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Summer 2012 Anime |OT| Goddesses, canines, and killer MMOs!

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Subete no aware
For people wondering about what's the deal with this whole Muv-Luv thing, JP Meyer wrote a post explaining the games. This anime is an adaptation of a spinoff prequel novel.

Dear god, that Engrish.
so is this whole Muv luv thing... a big deal? Is it worth investing time/sanity to? I'm running quite low on both :(
It all sounds so absurd.


Your main problem here isn't that you're wrong, it's that you seem to have forgotten just how bad most anime is... you've watched more stuff from this season now. Would you still single out Arcana Famiglia so much, compared to those shows, most of which are probably even worse?
Of all the people to tell that they've forgotten how bad most anime is you tell me? The person that hates almost everything? And concerning Arcana Famiglia, fuck yes I will single that shit out. It's still the only first episode of anything this season I have not been able to finish because it sucked too hard. I finished Campione. Finished Sword Art Online. Finished Binbougami ga. Finshed Hagure Yuusha no Estetica! Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Natsuyuki Rendezvous. Only show I wasn't able to even sit through all the way was La storia della Arcana Famiglia. Despite being not as pervy as some of the other drek I watched this season it's still a shittier show.

Because yes, I do think it's fair to compare things to other things in their category. Sure, overall comparisons, including other things, are reasonable too -- and yeah, Arcana Famiglia doesn't hold up too well there -- but it doesn't fail quite as badly as you say, either. I mean, it's not a great show, certainly, and I gave some reasons for that too, but you exaggerate. It IS average (for anime) in plenty of ways. Is it below average in more than it's above average? Perhaps, yeah. But you go too far.
Tell me what good it does to say that something is shit, but less shitty than most? Something's either good or not and just because it has competitors that are even worse does not make it better by default.

Bodacious Space Pirates stuff. I'm not going to bother quoting this or spending too much time on it because I still have seen no more of the show than I did when I made the previous post. There's really nowhere for this to go because I never plan on watching another episode.

All I will say is this, it's unusual for Privateers, pirates, to become teachers at a school. It's unusual for a school to have a pirate ship. What I'm saying is the level of integration between these pirate/privateers and the government suggests a cozier relationship than a standard Letter or Marquee would suggest. It's one thing to have a questionable, read illegal, lifestyle and it be sanctioned by the government so long as you do it towards a common enemy and a totally different thing to actually be welcomed by that government as upstanding citizens and allowed government jobs and shit like that. They are not merely granted authority by the government to sink and pillage the enemy they're welcomed with open arms as members of society which is fucking weird.

Campione stuff
Yeah, it's pretty bad. And as I said in my review, I hated the sexism too... of course she has to be repeatedly saved, simply because she's a girl and he's a guy. Who cares that she's a trained fighter while he's a civilian nobody? He's the MC, so he rescues the girl multiple times (I don't know which way you'd think on that issue...). But even besides that, the whole thing's really bland, subpar, and uninteresting. There were some decent parts of it (I don't completely hate the characters, for instance), but overall... zzzz.
The show sucked but I'm not sure it's sexist. Ok, well it is but unless everyone on a team's on the exact same level in a show if someone gets saved by someone else does it have to be sexist? Her getting saved by the MC isn't inherently sexist, the show's aimed at men, the leads a man, deal with it. I wouldn't call a show where the female lead saves a male sexist by default either. Things are what they are and if you're going to have mixed gender team ups one of the genders is going to get saved by the other.

Now the show's still sexist because she's nothing but a walking pair of tits, something for the MC to defend and someone to inspire the hero to do better. She's not a character but a plot device. So yeah, sexist show is sexist.

But I don't even care about that! What pisses me off is what a poor plot device she is! I mean, the girl can fly and she gets saved from falling! God damnit. You know, up until that point her flying was like the only fucking skill they even showed she had besides also speaking Japanese, naturally, so of all the lame things she needed to be rescued from a fall was the least of what I expected. It's also the most insulting to her as a chara.. ahem.. plot device because aside form looking pretty in a dress that's the only thing we expect her to do at that point, fucking fly. It's not like she was particularly built up in the first place but now the only thing they can do to degrade the poor woman now is have the main come in and have to translate Japanese for her, because being bilingual's the only strength she has now besides being a sex object.

