We came so far from hating Ken's EX Tatsu and his Super in 3rd Strike.
That EX tatsu, god... that thing could do more damage than the super if it juggled right. Land in the corner, and he'd follow up with 1-2 jab SRKs. And now you're cornered.We came so far from hating Ken's EX Tatsu and his Super in 3rd Strike.
Fuck ken, he's always been an annoying shit.
maybe you've just hit the plateau before your next skill increase, which is natural
maybe take a break, maybe pick up a new game
Could be that you´re simply juggling too many characters at the same time.
Or did you bench mika completely while playing other characters?
If it makes you feel better, I have over 100k lying around and I bought both season passes.With this final character purchase (plus 100k in the bank), I have succeeded in my goal of buying Season 1+2 characters without spending a dime.
Feeling good about myself tbh :>
I know, I know. Some ya'll have like a million lying around. Cut us small guys some slack!
Maybe. I've had this feeling of being stuck in a rut before. But it feels more significant this time, and it's lasted longer. Since Evo, I had taken a break and I've played other games, only to return to SFV and still feel like I'm missing something.
For the most part, I only play Abigail and Mika. I have not benched Mika; the whole reason I feel this way is because I'm performing particularly poorly with her compared to how I feel I was playing before.
Back in season 1, I also played Balrog, Guile and Birdie a decent amount, and I had been using my alt account a lot to play as them in addition to Guile, before I transitioned to using Abby on my main account.
What's your usual training routine? I remember watching you on stream, and the commentators later saying that you were a great player but panicked too often. Could that be the cause (to be clear, they weren't saying it in a mean way, and I've had people shit alllll over me when I've been on stream a few times lol).
Did he play Ken? because if so that's just how Ken players are.
All this Ken hate...can continue. Really watching Momochi play triggers me all the time. All those bad memories. I mean look at all those impossible confirms, disgusting!
The ken hate can continue because its been like 8 billion of them dudes online in the last few weeks.
I don't know who won what, where and how, but it was with ken. And it has made online more annoying.
Fuck ken, he's always been an annoying shit.
Eh, the community here's always shit on me, so that's whatever. But yeah, I do have a tendency to panic, especially when it's an environment that differs too much from my comfort zone. It can be difficult for me to focus solely on the game in front of me when there's a lot of stuff going on around me, so big stage, huge audience, no headphones to isolate myself, etc. will often affect me, and it becomes apparent in the way I play.
It's not the cause for when I play at home, though. Whether it's online or offline, I've just been playing notably worse these days. Kinda sucks. I feel like I need to start from zero.
Usual routine is play a bunch of ranked matches non-stop, and dip into Training mode if there's something I saw in a match that I want to take a closer look at. Haven't watched replays regularly in a long time; maybe I should go back to that.
Have you tried posting your replays up elsewhere? Or even here? You are far better than almost all of us, but it'd be nice to see if someone could spot some problem areas. (That's actually something I should start doing myself!) I see you on the Abby discord, I don't think they'd mind taking a look.
Eh, the community here's always shit on me, so that's whatever. But yeah, I do have a tendency to panic, especially when it's an environment that differs too much from my comfort zone. It can be difficult for me to focus solely on the game in front of me when there's a lot of stuff going on around me, so big stage, huge audience, no headphones to isolate myself, etc. will often affect me, and it becomes apparent in the way I play.
It's not the cause for when I play at home, though. Whether it's online or offline, I've just been playing notably worse these days. Kinda sucks. I feel like I need to start from zero.
Usual routine is play a bunch of ranked matches non-stop, and dip into Training mode if there's something I saw in a match that I want to take a closer look at. Haven't watched replays regularly in a long time; maybe I should go back to that.
You might just play too much. There's such a thing as over practicing, and you definitely play this game more than most people (even pros). You might actually get better with a short break.
Longest I've done is a week without playing (most recent I did this was at the end of August). I felt a bit better playing when I've done this, but not that much. I guess longer could work? I fear that my ability would also deteriorate if I go too long without playing, though.
What Edzi said is right but I own a TES+ and from my experience its been a good stick. Its my secondary stick so I dont use it as much as my TE2, but Ive yet to experience an issue with it in the 9 months I've owned it.
I bought a TES+ end of last year that crapped out after about of month of solid use, I wouldn't put much faith in stock Madcatz SFV sticks. I wouldn't recommend buying those sticks new or used from eBay sellers; who knows if they're trying to offload bad sticks now that Madcatz is gone.
The other parts and case are solid design though, so if you can find one cheap and aren't afraid to slap in a Brooks PCB if the stock one goes bad, that'd be a viable option. I've heard good things about the Razer Pantherea. IIRC, some ex-Madcatz employees who designed the SFIV sticks jumped to Razer to work on their stick designs.
Don't play SVCI have never seriously played a shoto period. Sf4 soured me on them by overdoing it so much
Not surprised, Necalli player.
KoF is a 3v3 game, you have two other characters.
what who?So? Where you going with this
The canadian mech man and anime michelle Rodriguez were the rest of my team, btb.
what who?
You're weird, Necalli is a good fit for you.I'd be calling robert vest ryu if robert wasn't my own name.
So are Lucky Chloe players tbh.Ken players are a scourge
Im down for earlier plays
We did start when you got online
I actually enjoyed playing Chloe
You can't be pulling receipts from another thread on meYou're weird, Necalli is a good fit for you.
So are Lucky Chloe players tbh.
Longest I've done is a week without playing (most recent I did this was at the end of August). I felt a bit better playing when I've done this, but not that much. I guess longer could work? I fear that my ability would also deteriorate if I go too long without playing, though.
Are you aiming for Capcup this year? If not, I'd say don't touch the game for at least a month
When you come back to it, you'll have to remind yourself of some things, but you're not going to start sucking or anything
TGS tourney tonight right?
Yeah, I think it starts at 1:00 AM ET.TGS tourney tonight right?
So 9 hours from now?Yeah, I think it starts at 1:00 AM ET.
Yep.So 9 hours from now?
Best case scenario, following the Menat approach: trailer during the tourney tonight/tomorrow morning and release on Tuesday. X-Kira's been saying that the Zeku build is on Steam, so his release must be imminent.When is Zeku?