Unknown Soldier
Naw, it's good!
Hell no, it's not!
Naw, it's good!
Oh thank goodness, you were just trolling.
That was pretty awful. The whole thing withwas cringe worthy. There's not a whole lot of redeeming qualities and the whole MMO shtick is already becoming a bit boring. Someone a few pages back made mention of this being some kind of rewrite for the LN? I'll keep going with it.the guy dying
I don't troll because I don't find it to be productive.
I don't troll because I don't find it to be productive.
Sure, why the hell not? Sounds way the hell better than the last blood pact I entered.
during every shounen in existence they will have a cut away explanation of an attack, taking you out of the action unnecessarily
That's a funny way to talk about.Watanuki
during every shounen in existence they will have a cut away explanation of an attack, taking you out of the action unnecessarily
Sure, why the hell not? Sounds way the hell better than the last blood pact I entered.
Open endings are usually crap.
All I got from gaffu was that it was about ghost yaoi. Maybe you guys did a poor job of selling it. I will add it to the list, but I have a pretty large present backlog that I would like to finish some of sometime this century, or at least get to the point where I'm not watching ten things at a time:
Everything with a female character is moeshit. Everything with a male character is fujoushibaitish. You can't win!
This is the kind of high-quality discourse I read animeGAF for.
Exposition is important! We must know everything!
Not really, no, but you asked for something atrocious. Here's the adorable & incredibly misleading OP just to give you absolutely no idea what you're getting into.
Some do, but that's not the WHOLE POINT of the series. Well, maybe Yakitate Japan, but that's not really battle shounen.
LoGH 7
Anyway, it was fairly obvious that large parts of this episode had been redrawn digitally as shown above. I don't know if this is because there were budgetary issues with this episode when it was originally produced but it looked "cleaner" than usual and I wouldn't have minded if not for the switching between the old cell work and the redrawn stuff. I don't have the LaserDisc version on hand so I can't really compare it with the original but maybe someone more familiar with the series could weigh in on this.
Not really, no, but you asked for something atrocious. Here's the adorable & incredibly misleading OP just to give you absolutely no idea what you're getting into.
That's written by the same guy who made Bokurano, right?
He even admits that it is trash.The one time Haly should be posting in here to denfend Bakemonogatari and he's probably getting dumpstered on DOTA2 instead...
He even admits that it is trash.
This section was so relaxing. chirp chirp~ But why would they use tapes when this was supposed to have happened around 2006 going from the Zidane headbutt flashback?
He even admits that it is trash.
Look at that, they got the Union Flag right! That's an achievement.
'Wish fulfilment stories' cover such a diverse body of stories and characters that it's perfectly possible for two such tales to be rather different.
Also, Bakemonogatari is actually good.
Where is this promised Cajun art??
I'm going to bed! Hmph
They actually went to England after all!Look at that, they got the Union Flag right! That's an achievement.
Considering the movie takes place in London, I'd hope KyoAni would research enough to get it right.
Insert Upotte flag here.You'd think so, but plenty of other anime have got it wrong.
Soon you'll be watching it yourself!The worst thing about Accel World is I feel like I've already experienced it through osmosis by reading this thread.
I'll have to go find the post, maybe he was just talking about Nisemonogatari.Whaaaat? He keeps telling me it's the greatest thing ever (or maybe that was Niseimonogatari), and encouraged me to finish it.
Previous thread, I think.When did he say this?
He had a Nisemonogatari avatar for a while, so I don't think that's the case.I'll have to go find the post, maybe he was just talking about Nisemonogatari.
Previous thread, I think.
Previous thread, I think.
You'd think so, but plenty of other anime have got it wrong.
Yep. Kitoh is the master of deceptive beginnings.
And he like to see Children suffering >_>
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=38241042&postcount=1439The people demand evidence.
Haly said:Generally speaking, most stories like this are trash. And if you think DMW accomplished what it set out to do, then the only logical conclusion is that it set out to be trash.
I'm not saying you can't enjoy it. For example, I enjoy the -monogatari series even though I know it's trash. Saying it's anything else is being intellectually dishonest. Ditto for DMW.
Jesus christ Haly, you wouldn't know how to root for a team even of they payed you.
Get good kid.
This episode is like one of those like Pikachu's Goodbye where they make it seem like this is the end, but it's so obvious that it isn't. Not only that, a new girl is introduced at the very end of the episode. Hopefully the next episode is back to form.![]()
So that's why it's called Girls Bravo.
Forced-laugh moe~
Who doesn't!?
Girls Bravo 6
This episode is like one of those like Pikachu's Goodbye where they make it seem like this is the end, but it's so obvious that it isn't. Not only that, a new girl is introduced at the very end of the episode. Hopefully the next episode is back to form.
Every time I think of this show I think of the banana scene.
I have literally forgotten everything else about the show.
oh my. that's so amazingly blatantI noted earlier I thought that Red Hawk lifted elements from other shows. Initially I thought it was just some sort of homage but nope, one fight in particular stood out to me and changed my opinion because as I was watching it, I realized I'd seen it before. It was the Ryu vs Sagat intro from the Street Fighter II movie that came out in '94. Given this was released a year later, I think it's safe to say it was ripped off. I even saw elements that reminded me of Dragonball Z and Fist of the North Star but I'd need to be a little more intimately familiar with those shows to actually spot from where stuff was lifted if at all.
And if that's not enough to convince someone, here's this:
Hell yeah. You are going to love the fuck out of this show.LOGH 8
It's not often you come across an authoritarian leader so fully aware of the possibility of his impending end. What's more impressive is the incredibly poignant and ominous way in which he spelt it out to his advisor. This just keeps on getting better and better with each and every episode. It's great!
The history infodump at the beginning certainly helped explain away my confusion of the whole Space and Imperial Years measurement thanks to the movie. It also was rather short and did a great deal of spelling out why things are the way they are. If only more shows would learn from this.
fortunately Kizumonogatari will make everything right once again. as it should beBakemonogatari used to be good till nisemonogatari retroactively made it suck.
Bakemonogatari used to be good till nisemonogatari retroactively made it suck.
I think Nise retroactively made Bake better.