But, I mean, again, it's not so much the sexism but the poor presentation of it. The show fails because the writing is fucking shit. They want her to seem cool but she's nerfed to hell, her one ability to fly's defeated in the first episode and she's repeatedly saved by some lame amateur. That's pretty insulting on it's own but then, then they have the nerve to write all the other scenes. Like seriously, why the fuck did they all go and get drunk? Just a normal nightcap for a 16 year old in Italy? Some kind of celebration for not defeating that God earlier in the episode? A celebration for delivering the tablet to the witch? Why the fuck is she getting drunk? Just for the undressing scene. It's so painful because that's the only reason the drinking scene prior existed, they didn't even bother writing in a reason for why they're getting drunk.

There's not even a hint of characterization here, they're just moving her body through scene to scene for no reason but for her to be there. And that's why the show sucks. The girl doesn't even exist as a character and as a plot point they don't even bother figuring out how she/it gets from point a to b except that however it is it's on top of a car.

You say you don't completely hate the characters, I haven't even seen the characters yet, I doubt the show has any characters. Just fucking animated plot avatars.

But it's still better than La storia della Arcana Famiglia.

And Angel Beats still sucks, not because of Key but because of itself.


I wonder when T-M is going to give fans what they really want and revisit F/SN in animated form. I guess it's the T-M equivalent of the FFVII remake: never gonna happen.

They should just adapting Heaven's Feel, n all people gonna happy.

People at here gonna feel its weaker than F/Z (It is) if they are really make one but its good enough to being proper sequel for F/Z and give everyone answer that they wanted, maybe not about Saber, but no one here give a damn about Saber, so...


Yes, that post was quite the rambling. So... I'll try a tl;dr version.

With the first Muv-Luv, the developer essentially pulled a switcheroo bigger than MGS2 Raiden.

On the surface, Muv-Luv is a typical zany moe comedy, full of otaku references. The bland protagonist has a childhood friend, and now a rich and powerful lady suddenly appears and claims to be her wife, this sort of thing.

However, this moe comedy is only Muv-Luv Extra, the first half of the story. In the second half, Muv-Luv Unlimited, the protagonist would suddenly be displaced into a parallel universe, where humanity has been at war with aliens since the 1960s, and his classmates are all soldiers. The protagonist took part in training, and participated in a desperate bid for humanity's survival. His childhood friend, however, has been missing throughout the story.

The last part of the story, Muv-Luv Alternative, was released as a separate game, and is supposed to be the true heart of the story. The protagonist was again transferred back to the beginning of Muv-Luv Unlimited. He tried to use his knowledge about how things happened to influence the world for the better, but in the end, he might be only making everything worse.

The anime is an adaptation of a spinoff prequel; which, yes, means all the characters are doomed.
Phi Brain s2 14

And just when we thought Nonoha wouldn't be useless for once, she is anyway!

Broken Freecell is amusing. Yeah, I'm sure you want to be the only one who gets to "Puzzle Time" Kaito (if that's what the kids are calling it these days).

They really do the broken characters well, Rook last season and now Freecell. Hope he gets that puzzle time.
The anime is an adaptation of a spinoff prequel; which, yes, means all the characters are doomed.

It's set in Alaska, so that's not necessarily true.


muvluv = shitty harem romcom

muvluv aternative = grimdark

muvluv total eclipse = grimdark spinoff of grimdark
Basically. Extra is a shitty harem comedy, Unlimited is basically an extended prologue to Alternative where it gets all grimdark.



muvluv = shitty harem romcom

muvluv aternative = grimdark

muvluv total eclipse = grimdark spinoff of grimdark

Yes, it's about a moe comedy protagonist being thrown into a grimdark world, no doubt the wish of many angry anime watchers.


Yes, that post was quite the rambling. So... I'll try a tl;dr version.

With the first Muv-Luv, the developer essentially pulled a switcheroo bigger than MGS2 Raiden.

