This is nothing to wasa wasa about.I'm still trying to work out whether I can ever forgive them for Kill Me Baby. And that was just this Spring.
Another member of Union Flag watch!Look at that, they got the Union Flag right! That's an achievement.
I'm going to pay particular attention to wether or not they got the colour of my front door right.Considering the movie takes place in London, I'd hope KyoAni would research enough to get it right.
I must ask whether you are watching the dub or not. This is one of the few good dubs if only for the best character in the show.Girls Bravo 6
This episode is like one of those like Pikachu's Goodbye where they make it seem like this is the end, but it's so obvious that it isn't. Not only that, a new girl is introduced at the very end of the episode. Hopefully the next episode is back to form.
How can you forget the con episode?Every time I think of this show I think of the banana scene.
I have literally forgotten everything else about the show.
Real Pic January and the DMC2 sequel July have proven that insult still fly even with ones real appearance in full view.My thoughts exactly
I guess seeing each other in real time would make you reconsider flinging insults around
but man, there are more anime tropes than mmo tropes as of right now
I guess I can throw my yuri goggles away. (Lagrange S2 spoiler)

He is only dead when the HP hits 0. Force that potion down his throat while the HP is still sliding and he will survive. And he spoke for quite some time for a dead guy.The guy wasalready "dead", the dead guy reject the potion because that just wasting item