More super duper short promos.
Sword Art Online
Does give what might be the first appearance of the OP which doesn't sound bad. Also that wolf cut.
Weak enemy overkill, etc, etc
More super duper short promos.
Sword Art Online
Does give what might be the first appearance of the OP which doesn't sound bad. Also that wolf cut.
The manga was pretty dull from what I read of it, but I still have hopes that it'll turn out well.
But all anime girls look the same.
Hey, at least they're getting her voice right... I mean, what would be a chipmunk character be without an Alvin-style voice. I mean, it's annoying, but that style is supposed to be.Ok guys this vid is NOT SAFE FOR YOUR EARS
Dog days New(??) PV.
Still waiting for the first new episode ..NANO JA !!
There's a reason why it finished very high in the GAF "best anime of the year" thread, and in plenty of other places -- the series is very highly regarded pretty much everywhere that isn't animegaf. And yeah, it's a very good series for sure; one of the best shows of 2010, in my opinion.Half way through Angel Beats (I'm watching like one episode every other night at this rate..) I see nothing wrong with this show.. Actually enjoying it.
What that show really needs is another season, though I doubt even that would give it an actual ending... it was alright in its mediocrity, though, overall.Sentai continues its weekend licensing storm by acquiring Mayo Chiki.
Huh, it is kind of odd that it happened now.In other news, Sentai also just licensed Idolmaster XENOGLOSSIA.
Heh... could be, or rather it could be that AKB0048 inspired them to pick this one up, or something. AKB0048 definitely made me think somewhat of Xenoglossia. AKB0048 is the better series for sure, but I mostly liked the half of Xenoglossia that I watched. It's okay.No doubt they saw how AKB0048 was taking Earthstar by storm and wanted to get in on thie idol/mecha revival. Striking while the iron is hot and all that.
Saber-in-the-kitchen was entirely cut out? Sounds like a major improvement indeed!Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction 1
So what happens when you cram 12 episodes of a tv series and jam it into an hour? Usually a mess but I was surprised here. The harem antics are removed, scenes are trimmed down to what's essential rather than maintaining the unnecessary bloat found in the tv series, and the story comes across as more focused on Shirou, Saber, Rin, and the Grail War. The final product is very action oriented and, consequently, very entertaining that picks a great place to end.
There's some issues with editing as the pacing feels off and there's a few instances of "It's evening? It was just morning." but more often than not, it seemed like things worked out better.The more action oriented scenes were trimmed too so they don't feel overlong or overwrought, and more importantly, the ugly elements are gone.Cutting out Shirou vs Rin entirely was great and the Rider vs Shirou encounter being reduced to something so brief made so much more sense rather than having am inexperienced master holding his own against a Servant via grit.
Characters are introduced at a bare minimum and the important events of the story shape their characterization rather than banal chitchat sitting around the dinner table. Saber comes across better, even rebellious, as it feels like a butting of heads with her beliefs vs Shirou's while kitchen Saber was eliminated entirely. Hell, they actually feel like partners for the most part which was lacking from other adaptations.Even Saber running like a dork was pulled! Yes!Sure, Shirou's there to catch her after Assassin but it had this ethereal fairy tale feel rather than Shirou being Shirou.
For you TYPE-MOON fans out there, is there an in-universe reason her eye color shifts red? I meant to ask that while watching the tv series.
We also get a classy remake of the original OP out of this!
I fully expect the second half to be the trainwreck I anticipated the first half to be. We'll see!
What we really need is more seasons of the show, but a movie's great too.
I've read a couple of chapters of the manga version, and it seemed extremely mediocre. Doubt I'll watch.
Based just on the trailers, this one definitely looks like the better of the two.On the other hand, don't doubt Campione!.
Looks like two battle harems with terrible CG magic circles will be duking it out in a furious race to the bottom this season.
Yeah, that doesn't look too great.sorry gents, Estetica locked up the 'worst anime of the season' before it even began vaguely NSFW
from the studio that brought you queen's blade and slave nurses
... Is Samurai Harem an actual show, or do you mean something else?And the director who brought you Love Doll and Samurai Harem. Quality all around.
