An evening spent with shows new and old...
Saint Seiya Omega 11
I know, I'm weeks behind. I barely really even watch this, I just put it on in the background; it's almost entirely contentless really, the characters are barely there and we trundle along from unexciting fight to unexciting fight, but I guess it's okay.
Humanity is Ruined 1
This made me laugh. An anime actually making me laugh out loud! I really enjoyed the twisted sense of humour behind this, and how deadpan the Mediator was about everything, in conjunction with the almost disturbingly cute artstyle. A very pleasant surprise.
Poverty Goddess! 1
Eh. Some nice visual touches and amusing vocal performances but hardly treads new ground. Not for me. I also kept being really freaked out by the music - I didn't know Masashi Hamauzu did anime scores...
Sword Art Online 1
Well, it's less obvious wish fulfilment than Accel World at least. Not really my kind of show these days, but at least the background art is nice.
Arcana Famiglia 1
While the setting is at least a little bit novel, I'm not big on tournament arcs/shows and didn't really like any of the characters so not for me.
Tari Tari 1
This show sure isn't much to look at, is it? It's not quite on the Deen level of flat art but despite the bright colours all the character art feels kind of washed out and simplified. Story-wise I dunno - the central character is pretty annoying and my level of tolerance will depend on whether any of them can properly sing - but I didn't hate this.