On the surface, Muv-Luv is a typical zany moe comedy, full of otaku references. The bland protagonist has a childhood friend, and now a rich and powerful lady suddenly appears and claims to be her wife, this sort of thing.

However, this moe comedy is only Muv-Luv Extra, the first half of the story. In the second half, Muv-Luv Unlimited, the protagonist would suddenly be displaced into a parallel universe, where humanity has been at war with aliens since the 1960s, and his classmates are all soldiers. The protagonist took part in training, and participated in a desperate bid for humanity's survival. His childhood friend, however, has been missing throughout the story.

The last part of the story, Muv-Luv Alternative, was released as a separate game, and is supposed to be the true heart of the story. The protagonist was again transferred back to the beginning of Muv-Luv Unlimited. He tried to use his knowledge about how things happened to influence the world for the better, but in the end, he might be only making everything worse.

The anime is an adaptation of a spinoff prequel; which, yes, means all the characters are doomed.

So how does KGNE fit in again and does this basically mean the anime is basically sleazy Fate Zero?


Basically. Extra is a shitty harem comedy, Unlimited is basically an extended prologue to Alternative where it gets all grimdark.

Well, I think part of the point of JP Meyer's post is, a lot of subtle things about the story only work when you've seen all of the story.

His example: a girl punching the protagonist is a generic romcom joke; but when she punches him in the third timeline, his body has been hardened by battle, and the girl's fist would hurt, turning it into a serious moment.


Muv Luv 2

Michael Bay would be proud.

Whenever a show makes me laugh at dramatic death scenes, it's a clear cut sign to stop watching. The "It's so terrible, it's good" people might wanna try this though. The last show that had me laughing at slaughters was Blood-C.

Jinrui 2

This on the other hand is still amazing, the comedy even improved here. Looking like the early show of the season candidate.

Tari Tari 2

Eh, didn't really end up as good as I was hoping after the first episode. Seemed a bit lacking in focus. I don't think the two guys did anything besides walk around a bit this episode. More group chemistry would have been better, hopefully it'll come together.


So how does KGNE fit in again and does this basically mean the anime is basically sleazy Fate Zero?

KGNE and the first shitty romcom part are in the same timeline. The KGNE characters also have minor cameo appearances in Muv-Luv Alternative.


Hyouka 12


Good episode. Not much really happened since it seems like it's setting itself up for another arc but holy crap I loved how fleshed out and detailed the Culture Festival was in this episode.

Also new ED = big upgrade


Star Blazers 1-2

We're offfffff to outer spaaaaaaaaaace
We're leeeeeeaving mooooother eaaaaaarth
to saveeeeeee the humaaaan raaaaaace
Ouuuuuur Staaaaaaaaaar Blaaaaaaaaaazerssssssss

Surprisingly watchable for something from the 70s, even if the dialogue is comically flat sometimes.

Feels like I'm watching history...


Maturity, bitches.
Do you think I could use a GIF-making thingy on a DVD I'm playing on my PC, or would it suck too much?

Depends on what you use to make GIFs.

Well since that image in marked NSFW I won't risk clicking it now. Something to look forward to at home time.


hyouka 11.5

the whole episode was just oreki checking out chitanda's body.


after this awkward moment i think he was fairly satisfied!
Gundam Age 39

Gundam Legilis, Gundam Age 2, and G-Exes are probably my favorite ones in the anime. I think it possibly the best of the third gen in terms of not being all that bulky but still being fast, and having the best accessories. I wonder what new Earth forces suits will be developed in response.

Lord Ezelcant sama has some dedication and I really hope he survives long enough for his goal. Time is ticking on his life, though if he dies, would Zehearto assume the missions and still carry out attacks on Earth? With three destinies I wonder who will ultimately bring about the resolution. Also Asemu was quite good for being a non x rounder still, while Kio was pretty pointless though making a few strides.


sealed with a kiss
Joshiraku 1

As you would expect from the creator of SZS, this was pretty much all talk and wordplay. It was also pretty fun! It's always nice when I can catch a few of the "untranslatable" puns. ^^


My Bride is a Mermaid 1


You know, when I started watching this series, I did not expect Yakuza Mermaids.

The dub is hilarious.

/edit BONUS

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