Yeah, that was good. I wish there was more of it, the four episodes combine to be about one episode long. It deserves more.Wish Upon the Pleiades 1-4
Who'd a thunk that a collection of magical girl shorts bankrolled by Subaru would've turned out to be the most entertaining work Gainax has released since TTGL?!
But all anime girls look the same.
Ok guys this vid is NOT SAFE FOR YOUR EARS
Dog days New(??) PV.
Still waiting for the first new episode ..NANO JA !!
You tell them apart from their breast size.
Deadman Wonderland 06
Every week I think the fucked-upness of this show has plateaued, and every week I am proven wrong.
I think there's potential in the manga, but it depends how far Mizushima is willing to let himself go with the adaptation. I do have a feeling it'd work better as 3-minute shorts.
Yeah, in any version of this franchise, there's definitely some whiplash between the comedy parts and the drama parts. Because there definitely is a serious drama side to Sacred Blacksmith... but it's easy to forget it at times, beneath the stupidity, comedy, and sexism.The Sacred Blacksmith 3
Cute medieval girls doing cute medieval girl things, and poor Luke had to fetch the tea himself for once. Then weird worm infested prisoners attacked the city. Sometimes you kinda forget this is one show until they interact with each other. The attack on the city isn't resolved yet, so the next episode should see more fighting.
Yeah, from this point on, she'll be just semi-competent enough to occasionally actually do something, while still needing to be regularly rescued by Luke of course. Still, it is an improvement (and yes, she was more like this from the beginning in the manga version).The Sacred Blacksmith 4
I thought the problem with worm infested ugly guys wasn't resolved, but I guess it was. But I was right about there being more fighting in this episode. While trying to lure out the bad guy, that ugly old guy from the first episode comes back and gets turned into Cinder. Being made of basically lava, all hope seemed lost for our heroine, but never fear, as our resident man with the obviously superior katana shows up to bail her out. But what's this? She actually manages to do something and save the day? Crazy! It was a fairly good episode.
Was this the episode that started to explain why Luke acts why he does?The Sacred Blacksmith 5
Nothing happens. Well Lisa gets a sluttier outfit and Luke continues to do what he does best. They also tried to give an explanation to all the devils and stuff, but it all kinda went over my head. And the last scene was really touching with Luke actually being nice, and to a girl at that.
She's a fantasy-land girl, of course it is. Or do you mean that anime fantasy maids are more likely to be ninjas than knights? But hey, you never know.I'm not even sure that's a valid dual-class option.
No question about that.I'm sure Luke would rather her to be the latter than the former.
Hey, everyone else in the series who knows the kinds of jokes she likes to make either also makes those kinds of jokes themselves (read: everyone except for pure judo club girl), or is the MC. Somehow no one else knows, as unlikely as that seems. Either that, or no one cares...Seitokai Yakuindomo 01
Sorry, too late for me dear.
Fun first episode I would say. Pretty much one silly joke after another, but it's fun, dirty and amusing at the same time.
it's a dress with a thing above it. Is it really that odd?Oh right, almost forgot to mention
What the hell is this? Does this outfit actually exist and if so, why?
That's true. I had a tag for a little while, but I hated it and complained about it enough, and someone removed it, thankfully. At GAF, no tag is probably better than having one...Everyone wants a tag until they actually get one.
Biglobe time again: out of 23,908 votes, who's the favorite female character from the Spring season?
Weird poll results. I would not have guessed that Koko would have been in the veritable top 3 had it not been for Saki's presence. Koko being on the list however, pleases me.Biglobe time again: out of 23,908 votes, who's the favorite female character from the Spring season?
No, they just explain how Devil Contracts and Spirit Contracts work.Was this the episode that started to explain why Luke acts why he does?
Vote stuffing is always pathetic. At least Kuroyuki Hime wins, must be that dere twin ponytail expression.
Ah, so that's still upcoming.No, they just explain how Devil Contracts and Spirit Contracts work.
There's like three volumes of it, so maybe.Yeah, I do wonder why it's not going to be like a 5 minute anime. Those that are gag based works well.
