
The sheer amount of damage I ate cuz I dialed qcb+PP and instead of it coming out, I got hit is making me pull my hair out. I think game is misreading my inputs because doing it in situation where I don't get hit immediately sometimes causes Karin to do a c,HP instead. But I am inputting qcb motion for sure
You can but them for free with FM if you have any spare lying around. I do agree they should have a couple in the season pass though.
Invincible but it can be low profiled so some characters don't need to respect it. It whiffs on things like Chun's meaty slide(df+MP), just keep that in mind.Is Karin's Ex qcb+P invincible on wake up or can it be beaten out first few frames?
I finally went in and cleared all of the volume one trials, which were mostly easier than I was anticipating. I wish I was good enough to beat story mode on the extra difficulty setting. I could use the Fight Money.
It can be low profiled? InterestingInvincible but it can be low profiled so some characters don't need to respect it. It whiffs on things like Chun's meaty slide(df+MP), just keep that in mind
Also, its invincibility runs out a frame after it is active, so try to delay it as much as possible while using it as an anti air if you want to avoid trading with jump ins.
I just beat it as this was posted, haha.Ucchedavāda;249171212 said:You can cheese most of the difficult fights. For example, Bison never throws you and always burns his meter on stupid shit, so you can just down-back, wait for him to do something unsafe, and then punish. I won all of the Bison fights with a sliver of health left due to all the chip-damage I had taken.
The worst fight, IIRC, was Sim vs Necalli, simply because I have no idea how to use Sim.
Justin wasn't wrong.
I practiced a bit of marvel and now my execution is better.
I'm playing Ryu and the Guile matchup is the most frustrating shit on the fucking planet.
Yeah I have to slow my pace to a crawl in order to fight him. It's pretty much get a stray hit or two in and play the waiting gameArguably one of the worse match ups in this game. I just cringe every time I see Guile on the match screen. He was a nightmare to fight even when Ryu was good in S1.
By really good low profile moves only, so not things like Kolin's cr.MK. ¯\_(ツIt can be low profiled? Interesting
Well, Capcom have less than 18 hours to accomplish thisThey're not gonna reveal Zeku until they tease him with a modified SFV logo first.
Anyone hopeful we might get a Zeku reveal during the Tokyo Game Show press conference (which will begin at 3 AM EST tomorrow)...?
They're not gonna reveal Zeku until they tease him with a modified SFV logo first.
Well, Capcom have less than 18 hours to accomplish this![]()
Wasn't the time between Menat logo tease and reveal really short, like a matter of hours? Or was it a day before? It was short I'm pretty sure.
I doubt they'll spend time on stage doing it though.
Were there any leaks or rumors about Zeku? Like what his moveset might be n all that.