Is there enough manga material to last one cour?
Yeah, just worried it'll be... not funny. Hopefully Mizushima can pull it off.I think there's potential in the manga, but it depends how far Mizushima is willing to let himself go with the adaptation. I do have a feeling it'd work better as 3-minute shorts.
Vote stuffing is always pathetic. At least Kuroyuki Hime wins, must be that dere twin ponytail expression.
http://www.crunchyroll.com/valerian-and-laureline May not be available in your region etc
This would probably Luke's favorite episode if he were in it more. It's kinda funny he likes Cecily in her maid outfit. Basically a fanservice episode, as nothing really happens the whole time. Only the very end carried any actual story significance. Poor Charlotte-chan.![]()
Blacksmiths? Swords? What's that?
I'd advise against that.
Given the proclivities of the people even in this thread, it's clear that they are not!
I can't stop laughing at that picture of Hermes' face in the sun.![]()
Wonzo with the amazing avatar.
I can't stop laughing at that picture of Hermes' face in the sun.![]()
Wonzo with the amazing avatar.
Funniest single image to come from a Happy Science movie? I think so.
Only thing I think that can come close is resurrected Jesus basking in El Cantare's light.
That ending was super disappointing. Let's go for the build up.
It would've been perfect if they'd ended it at, but they just couldn't leave it alone. Had to throw in that extra bit.her fading away
A potential third might be the true Buddha standing atop the elephant while surrounded by golden angels at the end of Buddha Saitan.
Yeah I agree. I feel better just thinking that the episode ended right after the scene with "Requiem" playing. Other than that I honestly enjoyed the show a good deal. Just... yeah.
I still wonder how they'll end the manga.
I must admit, it's work which came dangerously close to putting me to sleep until the real movies started, where upon I was able to bask once again in his divine light.Hermes: Winds of Love
One half standard love story.
One half unadulterated Happy Science.
The film was actually pretty well animated, with some great backgrounds and environments included. The first half was actually largely normal and that disappointed me. This is followed by an ounce of "enlightenment" period for Hermes which was probably the most flat part of the work.
Ao's world is just the over-world of coral covering the original e7's world, which in turn covers Ao's world. They scab over each other and those intersections upon which the two layers meet are rifts where the scub coral bursts happen. They essentially exist together upon the same plane but on different time phases, sort of like an onion where every layer exists on the same ring.
Generation Bleu digs into their layer to uncover the hidden world, which at this point in time is dead. Eureka's passages into Ao's world was to seed it with Ao and Elena, the latter of whom is directly related to Anemone as Ao is to Eureka.
The Truth is the manifestation of the pankrator, or perhaps the fourth spoke in the Trinity, who walks as a test of mankind, sort of like a symbol of gnosis.
A very nice conclusion to the arc. The best part is is that Luke didn't even have to bail out Cecily at all. She basically gets in a rematch with the girls with their demon swords again and easily beats them all after learning how to deal with their quirks. It's kinda sad to see them go. I hope they come back later in the show at some point...![]()
That kind of scene would work better if she had something to fill that top...
Don't worry Cecily, we figured that out a long time ago.
eureka seven Ao - 11
I hope the actual resolution to the 'puzzle' of the series is something retarded like the hollow earth theory.
It was a nice pair of chapters they used to close out the series, but yeah, nothing about it really felt "final". I guess all that talk of an anime original ending was just rumors after all.Mysterious Girlfriend X 13
That wasn't...entirely what I expected from the final episode to this series. It was a little...disappointing, but I really don't know what I was expecting.
They just realised that there is a serious lack of comedies in their recent library is all.Considering how poorly it was recieved, that seems an odd choice. Perhaps they're playing on the 'strength' of the Blood name and a general interest in vampire shit.
They just realised that there is a serious lack of comedies in their recent library is all.
That would make sense actually, they probably figured they could make a bit more money from people buying both/sitting on the fence on the film until seeing the series etc.I wonder if they wanted the movie but had to license the tv show to get it.
Deadman Wonderland 06
Every week I think the fucked-upness of this show has plateaued, and every week I am proven wrong.